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Internet Consumption is the use of the internet for all kinds of needs. Electronic computer network provides the residents with technical foundation on the consumption, and the fundamental reason for the use of internet consumption is the lower the cost of transactions while the direct reason for spreading of it is the convenience and efficiency of internet.
     Using mass production to satisfy consumers is the special case only in industrialization, but when the restrictions of physical conditions are removed, the demand of the consumer will be embodied better. In the internet, consumers are also producers. Many commodities in the internet is highly relevant with the theory of long tail. The fundamental mechanisms of production in long tail is from amateur to professional specialization of integration. Coordinate the tail, a dimension is number, the other is varieties. The head is the sales volume with fewer varieties, the tail is most varieties but with smaller volume. The advantage of specialized division is to improve efficiency, in unit time it can produce more varieties of a single product. While the diversification of production depends on more creativity and personal interests, therefore amateur exchanges become cheap modes of production. Thus, internet consumption faces a market which is not similar with the traditional scaricity of market economy, but with a market which is opulence economy(that is, the marginal cost of elements is almost zero). In the market the consumer is divided based on personal interest .Internet brings new patterns of consumption, expands the scope of consumption, makes the consumption structure reasonable, updates the consumption phase, makes consumption stronger individually and satisfies consumer higher. The rise of internet consumption also brings tremendous social impact and the influence on human beings should not be overlooked.
     Data from the China Internet Information Center show that China's network consumer increased from 22.5 million in 2000 to 137 million in 2006. In recent years, the steady growth of China's netizens shows that the potential of internet consumption is huge. All these show a great potential for development: online games, shopping networks, blog, instant communication, network education, financial networks, and digital magazines.
     However, as China's internet develops later than other countries in the world, there are many problems, such as internet consumption risks, credit problems, quality of consumer, internet confusion in the market as well as a series of social problems, such as information fetishism, the internet of SARS, internet trenches, and low consumption power networks, which are impeding internet consumption further development.
     As the role of information industry in boosting the national economy is obvious, information consumption occupies largely in the internet consumption, its development is bound to play a role in promoting the national economy, and the development of internet consumption can bring about the upgrading of the consumption structure, which will stimulate economic development. In addition, the emerging network of consumption patterns can improve the efficiency of economic operations and enrich the lives of the residents. Therefore the development of the internet consumption is of great significance.
     Developed countries such as the United States, Japan, set good examples for China on internet consumption. Certain measures must be taken to improve the internet consumption by the government: upgrading technology, strengthening security; perfecting personal credit system, laws of electronic payment and regulations, forming a legal right network explicitly, protecting the rights of consumers, strengthening guidance and cultivating a rational, health network which is the way of development of the internet in our country.
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