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固体氧化物燃料电池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC)以其安静、环保、高效的优点而成为21世纪最具发展前景的供电技术。其普及应用对保护环境、缓解能源危机具有重大的意义。随着SOFC技术的发展,电堆在实验室环境下已经具有良好的工作性能,但SOFC要走向应用,就必须脱离实验台的环境成为独立发电系统。因此,实现SOFC独立发电系统稳定、高效、长寿命地运行是其产业化应用的必经之路。为此,本文就SOFC独立发电系统的温度约束、功率跟踪和系统效率三个关键问题,从热电耦合建模、稳态性能优化、系统综合控制三个方面进行了深入的研究。由于本文具有很强的工程项目背景,所以本文的理论及方法研究成果均以能真正指导实际应用为检验标准。根据项目的推进计划,本文具体的研究对象为5kW平板式纯氢气SOFC独立发电系统以及水蒸气重整器,为后续集成重整器的SOFC独立发电系统的理论、方法研究及应用打下坚实的基础。
Due to the advantages of quiet operation, environmental friendly and high efficiency,SOFC (Solid oxide fuel cell) becomes the most promising power technology in21century.Although the SOFC stack achieves a good performance in laboratory conditions, thestand-alone SOFC system still faces the challenges of long-life time, high efficiency andload following in the process of the large-scale implementation. In order to achieve anstable and long-life operation for a stand-alone solid oxide fuel cell system, thetemperature constraints, load following and high efficiency are studied in this dissertationfrom the aspects of thermo-electrical modeling, steady-state analysis, observer design andcontroller development. Based on an engineering project, a steam reformer and a5kWscale pure hydrogen planar SOFC stand-alone system is studied in this dissertation.
     Firstly, a high-fidelity physical model of a improved SOFC system comprising aco-flow SOFC stack, a tail-burner, two heat-exchangers, a blower and a bypass valve, isdeveloped to capture both steady state and transient behavior of the system as well as thetemperature distributions in SOFC along the direction of gas flow. In order to ensure theaccuracy of the system model, the electrical characteristics of stack are validated by plentyexperimental data from two SOFC stacks (22and24cells) assembled in lab. The resultsconfirm the effectiveness of the work in this dissertation.
     Based on this model, the steady state performance of the system is analyzed andoptimized, which gives insights into the sensitivity of input variables to systemtemperature constraints, load following and system efficiency. And then, the systemopen-loop response between two optimal operation points are investigated. Moreover, thesimulation results show that the bypass valve in SOFC system can be used to improve thesystem efficiency and manage spatial temperature distribution both. As the spatialtemperature distribution profile is critical for the safe operation of SOFC system, andcannot be obtained by practical directly measuring at an acceptable cost, an accurate andfast linear observer is developed according to a novel sensor configuration estimationmethod to estimate the spatial temperature distribution profile in SOFC.
     Finally, two control strategies named “T-S fuzzy model based constrained generalizedpredictive control (TS-CGPC)” and “optimal operation points based temperatureconstraints feed forward and load following feedback control (OOPFF-FB)” areimplemented to steam reformer and the5kW SOFC system separately. Due to the steamreformer model can be modified by experimental data from the steam reformer prototype,a “T-S CGPC” controller is developed for practical implementation. In order to achievefast calculation, the CARIMA model in GPC is revised with the consequent parameters ofonline T-S fuzzy model and the input constraints is handled by the Lagrange multipliertechnique. The simulation results shows the reforming process can be well managed byTS-CGPC controller, which is better than PID controller. However, the SOFC system isunder assembly process, and the SOFC system model cannot be modified. The systemorder and time-delay coefficients are not available for the development of TS-CGPCcontroller for SOFC system. Therefore, based on the steady-state analysis and temperatureobserver, the control strategy of “OOPFF-FB” is proposed for the cooperative control oftemperature, power, efficiency in SOFC system. The simulation results demonstrate thatthe temperature variation of SOFC is effectively restrained during fast load following, andthe system efficiency is guaranteed by the optimal operation point. In a word, the SOFCsystem achieves high system efficiency and fast load following capability withouttemperature constraints violation.
     The modeling and control analysis results in this work can be extended to any SOFCsystems with different configurations and other similar nonlinear system, and provides avaluable solution for the control of SOFC system to achieve high efficiency, longlife timeand fast load following capability.
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