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重症肌无力(Myasthenia Gravis,MG)是人类的一种由针对神经肌肉接头突触后膜上乙酰胆碱受体(AChR)的自身抗体介导的器官特异自身免疫疾病,其临床表现主要有部分或骨骼肌易疲劳,呈波动性肌无力,具体活动后加重、休息后减轻和晨轻暮重等,约1%的MG患者可出现肌无力危象,抢救不及时,可引起死亡。
Myasthenia gravis(MG) is a T cell-regulated,antibody-mediated autoimmune disease.Impaired neuromuscular transmission characteristic of MG results from antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor(AchR) of skeletal muscle.Experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis(EAMG)is a well-established animal model for human myasthenia gravis(MG).The IL-6, TGF-β1,CD4~+/CD8~+,might be involved in the developed of both MG and EAMG,while TGF-β1may have suppressive effect in both diseases.
     Jianpiqushi Prescription is an effective herbal prescription to treat Myasthenia gravis(MG).Jianpiqushi Prescription has been used to treat thousands of MG cases and got good result.This thesis,which establishing EAMG model in rats and focusing on cytokines IL-6,TGF-β1 etc,to studied the functional mechanism of Jianpiqushi Prescription preventing from MG.
     Objective:Studied the therapeutic mechanism of Jianpiqushi Prescription to EAMG.
     Method:To investigate the influence of Jianpiqushi Prescription to experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis(EAMG).Lewis rats were immunized with Torpedo-derived 97-116 peptide of the AchRα-subunit in CFA.After the third immunization,the rats' weights,symptoms,activities electromyograms were observed to judgement the EAMG Model were succeed made.Then these succeed made EAMG model were administered by Prednisone and Jianpiqushi Prescription,and killed after 4 weeks.By using the flowcytometric analysis and immunohistochemical technique,the effects of the Jianpiqushi Prescription and Prednisone on the T lymphocyte and T lymphocyte subgroups of the EAMG of rats were observed respectively.The effect of Jianpiqushi Prescription and Prednisone on the EAMG cytokines was observed by examining the index of IL-6, TGF-β1,AchR-Ab.
     model judgement:
     There were 32 successful EAMG models of 39 Lewis rats.EAMG models were easy to fatigue.The weights of them reduced.The results of the percentage of decrement of RNS had significent differenc from normal rats.
     The results of the effect of Jianpiqushi Prescription and Prednisone on the EAMG were as below:
     Jianpiqushi PrescriPtion could improve clinical symptoms,increase body weight,increase the titers of TGF-β1 and decrease titers of AChR-Ab、IL-6,comparing from the model group.
     The AchR-Ab indexes were no significent differences between Jianpiqushi Prescription in high dosage group and Prednisone group.Compared with Prednisone grou,the levets of AchR-Ab of Jianpiqushi Prescription in low dosage group were heightened.
     Effect of Jianpiqushi Prescription on cytokine of EAMG rats: Compared with CFA group,levels of IL-6 of model group were heightened remarkably,P<0.01.Compared with Prednisone grou,the levels of IL-6 of Jianpiqushi Prescription in low dosage group were heightened。The IL-6 indexes were no significent differences between Jianpiqushi Prescription in high dosage group and low dosage group.
     Compared with CFA group,levels of TGF-β1 of model group were declined. Compared with Prednisone grou,the levels of TGF-β1 of Jianpiqushi Prescription in high and low dosage group were both declined.The TGF-β1 indexes were no significent differences between Jianpiqushi Prescription in high dosage group and low dosage group.
     The ratio of CD4~+:
     Compared with Prednisone grou,the ratio of CD4~+ of model group were heightened.The ratio of CD4~+ were no significent differences between model group and CFA group.There were no significent differences between Jianpiqushi Prescription in high dosage group and low dosage group.
     The ratio of CD8~+:
     Compared with Prednisone group,the ratio of CD8~+ of model group were heightened.
     Compared with Prednisone group,the ratio of CD8~+ of Jianpiqushi Prescription in low dosage group were heightened.
     Compared with Jianpiqushi Prescription in high dosage group and low dosage group,the ratio CD4~+/CD8~+ of the CFA group was decreased significantly.
     Conclusions:Jianpiqushi Prescription can improve the lack strength of muscles and regulate the Tlymphocyte and antibody immunological function through impacting on the Tlymphocyte and Tlymphocyte subgroup and cell factor to treat MG.Jianpiqushi Prescription could increased the ratio of CD4~+/CD8~+,but Prednisone was decreased.Prednisone could more decreased the levels of IL-6 and AchR-Ab than the Jianpiqushi Prescription.Jianpiqushi Prescription could increased the levels of TGF-β1 to normal.
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