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变极性PMIG(简称VP PMIG)焊是一种交流脉冲熔化极焊接方法,可用于焊接铝合金、低碳钢以及不锈钢,它的优势是可以通过调整EN极性占整个变极性脉冲电流周期的比例(简称EN比率),实现对焊接电弧能量的控制,从而达到对焊缝熔深、送丝速度的控制,非常适合于薄板铝和金焊接,并且可以获得很高的焊接效率。
     根据薄板铝合金焊接工艺要求,在基于DSP控制的VP PMIG焊接设备结构的基础上,设计了逆变焊接电源数字化控制系统,完善了该焊接设备,系统工作过程稳定、控制精度高。焊接电源主电路采用IGBT二次逆变技术实现变极性焊接电流的输出,内环电流反馈实现焊接电流的恒流控制,外环电压反馈通过控制电弧电压实现电弧弧长的调节。针对铝合金VP PMIG焊接电流过零后存在电弧再引燃问题,采用单电源供电方式,设计了一种全桥式高压脉冲稳弧电路,可实现小基值电流过零时的双向稳弧,保证了焊接电流过零时电弧燃烧的稳定性。
Variable Polarity Pulsed MIG (VP PMIG)is a consumable electrode AC pulse weldingprocess, it can used to weld aluminum alloy, mild steel and stainless steel. The advantages such aswelding arc energy, wire melting rate and penetration of weld can be controlled by regulate theratio of EN time to the period of varied polarity pulse current. VP PMIG is appropriate to weldthin plate of aluminum alloy and efficiency is great.
     A digital control system of VP PMIG arc welding power source is developed based on DSP,the topology and the output current waveform designed can meet the requirement of thin platewelding. Waveform of Varied polarity current is realized by using IGBT as switches of secondaryinverter, constant welding current is realized by inside loop of feedback of current, regulate of arclength can be realized by outside loop of feedback of arc voltage. A full bridge high voltage pulsedarc stabilizing circuit which was powered by single power source is designed to avoid ofextinguishing of cross zero welding arc. This circuit can maintain the stable of arc di-directionallywhen small background current cross zero, ensure the stable burning of welding arc when weldingcurrent cross zero.
     DSP (TMS320F2812) is the control kernel of VP PMIG power source. Hardware circuit issimplified by using software to control complicated welding process.As to control of weldingprocess,a way of digitital PI arithmetic is used for closed loop of constant-current.
     CPLD(EPM7128STC100) is the PWM kernel of digital control system.The digital control ofPWM is developed,without the fault of former ananlog control of PWM,the new control of PWMis much more convenient,dependable and cheaper.With the ability of logic programed as toCPLD,the protect circuit is designed to control the signal of PWM.
     The digital controlling system is used in welding power source .we program constant-currentcontrol software and research respectively the current and voltage step response of power source.The experiment proved that the welding inverter can control the constant-current waveformsprecisely and meet the design requirements.
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