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Industrial symbiosis is an important research field of Industrial ecology, which can facilitate the exchange use of the material, energy, water, waste and by-products between different corporations, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the relief of global warming, and sustainable use of fossil fuels to obtain an effective way of achieving win-win s ituation be tween e conomy a nd the environment. C hlor-alkali che mical industry is the traditional "three high and one low" industry. A scientific plan for the industrial symbiosis network of chlor-alkali chemical industry is studied in this paper, in addition of the evaluation on the operation situation.
     1) A model of industrial symbiosis network in the chlor-alkali chemical industry was studied, including the leading type, equality-based, hybrid and virtual. The main features of various models were analyzed, in addition of the differences in resource conservation, us e of b y-product a nd w aste di sposal. T he be nefits of i ndustrial symbiosis on economic, environmental and social effects were confirmed in term of the analysis on the model of industrial symbiosis network. The chlor-alkali chemical industry B is relatively small-scale, without resource advantages and sufficient funds for the expansion of upstream or downstream business, which led to the leading type of industrial symbiosis networks with the chlor-alkali chemical industry as the core role. The analysis on the current flow of chlorine in chlor-alkali chemical industry B showed lower utilization part in the process, which provided a quantitative basis for design improvements and extension of the product chain.
     2) A comprehensive utilization scheme of by-product of chlorine alkali chemical, liquid chlorine and the waste of chlorine alkali chemical, carbide slag was obtained. How to choose the rational products from a number of downstream products of liquid chlorine should rely on a reasonable scientific screening and evaluation process. This paper presents a m ulti-product Screening-Evaluating Model, first selected from the market principle, environment and industrial policies and actual needs of enterprises, and t hen e valuation i ndex system es tablished f rom t he econom ic, social and environmental di mensions, w ith t he m arket pr ospects, e xpected pr ofit r ate of investment, industrial policy support, degree of regional coordination, the difficulty of process t echnology, c lean t echnology, t he consumption of c hlorine, a lkali consumption as the indicators, by the project method, followed by the analysis on the technical, economic, social benefits and the risks of the waste, carbide slag, made into cement. Finally, a model of the environment influenced by the chemical element flow was set up from the production unit, recovery unit and the environmental unit that can analyze the elements of the program flow of industrial symbiosis of natural resource utilization and waste emissions, and the results showed that the industrial symbiosis network can improve the natural resource utilization and reducing waste emissions.
     3) Chlor-Alkali Chemical Industrial Ecological Industrial Park is established on the basis of the symbiotic network. A comprehensive evaluation indicator system was established from the economic indicators, material reduction and recycling, pollution control, eco-environmental indicators and indicators of park management with the weight of e ach i ndicator de termined b y AHP, a nd e co-industrial va lue of comprehensive evaluation calculated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to analyze the advantages and deficiencies of the eco-industry park.
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