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With the rapid development of the global economy, occupational safety has become a topic of concern to the community and businesses. Safety culture has been caught attention due to its positive role in improving safety performance. In China’s industrial enterprises, coal-mine enterprises’safety situation is the most severe. Though much improvement in coal mine safety has been achieved, the industry still continues to lag behind most other industries with regard to safety in China, so it’s requisite to establish positive safety culture to continuously improve its safety performance.
     In this paper, coal mine safety culture is the research object, and the promotion role of safety culture on safety performance was discussed. The current problems in the development of coal mine safety culture problems were analyzed and summarized. Coal mine safety leadership and safety citizenship behavior were proposed for the first time, and coal mine safety culture and coal mine safety climate were defined in the paper.
     Based on the theory research, the coal mine safety leadership questionnaire, safety climate questionnaire and safety citizenship behavior questionnaire were developed. The safety climate survey was conducted in four coal mines, Through the exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis, the final factor structure containing 4 factors and 21 items was got. The four factors were: management commitment to safety, safety training, employee safety involvement and employee safety awareness. The safety leadership and safety citizenship behavior surveys were conducted in three coal mines, the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to confirm the factor structure of each scale. The factor structure of safety leadership contained 3 factors and 19 items including active management, safety incentives and safety monitor. The factor structure of safety citizenship behavior contained 2 factors and 12 items including safety concern and active involvement.
     The causality model between safety climate factors was developed using structural equation model. The model indicated that management commitment factor had direct positive impact on safety training and employee involvement factor, and the effect of management commitment to safety on employee safety awareness was fully mediated by safety training.
     The second-order factor models of safety leadership, safety climate and safety citizenship behavior were developed through structural equation model. Based on these models, the causality model among safety leadership, safety climate and safety citizenship behavior was developed through structural equation model. The model indicated that safety leadership predicted safety climate, safety climate predicted safety citizenship behavior, and the effect of safety leadership on safety citizenship behavior was fully mediated by safety climate.
     On the basis of the above research, the systematic development model of coal mine safety culture was proposed with the continual improvement mode. The safety climate, safety benchmarking, safety management system and behavioral safety programmes were put together into this model. The core effect of safety leadership at all management levels on safety culture was highlighted. And the key elements of this model and their relationship were discussed in detail.
     According to the lack of safety climate survey software, a network coal mine safety climate survey software was developed and applied in coal mine. This software could be used by coal mines to survey their safety climate regularly on their own and compare and analyzed the results of safety climate surveys among different sectors in different time. A network hazard reporting process software was also developed which could provide a platform for employees to involve in safety matter and promote safety information transfer from bottom to up.
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