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The environment atmosphere in furniture monopolized stores was studied in the paperfrom the angle of lighting factors such as lighting method, light source intensity and sourcecolor temperature. The research was divided into two parts: investigation and experimentalresearch. Based on the research conclusions, the method of lighting design in furnituremonopolized stores was put forward, that is atmosphere quantization method and it waspracticed by an example. The main conclusions were as follows:
     (1) By actual measurement of environment in furniture monopolized stores, it was foundthat,as respect to luminance contrast, local brightness contrast decided the level of visualsatisfaction of customers, and the higher the contrast was,more satisfaction was achieved. As tothe level of luminance, furniture with the surface of light color and high reflectivity neededlower level of luminance, while furniture with the surface of deep color and opacifier fabricsneeded higher level of luminance.With respect to luminance distribution, the luminancedistribution of integral space mainly concentrated on furniture products. The luminancedistribution of furniture product itself differed according to furniture shape.The luminance areaof high furniture mainly concentrated on vertical planes while the luminance area of middle andlow furniture mainly concentrated on horizontal planes. As to the selection of lighting method,vertical illumination, environmental lighting and accent lighting were commonly used by tradecompanies and customers were also satisfied with those lighting methods.
     (2)The factor analysis results of lighting and characteristics of visual perception infurniture monopolized stores showed that, the level of luminance and its distribution of integralspace and local luminance contrast in the furniture display area were the two factors of biggestcontribution rate on visual satisfaction. The total contribution rate was about50%. The secondwas ground luminance factors and the last was light color and top surface lighting. It was alsofound that vertical illumination played an important role in lighting method.
     (3)29subjects (15male,14female) were asked to make subjective evaluations onsimulative environment atmosphere in furniture monopolized stores.The questionnaire includedfour index:―space appearance‖,―space impressions‖,―fondness‖and―commercial ambience‖.
     The analysis results of―space appearance‖questionnaire showed that, whether in a singlelighting or mixed lighting conditions, subjects could distinguish different lighting sourceintensity and different lighting methods (light distribution). Stimulation had a relation with thelevel of integral space luminance and luminance distribution. Uneven luminance distributionand higher level of luminance leaded to higher stimulation. In addition, it was found that inenvironmental lighting conditions(T8), as compared to male, female felt the temperature waswarmer and light distribution was more even. The analysis results of―space impressions‖questionnaire showed that, whether in a singlelighting or mixed lighting conditions, publicity and broadness had a relation with colortemperature, intensity and lighting method. The higher color temperature, higher intensity oflight source and environmental lighting method contributed to increase broadness of the space.Low intensity of light source and accent lighting method contributed to increase the sense ofprivacy of the space.。
     The results of―preference‖questionnaire showed that, the preference of subjects differedaccording to different lighting types. When in a single lighting conditions, the internalconsistency of three evaluation contents on the index of―fondness‖was high. It could begenerally described that subjects preferred to lower color temperature and higher intensitylighting conditions. When in mixed lighting conditions, as to the evaluation items―beautifulfeelings‖and―attraction‖in the evaluation contents of fondness, subjects preferred the lightingconditions with uneven luminance distribution and high local luminance contrast.
     The results of―commercial ambience‖questionnaire showed that, the commercialambience of spaces differed according to different lighting types. When in a single lightingconditions, the internal consistency of three evaluation contents on the index of―commercialambience‖was high. It could be generally described that commercial ambience was better inlow color temperature and high intensity lighting conditions. When in mixed lighting conditions,on the premise of uneven integral luminance distribution, big local luminance contrast or highlevel of integral luminance could create―expensive‖atmosphere.―The desire to purchase‖only had a relation with integral luminance distribution and the more uneven distribution leadedto greater desire to purchase.―The sense of vividness‖only had a relation with local luminancecontrast, the bigger,the more vivid.
     (4) In the research on the basis of the conclusion, put forward "atmosphere quantitative"lighting design methods, will achieve specific illustrate this way, and finally with the lightingmethod of practical application.
     Based on the research conclusions, the lighting design method of atmosphere quantizationwas put forward, the realization ways were specifically illustrated and finally the lightingmethod was put into practice.
    [3] Philips lighting,Shop lighting application guide,Philips.
    [4] Erco lighting,lighting application guide,Erco.
    [6] Veitch, J. A. Psychological processes influencing lighting quality [J]. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society,2001,30(1),124-140.
    [8] Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad. Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Image on Patronage of Furniture Store[J].International Journal of Marketing Studies,2010,175-184.
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    [15] Stevens, S.S. the psychophysics of sensory function in W.A. Rosenblith (Eds.) Sensory Communication [J], Cambrigde,1961.
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    [20] T.A.M. van Erp, The effects of lighting characteristics on atmosphere perception[D]. Eindhoven University of Technology-Department of Technology Management Educational Program Technical Innovation Science Master’s Program HumanTechnology Interaction,2008
    [21] Knez, I.,&Enmarker, I.(1998). Effects of office lighting on mood and cognitive performance, and a gender effect inwork-related judgement [J]. Environment and Behavior,4,553-567.
    [22]Knez, I.,&Kers, C.(2000). Effects of indoor lighting, gender and age on mood and cognitive performance [J]. Environmentand Behavior,6,817-831.
    [23] De Boer J B et al.nterioe Lighting.(2nd, Edt), Philips Technical Library. Kluwer Technische BoekenB.V-Denverter-Antwerpen,1981,97-100.
    [24]Bodmann H W.Quality of interior lighting based on luminance.Transactions of the IES,London:1967,3(1):22一40.
    [25]Davis Robert G et al. Correlated color temperature, illumiance level, and the Kruithof curve.J.I.E.S.Winter,1990:27-38.
    [26]Boyce P R et al. Effect of correlated colour temperature on the Perception of interiors and colour discriminationPerformance[J].Lighting Research and Technology,1990,22(1):19-36.
    [27]D K Tiller&Veitch. Perceived room brightness: Pilot study on the effect of luminance distribution[J],1994,27(2)93-101.
    [28] Kw House et al.The subjective response to linear fluorescent direct/indirect lighting system [J].lighting Researchtechnology.2002,34(3):243-264
    [29] Seiders, K., and Costley, C.L.(1994). Price awareness of consumers exposed to intense retail rivalry: a field study[J],Advanced in Consumers Research, l.21:79-85
    [30] Fleischer, S., Krueger, H.,&Schierz C. Effect of brightness distribution and light colours on office staff[J], The9thEuropean Lighting Conference Proceeding Book of Lux Europa,(2001).77-80, Reykjavik.
    [31] Flynn, J.E. A study of subjective responses to low energy and nonuniform lighting systems[J]. Lighting Design andApplication,(1977)7,6-15.
    [32] Flynn, J.E., Spencer, T.J. The effect of light source color on user impression and satisfaction[J]. Journal of the IlluminatingEngineering Society,(1977)6,167-179.
    [33]Graziano, A.M.&Raulin, M.L. Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry. Fifth edition. Allyn and Bacon.2004
    [34]Harrington, RE. Effect of color temperature on apparent brightness [J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America,(1954)44,(2),113-116.
    [35]Higgins, K.E., Jaffe M. J., Caruso, R. C.&deMonasterio, F. M. Spatial contrast sensitivity: effects of age, test-retest, andpsychophysical method[J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America,(1988)5,2173-2180.
    [36]Hygge, S.&Knez, Effects of noise, heat and indoor lighting on affect and cognitive[J]. Performance. Journal ofEnvironmental Psychology,(2001),21,291-299.
    [1] T.A.M. van Erp, The effects of lighting characteristics on atmosphere perception. Eindhoven Universityof Technology-Department of Technology Management Educational Program Technical Innovation ScienceMaster’s Program Human Technology Interaction,2008
    [2] Lazarus, R. S. Emotion and adaptation. New York: Oxford University Press.1991
    [3] Ekman, P. An argument for basic emotions [J]. Cognition and Emotion,(1992)6,169-200.
    [4] Mehrabian, A.,&Russell, J.A. The basic emotional impact of environments [J]. Perceptual and MotorSkills,(1974),38,283-301.
    [5] Watson D, Clark LA, Tellegen A. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negativeaffect: the PANAS scales [J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,(1988),54,6,1063-70.
    [6]Russell J.A, Ward L.M&Pratt G. Affective quality attributived to environments: A factor analytic study[J],Environment and Behavior,1981,13,311-322.
    [7] Julie Baker, A Parasuraman, Dhruv Grewal, Glenn B Voss.The influence of multiple store environmentcues on perceived merchandise value and Patronage intentions[J].Journal of Marketing; Apr2002;66,2;ABI/INFORM Global pg.120
    [8] Yasmin Hassan et al. Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Image on Patronage of FurnitureStore[J]. International Journal of Marketing Studies, May2010Vol.2, No.1.175-184.
    [9]Turley,L.W.&Miliman,R.E.Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: a review of the experimentalevidence[J], Journal of Business Research,(2000),49,193-211.
    [10]Bitner, M. J.Evaluating service Encounter: The Effects of Physical Surroundings and EmployeeResponses [J]. Journal of Marketing,(1990),54,69-84
    [11]Baker,J,Parasuraman,A,Grewal,D&Vos,G,B.The Influence of Multiple Store Environment Cues onperceived merchandise Value and Patronage Intentions[J].Journal of Marketing,(2002),66,120-141.
    [12] Küller, R. Ballal, S.&Laike, T. The impact of light and colour on psychological mood: a cross-culturalstudy of indoor work environments. Ergonomics,(2006),49,1496-1507.
    [1]P.Custers et al. lighting in retail environments: Atmosphere perception in the real world [J].lightingResearch technology.2010,42:331-343
    [2]Kw House et al.The subjective response to linear fluorescent direct/indirect lighting system [J].lightingResearch technology.2002,34(3):243-264
    [5]Dale K.Tifler et al.Semantic differential scaling: Prospects in lighting research[J].lighting Researchtechnology.1992,24(1):43-52
    [1] G.A. Alvarez and P. Cavanagh,The Capacity of Visual Short-term Memory Is Set Both by VisualInformation Load and by Number of Objects[J], Psychological Science, Volume15, Number2, February2003.
    [2]T.A.M. van Erp, The effects of lighting characteristics on atmosphere perception. Eindhoven University ofTechnology-Department of Technology Management Educational Program Technical Innovation ScienceMaster’s Program Human Technology Interaction,2008
    [3] Dale K. Tifler and Mark S. Rea Semantic differential scaling: Prospects in lighting research[J], LightingResearch and Technology,1992,24(1)43-52
    [5] Boyce, P. R.. Human factors in lighting.2003.London: Taylor&Francis.
    [6Küller, R. Ballal, S.&Laike, T. The impact of light and colour on psychological mood: a cross-cultural study of indoor work environments. Ergonomics,2006,49,1496-1507.
    [1] G.A. Alvarez and P. Cavanagh,The Capacity of Visual Short-term Memory Is Set Both by VisualInformation Load and by Number of Objects[J], Psychological Science, Volume15, Number2, February2003.
    [2] Sekuler, R.&Blake, R.(2002) Perception,4th edition[M]. New York: McGraw-Hill.
    [1] Philips lighting,Shop lighting application guide,Philips.
    [2] Erco lighting,lighting application guide,Erco.
    [3] Veitch, J. A. Psychological processes influencing lighting quality [J]. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society,2001,30(1),124-140.
    [4] Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad. Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Image on Patronage of Furniture Store[J].International Journal of Marketing Studies,2010,175-184.
    [5] Giraldi, J.M.E. et.al. Retail store image: a comparison among theoretical and empirical dimensions in a Brazilianstudy[J].2005
    [6] R.Michon et al. the interaction effects of the mall environment on shopping behavior [J].Journal of Business Research.2005,58:576-583
    [7] Donovan et al. the interaction effects of the mall environment on shopping behavior [J]. Journal of RetailingVolume70,Issue3, autumn1994, Pages283–294.
    [8] Kordelia Spies et al, Store atmosphere and purchasing behavior [J].Journal of Research in Marketing.14(1997)1-17.
    [9] Ingrid Vogels. Atmosphere Metrics: a tool to quantify perceived atmosphere.[J]2008,http://www.ambiances.net/files/Colloque%202008%20Grenoble/amb8-1vogels.pdf
    [10] Stevens, S.S. the psychophysics of sensory function in W.A. Rosenblith (Eds.) Sensory Communication [J], Cambrigde,1961.
    [11] Davis, R. G.&Ginthner, D. N. Correlated color temperature, illuminance level, and the KruithofCurve [J]. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society,19(1990),27-38.
    [12] Baron, R.A., M.S. Rea and S.G. Daniels. Effects of indoor lighting (illuminance and spectral Distribution) on theperformance of cognitive tasks and interpersonal behaviors: The potential Mediating role of positive affect[J]. Motivation andEmotion,1(1992),1-33.
    [13] McCloughan, C. L. B., Aspinall, P. A.&Webb, R. S. The impact of lighting on mood [J]. LightingResearch and Technology,31(1999),81-88.
    [14] Ays-e Durak et al, Impact of lighting arrangements and illuminances on different impressions of a room[J]Building andEnvironment42(2007)3476–3482
    [15] T.A.M. van Erp, The effects of lighting characteristics on atmosphere perception[D]. Eindhoven University of Technology-Department of Technology Management Educational Program Technical Innovation Science Master’s Program HumanTechnology Interaction,2008
    [16] Knez, I.,&Enmarker, I.(1998). Effects of office lighting on mood and cognitive performance, and a gender effect inwork-related judgement [J]. Environment and Behavior,4,553-567.
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    [19]Bodmann H W.Quality of interior lighting based on luminance.Transactions of the IES,London:1967,3(1):22一40.
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