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Industrial transfer and undertaking is the economic process that industrial shift takes place in different spaces and the result of economic law. For the less developed regions, industrial undertaking is an important means of furthering their economic development. However, there is a sharp contrast between the relative backwardness of traditional theory system and the present situation of regional industry transfer and undertaking carried out in full swing. Therefore, probing into some problems such as the basic trend of industrial transfer and undertaking, the theory construction that can guide the less developed regions to promote economic modernization by carrying on industrial transfer and its strategies and policy options is of great theoretical value and important practical significance for the less-developing region such as Guangxi to grasp the historical opportunity, complete the adjustment and upgrading of industrial stucture and realize the economic benign development.
     Based on relevant theories and empirical researches, taken the theory of integrating advantageous industrial undertaking as analysis framework, industrial transfer and undertaking as mainline, a further discussion was made on the basic mode, undertaking carrier and the role of government in facilitating industrial transfer. Then the current situation of undertaking industrial transfer in Guangxi was thoroughly analyzed. Finally, some countermeasures and suggestions were put forth.
     The thesis consists of three parts, which are theoretical framework, hypotheses test and empirical analysis.
     The part of theoretical framework is divided into two chapters. Chapter1comments on the overseas and domestic theories of industrial transfer, points out the deficiency of traditional industrial transfer theories on guiding industrial transfer and undertaking in less developed region. The purpose, methods and contents of the research are also made clear in this part. Chapter2gives a new explanation on the reasons of industrial transfer and brings in the new guiding theory--integrating advantageous industrial undertaking theory, then put forth three hypotheses according to this theory.
     Chapter3to chapter5is the body of the thesis. Chapter3analyses five basic modes of industrial transfer and proves them with cases. Chapter4is an empirical research on the best mode of industrial undertaking in less developed region, taking Wenzhou Model and Guangxi sugar industry undertaking as examples to prove the first hypothesis:less developed area should undertake industrial transfer with comprehensive mode. Chapter5deals with the function and developing path of industry carriers in the process of industrial undertaking in less-developing region, takes Guangxi Yizhou economic development zone as an illustrative case to prove the second hypothesis:industrial undertaking carriers such as industrial park can help to realize the catching-up of comprehensive advantage. Besides, this chapter also takes in a new interpretation on government function by using integrated advantage theory and summarizes the different methods and effects the government takes in the process of carrier construction. The third hypothesis, proper government intervention is the necessary means of speeding up regional industrial undertaking, is proved in this chapter.
     Chapter6is the empirical analysis of Guangxi. First, this chapter analyses the present situation and characters of carrying on industrial transfer in Guangxi—a less-developing region. At the same time, it establishes mathematical model to test its effect. Then a prediction about the developing trend of industrial transfer in the future is made. What's more, this chapter points out the key factors that affect comprehensive advantage in regional industrial undertaking. Finally, the strategies of carrying on industrial transfer in Guangxi province are put forth according to the previous research findings from four aspects:path selection, planning coordination, guidance and support, essential factors training.
     The last chapter is the conclusion part. It sums up the basic and innovation conclusion of the thesis, then introduces possible contribution the research can make. At the end of the thesis, the existing problems that need further discussion are pointed out and the research prospect is put forth.
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