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The modern agricultural products logistics service system is an important content of the agricultural products marketing modernization and field of agricultural products marketing study,and it has a strategic significance to the development of the modern agriculture.Hubei is a big agricultural province of China with great production and its own dominant products line.The development of the modern agricultural products logistics service system lends itself to the industrialization and market direction of Hubei agriculture and promotes the provincial economy.In this field,Chinese scholars have made a lot of studies with number of fruits.But owing to the faultiness of the agricultural products logistics theory support,these researches are mostly not systematic and in-depth. In order to deepen this field,it needs to make a systematic and in-depth study about the agricultural products logistics system and its running under the actualities of different areas.
     Using the former study of agricultural products logistics and the up to date theory of logistics and supply chain for reference,this essay argued a "supply chain based agricultural products logistics system" and introduced the basic characteristics,composing factors,types and main functions。Following this part,this essay evaluates the actuality of Hubei agricultural products logistics by questionnaires and statistical data.With the former two parts of theory and actuality,we put forward an optimization path of Hubei agricultural logistics service system and made a gaming between the agricultural products supply chain and integrated logistics enterprise.At last,this paper made an analysis about the economic effectives of the optimized logistics service system and proposed the strategies to the development of the Hubei agricultural products logistics system with the whole above studies.This assay contains the main studies as following:
     1.The theory of agricultural products supply chain logistics service system.The agricultural products logistics service system is in corporational,institutional,international and informational and basically is made up of agricultural products logistics demander, supplier,and logistics nodes and logistics activities.According to the different logistics nodes of different products,there are different types of agricultural products logistics service system including direct marketing,wholesale market,logistics center and distribution center;and according to different supply chain leaders,there are different types of agricultural products association,leading enterprise,and chain supermarket.At last,the main functions of the agricultural products logistics service system are achieving the products value,value-adding,marketing efficiency-adding and accommodating the agricultural products market.
     2.The actuality of Hubei agricultural products logistics industry.This part finds out the actuality and main problems of Hubei agricultural products logistics industry by questionnaires and statistical data.The actualities include that the establishment is improved increasingly,the agricultural products logistics demand is increasing,the third party logistics enterprises are coming out and the modern logistics modes of agricultural products are budding.But there are still a lot of problems include that decentralized logistics parties,unreasonable layout of logistics nodes,lagging technologies and management of agricultural products logistics and the faultiness agricultural products logistics activities.
     3.The optimization path of the Hubei agricultural products logistics service system structure.The optimization includes four steps of agricultural products supply chain structure,logistics supplier structure,logistics nodes structure and logistics activities structure.Firstly,different products have different supply chains.According to the optimization thought,the farm field products supply chain is made up of agricultural products association,leading enterprise,wholesaler and detailer;the fresh products supply chain is "alternative supply chain";and the processed products should take the normal supply chain.Secondly,this essay argues a model of "union and corporation" which need the development of agricultural products integration logistics and supply chain logistics. This point will be more studied in the following chapter.The third step is to optimize the logistics channel nodes,in which the layout of agricultural products wholesale market and distribution center is significantly studied.The experiences of Japan,South Korea and Chinese Taiwan and the actuality of the wholesale market and distribution in Hubei tell us that we should take a method of "four levels,two types" to optimize the agricultural products wholesale market and a method of "city distribution system" to optimize the Hubei agricultural products distribution center.The last step is to optimize the logistics activities.The logistics activities include the necessary activities of transportation,storage, package,load and unload,distribution,marketing process and information dealing,in which we should greatly develop the package and marketing process for value-adding of agricultural products.
     4.The "union and corporation" between the agricultural products logistics parties for Hubei.Two dynamic game model of perfect information of the integration logistics enterprise and agricultural products supply chain tell us that owing to the profit and profit change,there are a lot of complex factors influencing the "union and corporation",.Consequently,they influence the running of the agricultural products logistics system.By these two game models,we find the following factors:the cost of logistics enterprise,supply chain logistics amount,betimes,specialization of the logistics asset,price control right,third party interposition and negotiation discount coefficient.At one side,these factors can be the achieving conditions of the "union and corporation";and at another side,these factors can be breaking conditions of "union and corporation".So, we should take the strategies of decreasing logistics cost,increasing the supply chain scale, building contract mechanism,trust mechanism and increasing logistics market centralization degree to accelerate the corporation relationship of logistics parties.
     5.The economic effectives of Hubei agricultural products logistics service system optimization.Firstly,the optimization will have industry economic effectivess, including scale economic effectivess,scope economic effectives,speed economic effectives and symbiosis economic effectives.Secondly,the optimization will have market structure effectivess.In this part,a static game model of perfect information tells us that the supply chain based agricultural products logistics service system can enhance the market centralization degree of agricultural products market and logistics market.,and it can reduce the over-competition of the two markets.Thirdly,the optimization can have economic development effectives.A simple economics model finds that the price elasticity, logistics cost decreasing degree and value-adding degree of agricultural products decide that if the agricultural products logistics have economic effectives.With the premise of absent price elasticity of most agricultural products,and if the value-adding degree exceeds the logistics cost decreasing degree,the agricultural economy of Huber will be improved.At last,the supply chain based agricultural products logistics system will have polarization and pervasion effectivess to the regional economy of Hubei.
     6.Conclusions and proposals.The above study shows that the supply chain based agricultural products logistics system is a main direction of Hubei agricultural products logistics.The government and corporations should take the following strategies to accelerate the Hubei agricultural products logistics service system.Firstly,there should be more financial support to improve the establishments of logistics;secondly,the agriculture should be accelerated to reach the standardization of agricultural production;thirdly,the logistics resources should be integrated to accelerate the "union and corporation" of agricultural products logistics service parties;fourthly,the green logistics will enhance the logistics quality;fifthly,the well educated employees are good for agricultural products logistics service system;at last,we should have proper laws and institutions to manage the agricultural products logistics market.
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