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In recent years, China's economy and society have maintained a good momentum of development, but also facing tight resource constraints, and serious environmental pollution, ecosystem degradation grim situations. As the major supplier of energy and raw materials, mineral resource-intensive regions have been important for the national economy, which play an important supporting role in the sustained and rapid development of the national economy.
     However, as time goes on, these regions are prone to exhausted or even to die out due to the natural of the mineral resources such as non-renewable and easily exhaustible. With the gradually exhaustion of the resource and the recession of the leading industry, a serious of economic and social issues has emerged in these regions and the issues has inevitably affect the further development. How to avoid the die out of resource and how to explore a sustainable way for the further development have arose the widely concern among the society. Whether these regions can success in sustainable development does have a tight connect with the development of the nation and the stability of the society. It has become a emergent and significant issue that how to optimize the strategies of the development in order to promote the sustainable development.
     The essence of green development is the pursuit of comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of economy, society and ecology by reducing the excessive consumption of energy resources and strengthening environmental protection and ecological management. Faced of increasingly constraints of resources and environment, the national "12th Five-Year Plan" has been made to adhere to green development, focus on energy conservation and emission reduction, improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms, accelerate the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly production methods and consumption patterns, enhance the capacity of sustainable development, and improve the level of ecological civilization. This has fully demonstrated the determination of persisting in the path of green development. It is necessary and urgent to explore a comprehensive evaluation index system which is conducive to promote the green development in mineral resource-intensive regions, as well as the vital foundation to assess dynamically the capacity of green development in mineral resource-intensive regions.
     Based on the above-mentioned situation, starting from the research of these regions and summarized the researching result of both domestic and foreign countries, making use of sustainable development theory, system theory, self-organization theory, this paper initially defines the mineral resource-intensive region and its green development, and then this paper has carried on the analysis to the mineral resource-intensive regional green development mechanism. And also combined with the construction of goal and the principle of green development for mineral resource-intensive regions, comprehensive evaluation of the mineral resource-intensive regional green development is constructed from a qualitative point of view system. Followed by a further screening for the indicators with quantitative method, this paper builds a mineral resource-intensive region of green development evaluation entropy coefficient evaluation model as well as indicators of predictive models,with the empirical study of Song Xian County, finally puts forward corresponding safeguard measures.
     The main research work and conclusions of this paper are as follows:
     (1)It defines the green development of mineral resource-intensive regions' content and clears the development goal and direction of the mineral resource-intensive regions. The green development of the mineral resource-intensive regions guided as green development idea, based on nowadays economic society's development and resources environment's tolerance. Through changing the operation systems of companies, constitution of industry and government's management, to achieve companies'green operation, refactoring green industry and government's green management, it turns traditional black economy into green economy, develops a sustainable model of development of harmonious society, economic growth, technological progress, resource conservation and friendly environment.
     (2)It establishes the green development of the mineral resource-intensive regions mechanism analysis three-force model. This model is made up of dynamical system, pushing system and effective system. Dynamical system solves the cause of the green development of the intensive mineral resources, and it is made up of five factors which are society subsystem, economic subsystem, technical subsystem, resource subsystem and environment subsystem. Pushing system deals how to do the green development of the intensive mineral resources, and it relates to company, industry and government. Efficacy or effective system is dealing how far could the green development of the intensive mineral resources could go. And effective system is a integrated survey of the five factors and three main subjects mentioned above.
     (3)It establishes the comprehensive assessment index system of the green development of mineral resource-intensive regions. It was guided as the green development of the intensive mineral resources' goal and principle, and preliminary was choosed127secondary indexes from qualitative analysis angle which cover five factors as social, economy, science and education, resource and environment and three main subjects like company, industry and government. Besides that, it unites the reality of Song Xian County and selects the process according to the indexes, establishes8first-level indexes,20subclass indexes and79secondary indexes of Song Xian County green development comprehensive evaluation from quantitative aspect.
     (4)It establishes the green development of mineral resource-intensive regions' comprehensive evaluation's entropy weight coefficient model. Drawn on regional sustainable development evaluation model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, AHP, coordination degree evaluation method, multi-objective comprehensive evaluation method, entropy weight coefficient method, we have initially established a entropy coefficient evaluation model of comprehensive evaluation of mineral resource-intensive regions'green development and also described the evaluation process.
     (5) It builds a forecast model for the synthetic assess of the mineral resource-intensive regions.According to the calculation of five models, we find out the linear model present the best result. Therefore, we choose it as the model of the synthetic assessing of the mineral resource-intensive regions.
     (6) It empirically evaluates the green development of Song Xian County and forecasts the index after10years.Through the entropy coefficient evaluation model of the comprehensive evaluation of the mineral resource-intensive regions of green development, this paper studied on the green development ability of Song Xian County.The results suggested that except the resource indicator, the other7indicators in Song Xian County show a strong ability of the green development.
     (7) It proposes some relative suggestions. This paper makes suggestions from the aspect of five driving force and three pushing factors. It includes eight aspects as society, economy, education, resource, environment, enterprise, industry and government. To begin with, in social aspect, we need to mobilize the public activity to make them participant in and optimize the population structure to improve people's living condition, and broaden the cover up of the social security, put emphasis on the economic efficiency. Secondly, in educational aspect, we should establish guiding thoughts as "science lead economy, science support development to strengthen the popular of science, to optimize the educational structure, to promote the educational level.In resource aspect, we should establish the idea of improve the efficiency of utilizing resource and control the total amount of resource to develop the resource rationally. As to the environmental aspect, we should give great impetus to the new methods and strengthen the rules to manage the environmental pollution. At the same time, we should perfect the compensation mechanism for the exploration of the resource. As to the aspect of the enterprise, we should strengthen the important position of energy conservation and emission reduction. We should build the environmentally friendly operating regulation to highlight the creativity of each company. As to the aspect of the industry, we should establish the green production system and accelerate the building of service industry and launch the geology travel project at the same time.Finally,as to the aspect of the government, they should implement green management, to form a green environment and develop public industry so as to boost the development of rural countries.
     The innovation of this paper may be as follows:
     (1)The three-force model which describes mineral resource-intensive regions' green development mechanism has been established initially. The model consists of the power system, thrust system and the effectiveness of the system. Power system is to solve the problem of mineral resource-intensive regions of green development. The thrust system is to solve the problem of what to do for the green development of mineral resource-intensive regions. The effectiveness of the system is to solve the green development of mineral resource-intensive regions to what extent problems.
     (2) A comprehensive evaluation index system of mineral resource-intensive regions has been established. Based on objectives and principles of building comprehensive evaluation index system of green development of mineral resource-intensive regions, we firstly select indicators from the qualitative point of view. Then, according to flowchart of indicators, we construct the index system from the quantitative aspects.
     (3) The entropy coefficient evaluation model of the comprehensive evaluation of the mineral resource-intensive regions of green development has been established. Drawn on regional sustainable development evaluation model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, AHP, coordination degree evaluation method, multi-objective comprehensive evaluation method, entropy weight coefficient method, we have initially established a entropy coefficient evaluation model of comprehensive evaluation of mineral resource-intensive regions' green development and also described the evaluation process.
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