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企业复杂系统(ECS, Enterprise Complex System)是社会经济系统的细胞,企业复杂系统的是否能够可持续发展,关系到国家与社会经济命脉,但是如果企业复杂系统可持续发展是建立在利益相关者资源系统(SRS, Stakeholder Resource System)资源耗尽的基础上,那无疑是杀鸡取卵不可取行为,企业复杂系统与利益相关者资源系统理应协调发展。目前大部分研究可持续发展的理论是从以下两个方面展开的:一是寻找/替代企业复杂系统必要的但存量不多的资源;二是帮助资源环境处理或再生废弃物,使之成为可以利用资源。这两个方面都是从资源的实用层面展开研究,没有抓住研究ECS与SRS协调发展的本质,资源熵理论的深入研究为企业复杂系统可持续发展与利益相关者资源系统协调发展提供了一个全新的视角。以此为论点,本文做了如下几个方面的工作:
Enterprise Complex System (ECS) is cell of the Socio-economic system. Economic lifeline of State and Society are concerned by whether ECS can be sustainable development. But if sustainable development of ECS is based on using up the resources of Stakeholder Resource System (SRS), that is absolutely unacceptable behavior. ECS and SRS should be Harmony Development. At present most of the research theory of sustainable development spread from the following two aspects:1. looking for and replacing the necessary resources of ECS but stock limited,2. helping to deal with or recycle the waste of resources and environment, to become the resource that can be used. These two aspects both spread research on practical level of resources, didn't seize to research on the essence of Harmony Development of ECS and SRS. Deep research on theory of resource entropy, provide a new perspective for sustainable development of ECS and Harmony Development of SRS.
     (1) Research on theory of sustainable development of ECS from resource entropy perspective. Enterprise is a complex system with the characteristics of complex system. The process of production and operation of ECS is a process of entropy increase. If there is no introduction for resource negative entropy, entropy increase causes dissipation and retired quality of resources and energy, increased pollution of resources and environment, loss capacity of self-organizing of ECS, tends to confusion and disintegration. Entropy changes model of sustainable development is put forward according to the dissipative structure of ECS.
     (2) Research on introduction time of resource negative entropy and sustainable development of ECS. The introduction of resource negative entropy is the key to sustainable development of ECS, studied brittleness of ECS based on being given a concept of resource negative entropy, studied emulator and simulation of brittleness from the perspective of resource negative entropy, established function of brittleness, studied the relationship between the introduction time of resource negative entropy and sustainable development of ECS based on analyzing catastrophe theory.
     (3) Research on the introduction volume and use efficiency of resource negative entropy and sustainable development of ECS. Derived calculating formula of resource entropy according to thermodynamic of resource entropy, established resource negative entropy flow model of sustainable development of ECS, and analyzed entropy changes model after introduction of a certain amount of resource negative entropy, established the use of imitational ecosystem model of resource negative entropy, revealed minimization of entropy increase is the connotations of utility maximization of resource negative entropy, and gave strategy of minimization of entropy increase for sustainable development of ECS.
     (4) Research on Harmony Development of ECS and SRS from resource entropy perspective, analyzed relationship of Harmony Development relationship of ECS and SRS from resource entropy perspective according to the theory of coordinated development, established model of Harmony Development, contrasted function relationship between threshold value of force of ECS and threshold value of tolerance of SRS, put forward the proposal of Harmony Development.
     (5) Take HENGSHENG power plant complex systems as demonstration, did demonstration research and verification on formula and models which thesis studied on, mainly analyzed the best introduction time of resource negative entropy from the brittleness of complex system and catastrophe theory side, calculated entropy increase of production operation to HENGSHENG power plant complex system, came to introduction volume of resource negative entropy to maintain HENGSHENG power plant complex system, compared entropy increase with mode of production and technological of production before and after innovation, showed comparison of use efficiency of resource negative entropy, also did research on the status and trends of Harmony Development of HENGSHENG power plant complex systems and SRS.
     Finally, the work is summarized, gave recommendations in policy from multiple levels, summed up the innovation of thesis. For the lack of the research work, the thesis put forward further research direction of Harmony Development of ECS and SRS.
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