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With the development of the industry and electronics, the concept for the conventional plasma extends from the gas discharge to every aspect in society accordingly. In aerospace area, with the launch of spacecraft Shenzhou-7 and the startup of large passenger jets, people find many engineering problems to be figured out like the communication interruption during the spacecraft's reentry, the target identification and the reduction of radar scattering cross section for the moving object and so on. It could be considered as special plasma environment that Shockwave accompanied with the flight in aerosphere of highpersonic aerocraft, the jet from the rocket or jet plane and the surface ablation during the reentry stage of spaceship. The acquisition and processing for the physics information in the above special plasma environment has gained great a lot attention. Some countries like the US and Russia have accumulated plenty of experiences in this area. However this job in our country is still undeveloped because of the lack of necessary experiment skills and instruments. In energy area, high temperature plasma in Tokamak is usded in the controllable fusion research which aims at the solution of clean energy. All the plasma exists in the special circumstances with high temperature, high pressure and high speed flow. The density of the plasma ranges from 10~9 to 10~(13) cm~(-3) while the lasting time is from 1ms to dozens of minutes. So the property of the above plasma varies a lot from the steady plasma.
     In order to investigate the plasma parameters in the special circumstances and the relation between the carrier and plasma itself, the diagnostic platform is designed and installed on the facilities which simulate the space environment, including the hardware and software for the data acquisition, online anaysis and storage according to the features of different types of plasma and project requirments. In experiment, multiple diagnostics have been attempted to acquire the same plasma parameter. So the real physics information has been revealed by independent comparison of the various results in order to get better application in the energy and aerospace area. Additionaly, the further research for the plasma data analysis has been done. The plasma parameters like electron temperature, electron density and collisional frequency are calculated offline based on different physics models with the help of scientific calculation software.
     The main contents in the paper are as following.
     1. The plasma parameters diagnostic platform is constructed based on the project requirements and testing circumstances. The platform is composed of single/triple electric probes diagnostic system, ten-channel single electric probe array system and grating spectroscopy. The calibration and testing have been made on each system.
     2. For the certification of the feasibility and reliability for the data acquisition and processing, the electron density and temperature in the positive colum region have been obtained by electric probe and emission spectrum in the dc glow discharging facility before the real experiments. The two methods have been compared and they also have been improved and extended in the following data acquisition and analysis for the special plasma environment.
     3. The electric probe data acquisition and processing methods in the special plasma environment are investigated from experiment. The electric probes used in the paper are single and triple probes. Great attention has been taken in the shielding and isolation design of the data acquisition system because of the high temperature and pressure in the special plasma environment with electromagnetic disturbance. The probe current collection theory which is based on the high-pressure collisional assumption issued by Smy and Kiel is selected as the data processing method because the conventional probe current collection theory which is based on the non-collisional low-pressure assumption is useless. The spacial distribution of the electron density and temperature are calculated by the above methods.
     4. According to the requirements from the projects, electric probes are applied for the electron density, temperature and collisional frequency in the ground experiment facility of flight circumstances, the components of solid rocket propellant testing device and sintered Shockwave tube. The moving probe array is used as the demanding of electron density spacial distribution in the vacuum chamber in the ground experiment facility of flight circumstances, which provides experiment data for the model selectrion and performance improvement of the thruster. The single probe is preferred in the propellant combustion experiment because of its small space. The triple probe which doesn't need scanning voltage is selected in the sintered Shockwave tube because of the short-time coming shockwave. In the meanwhile the high-speed signal acquisition technique is used to get the probe saturation current. The temperal distribution of the electron density and temperature are evaluated from physics models.
     5. The multi-channel grating spectrometry has been used to get the emission spectrum in the argon discharge in the ground experiment facility of flight circumstances. The electron temperature is relatively low so that the collisional ionization is the main reason for the discharge. The type of discharge belongs to the weak non-equibirium discharge and the radiation from the atoms contributes a lot to the emission spectrum. In this paper, the following four models are used to calculate the electron temperature based on the mechenism of the atom radiation because the population of the excited particles deviates from Botzmann distribution. The four models are Fermi-Dirac model, corona model based on non-equilibrium and two kinds of electron excitation collisional cross section models. The hyperbolic function model is the best choice after the comparision of the results from the four models.
     6. The comparison of the data acquisition methods between the electric probe and the spectroscopy provides references for the similar future work.
     7. A soft X-ray diagnostic system is designed for the STOR-M tokamak which is able to acquire the spacial and temperal distribution of the soft X-ray and the MHD instability. The work includes the hardware design, tomography and the analysis of MHD instability.
     The innovation for the paper is as following.
     1. The portable integrated probe diagnostic platform and the ten-channel probe diagnostic system are applied in the plasma jet, the propellant combustion and the sintered Shockwave tube which solved the previous shortages in the lab like low integrated, too sensitive and unportable diagnostic system which are composed of concrete componets.
     2. The probe current collection theory which is based on the high-pressure collisional assumption issued by Smy and Kiel is selected as the data processing method which is used in the probe data processing of various special plasma environment. The spacial distribution of the electron density and temperature are calculated by the above methods which solved the lack of apropriate probe theory in the special circumstances.
     3. The four models which are Fermi-Dirac model, corona model based on non-equilibrium and two kinds of electron excitation collisional cross section models are summerized for the purpose of calculating electron excitation temperature.
     4. In the paper, it's the first time inland that the triple probe and high-speed data acquisition technique are used in the sintered Shockwave tube. The temperal distribution of the electron density and temperature are obtained from the experiment. This also leads to the electron collisional frequency which gets rid of the dependence of numerical simulation in the research of inland high-temperature, high-pressure and high-mach sintered shockwave tube.
     5. It's the first time in Canadian STOR-M tokamak that a compact soft X-ray system is installed and tested. The preliminary experiment has been done. The work solved the large volum and low sensitive shortages for the original system. It provides a perfect hardware platform for the research of future MHD instability.
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