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     本文对采自中国湖南长沙岳麓山地区的石地钱Reboulia hemisphaerica(linn.)raddi进行系统的化学成分研究,从该植物中分离获得了24个化合物,鉴定了其中的22个,这些化合物包括10个双联苄类化合物:地钱素C(marchantin C,Ⅰ)、新地钱素A(neomarchantin A,Ⅱ)、片叶苔素B(riccardin B,Ⅲ)、片叶苔素C(riccardin C,Ⅳ)、地钱素A(marchantin A,Ⅴ)、地钱素J(marchantin J,Ⅵ)、Pakyonol(Pakyonol,Ⅶ)、核木子素E(perrottetin E,Ⅷ)、异片叶苔素C(isoriccardin C,Ⅸ)、异地钱素C(isomarchantin C,Ⅹ);1个联苄类化合物半月苔素(lunularin,Ⅺ);2个黄酮化合物:5-羟基-4′,6,7-三甲氧基黄酮(apigenin-6,7,4′-trimethyl ether,Ⅻ)和芹菜素(apigenin,ⅩⅢ);2个菲类化合物:2-羟基-3,7-二甲氧基菲(2-hydroxy-3,7-dimethoxy phenanthrene,ⅩⅣ)和2-羟基-3,5-二甲氧基菲(2-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy phenanthrene,ⅩⅤ);1个单苯环衍生物:烯丙氢醌(allylhydroquinone,ⅩⅥ);2个三萜:α-泽渥萜(α-zeorin,ⅩⅦ)、6α,11α,22-三羟基何伯烷(6α,11α,22-trihydroxy hopane,ⅩⅧ);1个倍半萜:rulepidol(rulepidol,ⅩⅨ);2个甾体化合物:豆甾醇二十烷酸酯(stigmosterolarachidate,ⅩⅩ)和β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol,ⅩⅩⅠ)及糖甘露醇(mannitol,ⅩⅩⅡ)。化合物结构采用NMR,MS和IR等波谱法及同己知化合物进行TLC对照或混和测定熔点鉴定。22个化合物中,Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅺ、Ⅻ、ⅩⅢ、ⅩⅣ、ⅩⅤ、ⅩⅥ、ⅩⅨ、ⅩⅩ为首次从该种植物分离获得。
     此外,本文还对采自浙江临安西天目山的溪边青藓Brachythecium rivulareB.S.G进行了化学成分的系统分离试验研究,采用各种色谱分离法从溪边青藓中分离获得了7个化合物:苔色酸乙酯(ethyl orsellinate,ⅰ)、对羟基苯甲醛(4-hy-droxybenzaldehyde,ⅱ)、黑麦草内酯(loliolide,ⅲ)、3′,3′′′-binaringenin(3′,3′′′-binaringenin,ⅳ)、乌索酸(ursolic acid,ⅴ)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitostero,ⅵ)、里白烯(diploptene,ⅶ)。化合物结构采用NMR,MS和IR等波谱法及同己知化合物进行TLC对照或混和测定熔点鉴定。7个化合物均为首次从该种植物分离获得。
The bryophytes are taxonomically placed between the algae and the pteridophytes and more than 20000 species are known in the world.Bryophytes have important medicinal value.For thousands of years,the bryophytes have been used in folk remedies to cure various kinds of diseases such as cuts,bums,bacteriosis, tuberculosis,pneumonia,neurasthenia etc.Many terpeniods and aromatic compounds with novel skeletons or significant bioactivities have been obtained from mosses and liverworts,some of which are nice lead compounds in new drug research.Many studies indicate that the bryophyte components constitute a rich source of structually new and biologically active compounds.
     In recent years,with the spread of HIV,an increase in tumor,the emergence of drug-resistant and people's concerns about drug toxic or side effects,low toxicity and efficient development of new drugs is imminent.Chemical constituents from bryophytes possess the potential value of drug development in the above fields.In addition,traditional agriculture on the environment and resources has become an increasing concern about the negative impact.People's increasing demands for ecological agriculture are more strongly.The bryophytes have the important application value in this aspect.
     In this paper,a systematically phytochemical investigation of the chemical constituents of Reboulia hemisphaerica(linn.) raddi collected from Mount Yue-lu, Hunan Province,PR China was carried out,and led to yield 24 compounds,22 of which were identified,including ten bis(bibenzyl)s:marchantin C(Ⅰ),neomarchantin A(Ⅱ),riccardin B(Ⅲ),riccardin C(Ⅳ),marchantin A(Ⅴ),marchantin J(Ⅵ), pakyonol(Ⅶ),perrottetin E(Ⅷ),isoriccardin C(Ⅸ) and isomarchantin C(Ⅹ);one bibenzyl:lunulafin(Ⅺ);two flavones:apigenin-6,7,4'-trimethylether(Ⅻ) and apigenin (ⅩⅢ);two phenanthrenes:2-hydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyphenanthrene(ⅩⅣ) and 2-hydroxyl-3,5-dimethoxy phenanthrene(ⅩⅤ);one benzene derivative:allylhydroquinone (ⅩⅥ);two triterpenoids:α-zeorin(ⅩⅦ),6α,11α,22-trihydroxyhopane(ⅩⅧ); one sesquiterpenoid:rulepidol(ⅩⅨ);two steroids:stigmosterol arachidate(ⅩⅩ),β-sitosterol(ⅩⅪ) and mannitol(ⅩⅫ).The structures were elucidated on the basis of 1D and 2D-NMR,MS and IR spectroscopy.Among these compounds, compoundsⅥ,Ⅶ,Ⅷ,Ⅺ,Ⅻ,ⅩⅢ,ⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ,ⅩⅥ,ⅩⅨ,andⅩⅩare first reported in R.hemisphaerica.
     Furthermore,we also investigated chemical constituents of Brachythecium rivulare B.S.G collected from West Tianmushan,Zhejiang Province,PR China.Six compounds were obtained by repeated chromatography and their structures were established by NMR together with IR and MS spectroscopy as ethyl orsellinate(ⅰ), 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde(ⅱ),loliolide(ⅲ),3′,3′″-binaringenin(ⅳ),ursolic acid(ⅴ),β-sitosterol(ⅵ),diploptene(ⅶ).Seven compounds were all isolated from this species for the first time.
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