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    本文通过系统的研究区内控矿地质条件认为夹皮沟岩群三道沟岩组斜长角闪岩层位与空间分布是找寻金矿体的标志地层条件侵位于花岗闪长岩等TTG 之中的钾质花岗岩五台中条期是地层和围岩中成矿元素活化迁移的热动力基础伟晶岩化作用使金元素发生聚集华力西晚期花岗岩浆活动不但提供了矿质而且为金矿化的进一步富集提供了热动力条件燕山期闪斜煌斑岩辉绿岩等既是矿体赋存的空间又是与矿体形成密切相关的岩浆岩条件
Damiaozi-Banmiaozi gold mineralized district is located eastwardly about50km to Huadian city of Jilin province, geographical coordinate is E 127 1130 -127 17 00 N: 42 56 00 -42 58 30 .East-west length is10km,south-north width is 5km,the whole area is 50km2.Since 1958 times so far,through a large amount of geology work ,especially geochemical prospecting andgeochemical anomaly investing and verifying etc.,have already found medium andsmall gold mineral deposits in the district, and delineated more than 40 ore bodiesand mineral belts, the prospect of ore prospect is good.
    The mineralized district lies in the tectonic position of North China platformnorth costae east segment boundary, where north east orientation Huifa riverfracture belt and north west orientation Huiquanzhan and Qingchaguan-Baishuitanextruding fracture belt convergence,lies in the Midwest segment ofDalazi-Jiapigou northeast arcking metallogenic feature belt.
    Having known mineral deposits or ore bodies wall rock horizon isSandaogou formation in Jiapigou group in the mineralized district ,which is a setof neutral-basic meta volcano-sedimentary rock, from upper part to downer part,the rock type forissite, issitic gneiss, mica-granulite and magnet-quartzite etc., ore
    body mostly located in issitic horizon neighborhood. Au element averageabundance in the original rock of Sandaogou formation for 5.0 10-9 ,and Auelement abundance in the issite for 29.2 10-9. In the site where issite grow , soilgeochemistry anomaly concentrates usually. So issite is the guiding horizoncondition in prospecting ore bodids. In addition, the formation and existence of the mineral body with thespessartite, iabase and potassium-pegmatite veins on the space the relation is close,mutually depend on concomitant, these rock veins distribute to large areamonzonitic or granodiorite inside. In rock veins ,we can usually see the grain ofpyrite and the breccia in which auriferous quartz vein and spessartite vein arecemented by pyrite, individual segment spessartite or diabase vein and crushsulfur compound quartz vein together composing gold mineral body. Potassium-pegatite veins usually intrude inside spessartite or diabase following the contactboundary, the potassium-pegatite growth district, the mineral stone personalstatus is widespread and higher, and the mineral turn the consecution. spessartite,diabase and the potassium-pegatite veins are the magma rock conditions that themineral figure becomes and endows with to save. The mineral body is subjected to east-west ductile shear belt and constructbroken belt to control. It is ore-controlling structures that east-west extrudingbroken zone ,extruding fracture zone and extruding schistosity zone folded on theductile shear belt, not only control the direction of the mineralization belts butalso control the distribution and formation of the ore bodies; not only aggravatethe metamorphism and deformation ,leading to mineralized substance to gatherand deposit ,but also supply good structure space for magmatism andmetallization .It is important geognosy condition that ductile shear and east-westextruding broken zone ,extruding fracture zone and extruding schistosity belt. The mostly ore type is pyritization-quartz veinlet that is crushed. lode mostlyare lenticular and lenses and minority are vein and. Following the strike and theincline the alteration of lode is complicated shaped with apparent branching andmerging ,pinching and swelling, as a whole ,the deepening is greater than theprolong. The ore mineral mainly is natural gold , pyrite, chalcopyrite andsecondly has magnetite, pyrrhotite, siderite and a small amount blends and galenaetc.; The ore texture is mostly xenomorphic granular texture,cataclactic texture, 5
    spotted structure and secondly is metasomatic relict texture and hypidiomorphictexture etc.; The ore structure has banded structure, netted structure, massivestructure and breccia structure etc. country wall alteration type has silicification,carbonation, pyritization, chloritization, secondly has fade action andsericitization etc.. Above-mentioned Internal characteristic and exteriorcharacteristic Constituting this area marked conditions of prospecting ore bodiesand mineralized bodies. Geophysical information show that the deposit is located in the negativemagnetic anomaly. Above the ore bodies anomaly show high chargeabilitynegative point of intersection, and high charging rate low resistivity, the numberof Ms is 10% 50% and the number of s is 50 400 M . Geochemicaly thedeposit or ore body occurs at the high anomaly of ore-forming elements,anomalous elements concentration belt. Anomalous elements are Au Bi WCu Cd. The internal anomalous elements are Cu and Cd ,and middle internalanomalous elements are Bi and W, and outer internal anomalous element is Au.The research finds Au and Bi elements have high gathering center , showing it isgood district to prospect gold and bismuth deposit or ore body. Through the research above ,it induced and summarized the ore-prospectinginformation and marks. Its geological information is The contact zoneneighborhood that is between mesograined and fine-grained plagioclase-granite(TTG rock formation) and plagioclase-issite relic is the good site existingmineralized body ; The margin zone and inner of black spessartite veins(transmutative) or diabase veins (transmutative) and the position where kaligraniteand kalipegmatite grow is the good position which ore bodies could exit on; Theneutral-acid dikes becoming a group belonging to variscan -Yanshanian epoch isthe good information of forming gold ore body or mineralized body; Theeast-west ductile shear and distortea and metamorphose belt and the east-westextruding broken zone ,the extruding fracture zone , the extruding schistosity zoneand the fracture in which is the good configuration space; silicification,kaolinization, carbonation and pyritization, chloritization is the markedinformation near the ore bodies; The telescope abnormity belts including inAu Bi W Cu Cd are the prospective district, and the oil Au elementabnormity zones consist in east-west and “V”are the good marks for prospecting
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