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Tooth bonding is a major component of prosthodontics, and is widely used in clinical. Dentin bonding is always difficult due to its peculiar structure. This thesis reviews the study course of dentin bonding agent and bonding mechanism, and makes a systematic study on the bonding mechanism as well as affecting factors of wet-bonding technique using microtensile measurement, scanning electron microscope(SEM), transmission electron microscope(TEM) and laser scanning confocal microscope(LSCM), comparing and analyzing the bonding strength and interface morphology of different bonding systems, which have been used in different conditions. The results give some theoretical basis of rational using of wet-bonding technique and development of new bonding agent. It is also carrying out a preliminary exploration on the using of various dentin bonding research methods.
    Microtensile measurement can reduce the cohesive fracture of dentin or composite resin in the strength testing process to a minimum, so it can reflect the characteristic of bonding system more objective.
    It can give detailed observation and analysis of the ultramicrostructure in the dentin bonding interface using SEM and TEM, while LSCM can reflect it more completely.
    With the combination of microtensile measurement, SEM, TEM and LSCM, it can make objective and systematic analysis on the bonding mechanism and affecting factors affecting factors of wet-bonding technique.
    In the process of wet dentin bonding, acetone-based adhesives have higher microtensile strength than alcohol-water-based adhesives. Although two types of bonding system have full resin penetration in the bonding interface, the latter possess distinct overwet phenomenon.
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