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The global economics and technologies develop so rapidly that enterprises have to take more and more challenges in innovation nowadays. In the new time of knowledge economy, the industry clusters, which are the agglomeration of a lot of relative enterprises and supporting institutions, are formed as the new way to develop the regional economy. Especially the high-tech industry clusters have become the most successful models to make production elements, technology innovation and human resourcing more efficient in regional economy development. The cooperation among the high-tech enterprises is tight and extensive because of their unique institutional structure and management which are quite different from traditional enterprises. Such kind of advantages of the high-tech industry clusters has drawn high attentions of both governments and research institutions. More and more enterprises improve their innovation ability through cooperation with others. It is recognized that the innovation is a kind of collective actions, and the social networks, the collaborations, and the mutual studies among enterprises all have positive effects on innovation. Therefore, it is a popular focus for theorists to analyze how motivation and behavior patterns of innovation help improve high-technology enterprises'organization performance. These research achievements can also play a very important role in helping practitioners in China's high-tech industry clusters to build up competitive advantages in the changeable markets.
     This dissertation takes the innovation motivations of enterprises in high technology industry clusters as the research objects, builds a research model of "innovation-knowledge sharing-organizational performance of high technology industry clusters" and verifies the effectiveness of the model. This research is conducted in three procedures as below:
     1. Develop and verify a scale for innovation motivation of high technology industry clusters.
     This study uses open-questionnaire to survey innovation motivations of high-tech industry clusters after literature review and interviewing some experts. Through collecting data and data analysis, we define market demand, competition pressure, self-actualization and policy acquisition as four key factors that impact high-tech enterprises' innovation motivations. And the study also explores a questionnaire including the four factors of innovation motivation after analyzing the sample data. The result shows that the measure scale has the reliability and validity.
     2. Explore how the enterprise characters impact the innovative motivations and knowledge sharing behaviors of the enterprises in high technology industries. This research analyzes how size, age, nature and industry impact the innovation motivations and knowledge sharing behaviors of the enterprises differently. The empirical research shows that age has obvious effects both on motivations of market demand and policy acquisition and on knowledge sharing behaviors, size has obvious effects both on the motivations of competition pressure and policy acquisition and on knowledge sharing behaviors, nature has obvious effects on the motivation of competition pressure but no obvious effects on knowledge sharing behaviors, industry has obvious effects both on the motivation of market demand and on the indirect knowledge sharing behaviors but no obvious effects on direct knowledge sharing behaviors.
     3. Propose and verify the model of innovation motivation-knowledge sharing behaviors-organizational performance.
     Based on the related theoretical researches we build and test an organizational performance improvement model which takes four kinds of innovation motivations (market demand, competition pressures, self-actualization and policy acquisition) as dependent factors and take two kinds of knowledge sharing behaviors as mediator factors. The research shows that the knowledge sharing behavior works as the mediator of market needs, innovation motivations and organizational performances.
     Hopefully the dissertation can work as guidance for the government to make policies on high-tech industry clusters, and meanwhile it could also help the high-tech enterprises to improve their innovation practices.
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