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On March 16, 2007, the National People's Congress formally passed The Real Rights Law People's Republic of China, which established a system of condominium, and filled the long-standing blank in Chinese legislation for the first time. And also the system of condominium is the prerequisite and foundation of property management. According to The Real Rights Law People's Republic of China, the State Council revised Property Management Ordinance in which“property management enterprise”is revised to“property service enterprise”. And this revision is not just a simple revision in writing; it is the philosophy and purpose of Chinese property management.
     Property management relates closely to the mass’s life and work. But in daily life, the behaviors of violations on the proprietors’rights appear repeatedly that the proprietors’legitimate rights and interests are encroached continually, as a result, the relationship between owners of some districts and property management enterprise is highly tense. The protection theory of proprietors’rights is the important part of property management theory; what is more, it is a realistic problem that needs solving. In the western developed countries and regions, property management theory was already a mature legal system; the importance of property management is confirmed and affirmed by the practice of the developed countries. But in China, the specialized property management starts much later, the related rules and regulations are not perfect, lacking of specialized ability and service conception in property management leads to a large numbers of violations on proprietors’rights. Although The Real Rights Law People's Republic of China has been promulgated, in practice the proprietors’rights still lack effective protection. Whether from the property management theory, or from the perspective of practice, it is very important to protect the rights of owners. In the theory of the traditional property management, scholars elaborate the protection of the rights of property owners mostly from the perspectives of the constitutional law, of the economic law, and of the administration. But this article dicusses from the perspective of the Civil and Commercial Law.
     In addition to introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts:
     PartⅠ:Outline of property management. Modern property management is proprietors or property service enterpris entrusted by autonomous organizations composed by proprietors maintain and manage property districts, the main body property management is all the proprietors, rather than property services enterprises. Property management based on condominium originates from and depends on, subjects to ownership, so property management has the nature of property rights. The proprietor congress is autonomous body of all proprietors, the proprietors are the members of the proprietor congress, and they exist the relationship between rights and obligations. The relation among the proprietors, property service enterprises and other service providers is a kind of relationship based on the entrust contract, the proprietors are at trustees’position, the property service enterprises and other service providers are at the trustees’position based on the entrust contract. The proprietors enjoy the proper property rights and communal property rights and the use relations to the property districts.
     PartⅡ:Forms of violations on owner’s rights in the property management. The proprietors’rights vary, taking the rights of owners as the standard; the proprietors’rights can be divided into the personal shared rights and interests of proper parts and the communal shared rights and interests of common and public parts. Due to the variety of proprietors’rights, the forms of violations to the proprietors’rights are various. And in the early-stage property management the forms of violations to the proprietors’rights of developers reflect violations to the proprietors’rights to know, the false advertisements and propagandas on owners, and the earnest money traps set by developers. And in the late-stage property management includes the violation to the property rights and interests of the owners and the violation to personal rights and interests of the owners.
     PartⅢ:Protection theory of the owners in the property management. As for repeated violations of the proprietors’rights, a system on how to protect proprietors’rights is the urgent need to solve. Private autonomy is the basic principle of civil law, condominium is the system in private law, and based on condominium in line with the intended autonomy of private law. Under the condominium, because the number of owners increases, inevitably leads to the increase of the negotiation cost or policy-making cost, thus making the common property right uneconomical; at the same time, some owners do not agree with the majority of all owners and adhere stubbornly to their own opinions, or owners produce the faction, and break their relation, transaction cost of property right or the collective decision-making cost is extremely high, even causes the collective decision-making impossible, thus producing the transaction cost theory and the theory of avoiding the question of both sides’monopoly. In addition, the proprietors of the modern property districts are hundreds of or thousands of people, the decentralization of the collective decision-making is clearly not feasible, so that collectivization of third-party decision-making theory becomes the inevitable choice.
     PartⅣ:Countermeasures and suggestions of the protection of owners’rights. Although The Real Rights Law People's Republic of China provides the protection of proprietors’rights and interests, it is not perfect. Therefore, we should perfect the relevant regulations and clarify legal status of the proprietors’congress, entrusting them with legal personality; and also we should limit the rights of the proprietors’congress and developers and balance rights and obligations among the bodies related to proprietors; and we should correct the guide principles of the property management and perfect proprietor’s autonomy, advance proprietors’awareness to protect and defend their legal rights and perfect the legal rules and systems of Chinese property management from every aspect, and thus protect the proprietors’rights.
① 此处“物业使用人”和“非业主使用人”同义。“非业主使用人”指不具有物业的所有权,但对物业享有使用权,并依照合同、法律规定能行使业主部分权利的人。参见蔡华主编:《物业管理法律理论与实务》,人民法院出版社 2000 年版,第 45 页。
    ② 当前购买经济适用房的人日益增多,但这类购房人对房屋所有权仅享有有限处分权,因此这类部分产权人的物业管理权利遭到侵犯时,因权利的有限性无法及时获得保护。
    ③ 参见肖海军、李华著:《物业管理侵权的法律救助》,湖南人民出版社 2005 年版,第 113 页。
    ④ 王明锁:《市场经济特质与民商法之品格》,载《河南大学学报》(社会科学版)2007 年第 1 期。
     ①参见董藩、秦凤伟、刘毅编著:《物业管理法律与制度》,清华大学出版社 2006 年版,第 5 页。
    ① 参见陈湛匀主编:《物业管理实务》,上海人民出版社 1995 年版,第 2-3 页。
    ② 参见蔡华主编:《物业管理法律理论与实务》,人民法院出版社 2000 年版,第 10 页。
    ① 参见程信和、刘国臻著:《房地产法》,北京大学出版社 2001 年版,第 187 页。
    ② 参见王文正、韩强主编:《新编房地产法学》,高等教育出版社 1998 年版,第 298 页。
    ③ 参见李延荣、周珂著:《房地产法》,中国人民大学出版社 2000 年版,第 183 页。
    ④ 参见符启林著:《房地产法》,法律出版社 2002 年版,第 327 页。
    ① 中国社会科学院法学研究所民法室主任孙宪忠研究认为,《物业管理条例》是按照物权法的原理制定出来的,虽然表面上看,这个条例没有使用物权、所有权这些词汇,但是它的全部内容贯彻了所有权人权利至上、个人权利与公共利益相协调、禁止权利滥用这些当代物权法的基本精神。
    ② 潘嘉伟:《论物业管理的物权性质》,载于中国人民大学复印报刊资料《民商法学》2006 年第 9 期。
    ① 《马克思恩格斯全集》第 46 卷(上册),人民出版社 1979 年版,第 499 页。
    ② 参见王利明:《物权法论》,中国政法大学出版社 1998 年版,第 357 页。
    ③ 参见江平、米健:《罗马法基础》,中国政法大学出版社 1991 年版,第 1 页。
    ④ 参见梁慧星:《中国物权法研究》,法律出版社 1998 年版,第 374 页。
    ⑤ 参见陈华彬:《现代建筑物区分所有权制度研究》,法律出版社 1997 年版,第 2 页。
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     ① 参见肖海军著:《物业管理与业主权利》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 36 页。
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     ① 参见肖海军、李华著:《物业管理侵权的法律救助》,湖南人民出版社 2005 年版,第 187 页。
    ① 中国社会科学院语言研究所:《现代汉语词典》,商务印书馆 2002 年版,第 1129 页。
    ② 参见[德]康德著:《法的形而上学原理》,商务印书馆 1991 年版,第 166 页。
    ③ 参见魏振瀛主编:《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社 2000 年版,第 642 页。
    ④ 参见魏振瀛主编:《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社 2000 年版,第 645 页。
    ⑤ 参见肖海军著:《物业管理与业主权利》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 189 页。
     ① 参见肖海军:《物业管理与业主权利》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 201 页。
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    ① 参见杨立新:《人身权法论》,人民法院出版社 2002 年版,第 586 页。
    ② 参见王利明:《人格权法新论》,吉林人民出版社 1994 年版,第 401 页。
    ③ 参见魏振瀛主编:《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社 2000 年版,第 652 页。
    ④ 杨立新认为,法律上的名誉权主要是外部名誉,而不包括以名誉感为内容的内部名誉。参见杨立新:《侵权法论》(下册),吉林人民出版社 1998 年版,第 740 页。
    ① 参见许步国:《物业管理法研究》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 213 页。
    ② 参见戴东雄:《论建筑物区分所有权之理论基础》(Ⅱ),载台湾《法学丛刊》第 115 期。
    ① 梁慧星:《民法总论》,法律出版社 1996 年版,第 33 页。
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    ① 参见周树基著:《美国物业产权制度与物业管理》,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 83 页。
    ② 许建国:《关于物业管理法制建设的思考》,载《学海》1998 年第 1 期。
    ③ Walters M.and Kent P.,2000,“Institutional Economics and Property Strata Title:a Survey and Case Studu”,Journal of Property Research,p.299-230.
    ④ 周树基:《美国物业产权制度与物业管理》,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 17 页。
    ① 参见肖海军:《物业管理与业主权利》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 28 页。
    ② 参见肖海军:《物业管理与业主权利》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 31 页。
    ③ 有人认为,“如果业主委员会没有明确的法律地位,将导致广大业主寻求司法救济维权的可能性落空,而且业主委员会没有明确的法律地位,还会致使业主委员会与物业服务企业所签订的物业服务合同成为无效合同。”参见王怡红:《物业管理条例立法及实施过程中存在问题的研究》,载《山东省青年管理干部学院学报》2004 年第 5 期。
    ④ 董国健:《物业管理地方立法的几个法律问题探析》,载《当代法学》2001 年第 9 期。
    ⑤ 参见陈华彬:《现代建筑物区分所有权制度研究》,法律出版社 1995 年版,第 229 页。
    ① 参见陈华彬:《现代建筑物区分所有权制度研究》,法律出版社 1995 年版,第 236 页。
    ② 《美国统一区分所有物业产权法》,参见周树基:《美国物业产权制度与物业管理》,北京大学出版社 2005年版,第 191 页。
    ③ 参见陈华彬:《现代建筑物区分所有权制度研究》,法律出版社 1995 年版,第 230 页。
    ① 尹田:《论法人人格权》,载《法学研究》2004 年第 4 期。
    ② 从各国的立法看,赋予或有条件地赋予业主大会的法人人格,逐渐成为一种趋势。
    ③ 在目前的司法解释中,只规定业主委员会具有原告资格,而没有规定具有被告资格,这种“片面的诉讼能力”与民事责任的承担也不无关联,使得业主委员会在诉讼中处于尴尬的地位。
    ④ 参见江平主编:《法人制度论》,中国政法大学出版社 1994 年版,第 263、264 页。
     ①参见周树基著:《美国物业产权制度与物业管理》,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 85 页。
     ①[美]博登海默:《法理学、法律哲学与法律方法》,华夏出版社 1987 年版,第 105 页。
     ① 参见程信和、刘国臻编著:《房地产法》,北京大学出版社 2001 年版,第 187 页。
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