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Immovable property is extremely important in human society, not only it is mankind's survival factor of productivity. But also it is necessesity to maintain life . Real property registration is a strengthening of real estate management, recognizing that the most important under the ownership of real property. Register contents are correct, the transaction will not only affect the interests of their clients, but also to the security and order transactions. and the overall socio-economic order.
     Real estate registration system discussed in this paper is divided into four parts :
     The first part is "the definition of real estate registration and real value of the registration.." First, the basic theory of real estate registration, including real estate and real estate registration system for the registration of the meaning of nature. Second, the value of the real estate registration; Later truly protect the rights of the real estate interests, and protect the safety of transactions. protect the interests of bona fide third three transactions analyzed, the value of real estate registration location.
     The second part is a "real effect of registration of choice." Meaning mainly on the effect of real estate registration, the determination of validity, credibility and focuses on the presumption registration, to determine the effectiveness of options to set the procedures for registration of real estate.
     The third component is the "real estate registration procedures Construction." The results have been registered real estate registration process is a prerequisite, It registered with the civil authorities to provide the main link between the expectations and interests of full civil entities. in the most practical value. The main part of the discussion registration applications, define the nature of the application, and applications for the operation of the legal effect in essence, examine ways and start the registration process and review procedures, review of the results of the operation of the registration process. They discussed registration, registration and notice of objection to the registration and the importance of the registration process for the establishment of special need improve registration procedures put in the direction of real estate.
     Part IV is the "perfect real estate registration system as envisaged." analysis of the current situation and real estate registration main problem. Mainly from real estate registration process, Relief wrong and wrong registration of real estate registration to determine the liability of the three aspects of the system perfect, put forward their own proposals. Resolve the issue of compensation through civil litigation, to achieve property law, the perfect real estate registration system. so for the protection of the parties to play a greater role and value.
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