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Profiting from the causal analysis paradigm of Professor Jin Pei, this paper starts with the competitiveness measurement, sums up the definition of competitiveness of the current domestic and foreign well-known scholars and research institutions through combing literature. Then it takes identified common indicators as the breakthrough point and makes use of the thought of the structuralism to extend momentum theorem in physics to the field of economic and management. Finally it puts forword a new hypothesis on competitiveness measurement and sets up the function of the competitiveness measurement results. Furthermore, integrateing the advantage of comprehensive range of analysis paradigm in industrial competitiveness which are proposed by scholars represented by Professor Porter, this paper puts forword a new analytical framework of the industrial competitiveness, from which it determines the elemental variable to express the reason of industrial competitiveness formation. On this basis, combining the characteristics of the Chinese construction industry, this paper builts the analyzing framework of formation mechanism of regional competitiveness in the Chinese construction industry, makes use of PLS structural equation model to set up the structural equation model of the competitiveness-formation mechanism; Besides, transformating the SEM model, this paper, with the establishment of an dynamic game model of the two regions in China about construction industrial competitiveness, realizes simulation research and probes out the critical influencing factors of regional competitiveness’s development. then, it designs a neural network model of chinese regional competitiveness, Finally, making use of the DEA cone model with SEM constraint to evaluate the efficiency of regional competition and utilizing DEA-DA model for systematic evaluation of regional competitive advantage, this paper proposes strategies to enhance the regional competitiveness in the future.
     Research results obtained are summarized as follows:
     (1)combing related research results of the world-renowned scholars and organizations, This paper sums up the common indicators of the competitiveness intensity measurement; On this basis, comparing the competitiveness with the Newton's mechanics and quantum mechanics analogy and making use of the thoughts of Structuralism methodology, this paper extends the theory of the momentum theorem to the field of economic and management and puts forword a new hypothesis on the competitiveness intensity measurement.
     (2)making use of PLS structural equation model, this paper sets up structural equation model about formation mechanism of competitiveness in Chinese regional construction industry. This research results shows that there are three factors playing direct roles in the competitiveness in the local construction industry, they are the regional environment, input factors and industrial concentration; Auxiliary industries play assistance role in enhancing competitiveness of the local construction industry.
     (3) This paper establishes an dynamic game model of the two regions in China about construction industrial competitiveness .By adjusting the parameters, this study finds that there are four factors playing key roles in the gaming course of the construction industry, they are the development situation of regional economy, the advancing time of industrial concentration, the degree of local protectionism in regional construction industry and the ablity of the decision makers.
     (4)Neural network model of the competitiveness in Chinese regional construction industry is designed and good results are obtained. using DEA-DA model this paper carrys out an evaluation on chinese competitive advantage of regional construction industry. Besides, it designs DEA model with SEM constraint cone, with which the assessment of the competitive efficiency in the regional construction industry is successfully completed.
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