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Ports are important components of the water transportation system. They are the terminals of multi-transport, the connecting points between ships and other transport vessels. They are nodes of modern logistics and doors to trade. The optimizing of the structure of economy and industries is pressing for the optimum of the operating structure of ports while on the other hand, the researches on the problems exist in the operating of ports and strategies to optimizing the items are rather feeble at present, which is not in accordance with the requirement of the port developing. It is of great significance both in theory and practice to concentrate on the research about the operating structure of ports and building the systemic theory basis on the optimum of it. The research is in favor of perfecting the economy and management theory system of ports. Especially, the research will assist the country and certain departments in local governments to manage the industry and expedite the healthy and rapid development of port corporations under the new background of that ports have been exactly let go down to the local governments and have governments separated from the companies.
    The thesis has represented the concept of the operating structure of ports; discussed the relationships among the optimum of economic structure, industry structure and the operating structure of ports; revealed the problems exist in the operating structure of ports in our country; illustrated the significance of the optimum of the operating structure of ports.
    The thesis has analyzed the elements that do much more influence on the port operation in the environment outside and inside the ports. It points out that to realize the healthy and rapid development of ports, there aren't other ways but make clear about the resources and abilities internal, then optimize the scheme of them adjusting to environment external.
    The demand for ports is one main factor of the environment outside the ports in the port operation. It includes the demand of cargo for ports' throughput and the demand of ships for ports' handling. The throughput forecast of ports and the
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