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     目前世界范围内,对传粉榕小蜂的研究较为深入;相比较而言,非传粉榕小蜂的研究只是刚刚开始。尤其是中国,小蜂的研究更是刚刚起步,目前为止还没有系统地将中国境内的榕小蜂进行大规模的形态分类及分子鉴定的研究。本研究选择了来自中国南方5个省市的雌雄同株和雌雄异株的榕树共38种上生活的约388个临时形态种共2256个标本进行试验。预计解决榕小蜂的身份鉴定、种内雌雄配对、寄主专一性、COI基因多样性格局等方面的问题。结果显示:DNA条形码能成功将榕小蜂鉴定到种级水平,共得到189个种,并解决95%以上榕小蜂雌雄配对问题,大于一半以上的榕小蜂种内差异小于2%。未解决的种主要表现在:本身未采集到的同种雌虫或雄虫,同一个形态种出现2个及以上的单体群。形态数据和分子数据存在约90%的一致性,包括需要改正的形态鉴定错误和不确定的需要增加基因的分子数据。同时发现:中国榕小蜂隐存种的发生主要由于地理差异而产生,传粉榕小蜂产生的几率高于非传粉榕小蜂。由地理差异产生的两种传粉榕小蜂和同域物种形成的两种传粉榕小蜂为一种榕树传粉的现象打破了“一对一”理论。本研究首次发现了非传粉榕小蜂中Walkerella, Philotrypesis, Sycoscapter三个属,种级水平寄生不同榕树种,部分种存在寄主转移现象。DNA条形码应用于榕小蜂时需要强调的问题有:结合通用引物和特异小蜂引物共同使用避免非特异性扩增。注意结合榕小蜂寄主榕树的分类系统,利于检测榕树及榕小蜂中出现的分类错误。面对一些不确定因素必要时应采用多个基因联合分析。
Figs (Moraceae, Ficus) and pollinating wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaoninae) are usually considered as the classic model of co-evolution due to their morphology, physiology and behavioural co-adaptation. According to whether pollinate figs, fig wasps can be divided into pollinating wasps and non-pollinating wasps. Pollinator wasps pollinate the figs, and figs provide the resources and habits for fig wasps’development, that is the well-known mutualism relationship. In most cases, each fig tree species is pollinated by one special pollinator wasp species, however, more and more studies has ruined the strict“one-to-one”rule which make the mutualism system more complex. Similarly, non-pollinators, major components of the figs-wasps system, attract much attention, especially for their host specificity.
     As we know, all kinds of researches on fig and fig wasps must be base on correct and valid taxonomy studies. However, the taxonomy of fig wasps faces the big problem such as extreme sexual dimorphism and male polymorphism which are not easily fixed just on morphological character. In addition, the fact that many species of non-pollinating wasps, from various subfamilies or families, exist in one fig species complicates the fig wasp system. All these extraordinary phenomena hinder scientists from correctly recognizing the different species and matching sexual individuals of cospecies, especially for non-pollinating wasps. Therefore, it is urgent to combine effective molecular method and morphology to fix the problem of fig wasps taxonomy system.
     Paul (2003) raised the point that we should choose one standard gene fragment as new“taxonomy character”to help traditional taxonomy. The mtDNA COI fragment is a core gene employed by DNA barcoding initiatives and has the potential to facilitate both the identification of known species and the discovery of new ones. Although there are some limitations like young species, close species, ancient polymorphism and Wolbachia infection, many studies have demonstrated that DNA barcodes are effective in diagnosing most species, such as insects, fishes, birds, plants etc.
     In this study, we DNA barcoded 2256 wasp samples belonging to 24 genera of 7 subfamilies and 6 families reared from 38 different fig species in 5 provinces of Southern China. We asked whether COI barcode could correctly distinguish species, match sexual individuals of cospecies with extreme dimorphism, identify host-specificity etc. We got 189 species out of 388 provisional morphology morphs by gene sequences, and 95% sexual female individuals match male individuals. Barcoding analysis revealed that the cryptic species of Chinese fig wasps mostly due to geographic area differences, pollinator wasps have more geographic cryptic species than non-pollinator wasps. Moreover, two geographic pollinators pollinate one fig species and two sympatric pollinators exist in one fig species respectively were found. Some species from non-pollinator genera, Walkerella, Philotrypesis, Sycoscapter, can attack several fig species, which indicating host-switch for these wasp species. In addition, it is necessary to combine common primer and specific primer to avoid contaminative species gene amplification in DNA bacoding program.
     Although the genus Sycophila has broad host preferences, some species are specifically associated with figs as non-pollinator wasps. Because of their sexual dimorphism, morphological plasticity, cryptic mating behaviour and poorly known biology, species identifications are often uncertain. It is particularly difficult to match con-specific females and males. Although some studies have suggested that Sycophila are not highly host-specific, the morphological characters differentiating females are very subtle, making it difficult to be certain that a single species uses multiple hosts. Nevertheless, its high species diversity and broad host use make Sycophila an excellent potential model system for the investigation of speciation patterns and host specificity. In this study, we employed two molecular markers, mitochondrial COI and nuclear ITS2, to identify Sycophila from six Chinese fig species. The primary goal of this study was to clarify the diversity of Sycophila species on single fig species and the extent of host specialization in the community found in association with six monoecious Ficus species in southern China. Morphological studies revealed 25 female and male morphs, while sequence results for both genes were consistent in supporting the presence of 15 species, of which 13 were host specialists and two used dual hosts. A single species of Sycophila was respectively found on four fig species, but six species were isolated from Ficus benjamina and a same number was reared from Ficus microcarpa. Sequence results revealed three male morphs in one species and detected two species that were overlooked by morphological analysis.
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