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The complexity in the evolution of the parties and the party system of ROK is vastly different from that in western countries. The alternating the party system is one of the most important characterizes. How to describe its process and mode is a vital subject of Korean studies. This paper is intended to use external factors, internal units and institutional factors to analyze the alteration in the party system and comb out its evolutionary mode.
     From the perspective of the historical track of the party system of ROK, it has underwent the following phases: formation, authoritarian period, military rule and democratic transition. The evolutionary mode has manifested different traits in different phases. The influence of international environment in the formation period, political authority in the authoritarian period, the resignation and fight in the military rule period, and the turbulence and continuation in the democratic transition period have all left their marks in history.
     From the perspective of external factors, the international system, especially the South-North relations, (i.e. the northern wind factor) has played a key role in the formation of the party system of ROK which is characterized as leaning to the conservative side and helped fix its future direction. From the perspective of scio-economic factors, regionalism and class differentiation have ensured a stable state in the conservative the party system. The differentiation and evolution of social factors will lead to a continuation of enlarging regionalism. The party system of ROK will continue to lean to the conservative side and maintain the trend of dynamic change.
     From the perspective of internal factors, internal units are the important actors promoting the evolution of the party system of ROK. The legal base and status and the organizational structure characteristics have determined the personification of parities of ROK and the blooming factions. Objectively speaking, elites and factions have promoted the integration and disintegration of parties and the evolution and development of the party system. In behavioral mode, elite politics is characterized as power and charismatic dependence while faction politics characterized as integration of the weak and independence of the strong, or the alignment between the weak and the division among the strong. These have contributed to the alteration in the party system of ROK.
     From the perspective of institutional factors, the formation, change and stability of political rules are the factors influencing the party system. The ever-changing rules have also led to transformation of the party system. The evolution of presidential elections and congressional elections are the manifestations of the evolutionary party system. They have exerted an indirect not decisive influence. Elections have provided a basic framework for the change, limited the scope and time of change, which are also the important factors and basis for observing the alternating parties.
     On the whole, the evolution of the party system of ROK are a structure-related political phenomenon between the external environment and internal factors. Its motivation force results from the external environment. The actors promoting its change are political man and factions. It can be foreseen that the environmental factors and main actors will stabilize. The pendulum oscillating between the multi-party and two-party system will come to a stop. The party system of ROK will become stabilized.
[1] E. E. Schattschneider. Party Government [M]. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winst on, 1942: 1.
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    [4] [韩](1993),p.220.;[韩](1996),p.18.
    [5] 金容浩认为,政党体系变动现象主要由结构因素和情况因素两种,特别是情况因素是导致政党体系变动的主要原因。参见:[韩](1990),p.123~127.
    [6] 对于1990年1月三党合党创立民主自由党之后政党统合与分裂等政党体系变动现象的研究非常多。对政党体系变动的综合研究有:[韩](21)(1994).;[韩]“3:3”.21(1995),p.79~99.
    [7] [韩](2000),p.90.
    [8] [韩](2004),
    [9] 制度化是指组织上或程序上有自己的价值,运作稳定。参见:[美]塞缪尔·P.亨廷顿.变化社会中的政治秩序[M].北京:三联书店,1989:27.。政党体系的制度化与政党体系的结构化是两个不同的概念。萨托利的结构化概念指即使制度发生变化,政治、社会关系的联系关系仍然十分稳定,其根源也不会动摇,是一个历史、文化的产物。参见:[韩](G.Sartori) (1994),p.34.。此外,制度化与稳定化是两个类似的概念。但制度化主要是从政党体系的上位体系——政治体系与经济社会体系的环境关系方面,政党体系发挥本来功能的程度,是一个在特定政党体系内部的单位或结构稳定运作的概念。
    [10] 这5种视角请参见:张小劲.关于政党组织嬗变问题的研究:综述与评价[J].见:欧洲,2002 (4):62~77.
    [11] [韩](1991),p.7~45.;[韩](2000),p.90~92.;[韩](1993),p.224~229.
    [12] [韩]1983.p.291.;[韩](1993),p.220~229.;Douglas W.Rae,The Political Consequences of Electoral Law(New Haven:Yale Univ.Press,1967),p.291.;Giovanni Sartori.Parties and Party System:A Framework for Analysis,Vol.1 (Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1967) p.51.;Gorden Smith,“What is a Party System?”Parliamentary Affairs,Vol.19,No.3 (Summer,1966),pp.351-362.
    [13] 一般认为,将民众作为政党体系的单位没有意义。但是,民众直接各种选举,也可以决定政党体系的结构特征,其中影响最大的是单位的权力分布,因此也具有一定的象征意义。
    [14] [韩]1985~1992”,(1994),p.20~25.。合理选择模型见:[韩](1996),
    [15] Giovanni Sartori著 雷飞龙 译.政党与政党制度[M].台北:韦伯文化事业出版社,2000:57.;[韩](G.Sartori)(1994),p.16.
    [16] 这种结构决定了体系的性质,是一个十分有助于理解支配单位行为的原则和形式的重要概念。对于表现政党体系结构特征的变量,J.Blondel认为应综合考虑政党数量、政党相对权力、意识形态、支持的性质、政党结构等因素。萨托利认为应当综合考虑政党数量、政党相对规模、意识形态、意识形态情绪、运动方向、政党或次级集团的自律程度、政权更换轴的极数等因素。韩国的李相熙则认为,政党体系的结构特征主要有主要政党的数量、竞争程度、理念特征或其它特征。参见:J.Blondel,An Introduction to Co 2002),p.314.
    [131] 1992年8月17日,李钟赞宣布,在三党合党之后,民自党因党内权力斗争而迟迟不进行改革,正如国民所指,自己的期待其实是一种误判。“再不能对令我们消沉的地区霸权主义和陈旧的政治文化置之不理。抱着这样的信念,决定退出民自党。”见:[韩],1992,8(17)
    [132] 1992年9月18日,卢泰愚宣布有意退出民自党,并于10月5日正式提出退出民自党,称为了改变官权纠纷的气氛,组成中立内阁,以向国民承认进行公正的选举。而金泳三则称,卢泰愚退党是担心自己当选而做出的一种牵制策略。参见:[韩](2000),p.317~318.
    [133] 金泳三称不愿意以在朝党总统候选人的身份通过不公选举当选总统,愿意在放弃在朝党带来的一切既有权力的前提下,组成中立内阁,“为全力应对作为总统候选人的身份,而无法尽到一名国会议员的职责,因此愿意辞去国会议员资格”。参见:[韩](5).1992.10.13.5.
    [134] 1992年12月11日早上7时,釜山市长、警察厅长、安企部釜山支部长、驻釜山机务部队长、教育总监、商工会议所会长等7人在金淇春的主持下召开会议,要求各部门激发地域情绪,动员民间团体人员,确保金泳三当选。参见:[韩]1992,12(16)
    [135] [韩]金太郎.我们曾经想翻山越岭[M].河书出版社,2002:245~246.
    [136] [韩](1997),p.231.
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    [138] 由于有12人为全国区议员,不得不暂时留在民主党内,因此登记交涉团体时为53人。民主党要求该12名“身在曹营心在汉”的议员辞去议员资格,但国民会议却拒绝了民主党的要求。参见:[韩]1996[C].1996:119.
    [139] 金钟泌表示,对于“退居二线”之说,称“泰然处之,如视无物”,反驳了民主系的动作。参见:[韩]1994,12 (17)。
    [140] 金钟泌于1995年1月2日与前国会议长朴俊圭,就以忠清势力圈和大邱、庆北地区为基础建立标榜内阁责任制、名为“自由民主联合”的组织达成协议,并指示共和系出身的人员开始筹建新党的实际工作。参见:[韩]1995,1 (29)。
    [141] 由于与新民党的合并,金复东、韩英洙、朴九溢、金东吉、文昌模、杨亨稙、曹阳铉、姜富子、玄庆子等议员也加入了自民联。
    [142] [韩]1995,3 (31)。
    [143] 各政党地方区当选情况。参见:[韩](2004),p.434.
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    [35] V. O. Key, Politics and Pressure Groups (New York: Cromwell, 1959).
    [36] William H. Riker, "The Number of Political Parties", Comparative Politics, Vol. 9 (1982).

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