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With the new course standard being announced, it brings great reformation of the language teaching .Being used as the classroom of the main battlefield, it also has a variety of teaching methods .The variety of the teaching method is also inevitable. Since the twentieth century there have been all kinds of blame and attack to the traditional ways of teaching and it can't put out the usefulness and importance in the classroom teaching. But the inflexible and disorder can't also be denied .Thus, in the foundation of the tradition explanation teaching method, the important extended teaching in the classroom is a " space art teaching ".This thesis intends self-examination to the shortcoming of the traditional language teaching from the construction or purchasing doctrine theories, from the language teaching tool with angle that humanities unify, expatiate the most important extended teaching in classroom in language method - space art teaching.
     Putting forward to the Chinese classroom teaching, inside" space art teaching" first dates back to from east to west, from the ancient and old Chuang in China Taoist of " having no living mutually" " the truth or falsity unifies " of cosmos view, the metaphysics of "Wei Jin" of the expensive having "no thought", and the Chan's realize suddenly , until the formation of the " art blank", and improvement of the western" blank art" theoretical , generalize the characteristics of the " blank art" and clarify mental basis and theoretical basis in the teaching language and point out to construct or purchase the doctrine with the diverse intelligence theories to the influence of the language teaching; Secondly clarify the teacher to purse the Chinese classroom utility causing an imperfect language lesson magic power, making it necessary to change Chinese classroom teaching mode become expatiate again in investigate study Chinese teacher to the comprehension of the " space art teaching" with misunderstand, by the inquisition ,we discovers Chinese teachers are making use of the mistake in the " space art teaching" area. Point is territory that perfect space in ego to discuss a good teacher should assist in traditional speech in language tuition process with the " space art teaching", give students a carefree space, a kind of investigate, expression, sharing thought, plan with product, to create meaning construction or purchase, knowledge construction or purchase. This problem is a textual key, so this text talks to rise from the language teacher in classroom make the student's role fixed position to oneself, then from the Chinese classroom the teacher makes use of the " space art teaching" to the student's leading, expounds teacher involved in the actual operation in the classroom, and application technique and principle when using , and focus on the application and result of the " space art teaching" gather with disperse , try to discuss the problems in the classroom teaching. The problem spoken of finally is to use the important meaning of the "space art teaching" in language teaching.
     In reality, during the Chinese language teaching, the phenomenon of the knowledge hegemony is really widespread but deeply. The opportunity and power of the students' judgment were deprived over a long period of time, Students replace their own cognition with the standpoint of lesson this top or the cognition of other people. The student's life, experience, knowledge, standpoint and views, have no the position in the language classroom, they are not recognized, even suffer to reject. Student's independence investigates power that construct or purchase with independence over a long period of time is not admitted. So the Chinese classroom teaching should break the teacher's knowledge hegemony, words language hegemony, making use of the "space art teaching" to return the choice and freedom of the study to student, let students fly freely in the knowledge ocean.
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