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The industrialization model has been to explore by domestic and foreign scholars and research in the field and scope of the extension and expansion continued. The theory and practice of the present study to tell people: the national conditions of the environment in which different patterns of resource industries on the different options; the same country at different stages of economic development, resource industries in the form of model performance on different; the same stage of development of the history and purpose of different patterns of resource industries on different connotations. China has its own specific circumstances and environmental conditions, stage of development and the requirements of the development there is a big difference in economic and social development and regional development imbalances still prominent features of extensive economic growth performance is still obvious, energy, resources and the environment is still a serious bottleneck. Therefore, in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the less-developed areas of economic development and the rise of the need to seek appropriate roads, through the allocation of resources in industrial production, by the resources industry change, it is less-developed areas in promoting economic development by the formation of consensus, but what kind of industry so that resources can become a model eco-industry? This is related to the less-developed areas in China's economic development and coordinated development of major regional issues.
     The west-central less-developed areas of China due to policies, institutions, ideas, technology and human resources and other reasons, long-term in a state of economic backwardness, because of the history of the maintenance of ecological and environmental protection have paid a great deal of effort and lost a lot of development opportunities, resulting in a today, still in the struggle to escape poverty and difficult situation. In new historical background under the guidance of the scientific development concept, the less-developed areas to achieve economic development and environmental protection simultaneously? Has been the tremendous ecological cost of who should pay? How to pay the cost of economic development help? Developed areas and less-developed areas to develop ways to co-ordinate? How to co-operation and development? This paper studied the ecological model of industrialization is to solve the above problems in a meaningful attempt to build the ecological model in trying to achieve the adoption of emissions trading as a means of payment of the ecological costs, in order to promote the organic combination of the less-developed areas characteristic resources, the project of industrialization and the ecological costs paid, and ultimately achieve the twin objectives of economic development and ecological civilization. Therefore, the main research topics are: the application of industrial ecology theory and methods, based on the field of meso (provincial regions), for the less-developed areas to create the ecological model of resource industries from the starting point for sustainable development. The emissions trading as a means and the project business as a carrier to economic development based on characteristic resources. To create a good road to the development of fast at the same time, to make up the lack of systematic research in the field of domestic industrialization ecological model based on the characteristic resources.
     During the study process, the functions and role of the three elements of characteristic resources, industrial projects and ecological costs paid full show in promoting the economic development of less-developed areas, especially the element of ecological costs paid is the key issues of the building and operation of the ecological model of characteristic resources industry in the west-central less-developed areas. By means of emissions trading, as the realization of the ecological cost effective way to pay in order to solve the less-developed areas in economic development required for pollution control and pollution control technology and the source of funding. Make full use of the ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity of the theories and methods, and on this basis a series of innovative activities carried out, resulting in a series of innovations. Measure created by the combination of models, through examples of analysis and testing, in the early stages of development of China's specific national conditions and the application of a strong environment, the feasibility of obvious.
     The first chapter is the Introduction. Based on the above study the background and significance, the paper part of the Introduction to the theory of industrial ecology, methods and theoretical study of the industrialization model had a literature review, given the logic of the framework of research papers, and the need to study the main contents and in this article of innovation.
     The second chapter on the west-central less-developed areas ecological model of characteristic resources industries choice. To clarify the characteristic resources where the advantages of the ecological model, and the choice of the existence of objective necessity and feasibility of compliance with an essential requirement for sustainable development. Features characteristic resources, the characteristic resources industrialization, the industrialization model of the definition of the concept series, and describe the characteristics of their related. Characteristics and the types of resources to be divided, on the characteristics of the geographical distribution of resources and the distribution of economic functions are introduced. Highlighted the existence of characteristic resources to the less-developed areas with the economic development of the value of the role of particular importance. At the same time shows the existence of non-ecological model of harm, such as pollution of the environment, damage to health, both by example.
     The third chapter on the west-central less-developed areas industrialization ecological model of characteristic resources to build the framework. The three principles of the economic development, ecological security and regional fair, the three elements of the characteristic resources, industrial projects, the ecological costs paid , building a central feature of the less-developed areas of the ecological model as: " characteristic resources + industrial projects + ecological costs paid . " Characteristic resources and industrial projects selection criteria, as well as a way to pay the cost of ecological analysis, ecological model of operational mechanism and emissions trading system was discussed and that the industrialization of the establishment of the ecological model, the birth of the industrial symbiosis of ecological networks the formation of specific performance as follows: the formation of two industry chain, the two supporting and two aggregation, namely, the industrial chain products and eco-environmental protection industry chain, industry support and environmental protection facilities, characteristic industries clustering and ecological environment-protection industries clustering.
     The fourth chapter on the key to eco-mode: ecological costs paid. Emission rights in the definition of quasi-line basis and determined on the basis of the application of industrial ecology theory and methods to create a relative measure of the ecological surplus model, measurement model of emission rights, emission reduction potential difference gradient model and measurement model of emission reductions, combined with China's "Eleventh Five-Year" plan to reduce emissions of less-developed areas and the allocation of emission rights for the developed areas of the allocation of emission reductions for developed areas and less-developed areas of emissions trading between the creation of market conditions.
     Chapter V is a case study on the ecological model: A Case Study in Qinghai Province. From the characteristic resources in Qinghai Province, to the industrialization of the possibility of the existence of the project and means of ecological surplus relative to the size of an objective analysis, using the right measure to create the model of the sewage of the sewage on the right of Qinghai Province carried out a field measurement, combination of emission reductions in developed areas, the establishment of a comprehensive discussion of the characteristic resources industry in Qinghai Province of the possibility of ecological model. In Qinghai Province through the industrialization of the actual ecological model to build and run the process, to describe the west-central less-developed regional ecological model of resources industries in the specific environment of the individual feasibility and maneuverability.
     Chapter VI is on the recommendation of eco-mode and countermeasures. Mode in the constraints of reality: the region, markets and an analysis of institutional factors on the basis of the discussion of eco-industrial mode of the effective implementation of conditions, such as institutional conditions, organizational conditions and market conditions. Ecological model and the normal operation of the countermeasures proposed by the relevant proposals: the establishment of the national leading group on emissions trading and agencies at all levels; to accelerate the pace of legislation to provide legal protection; intensify preferential policies and set up a gradient of emission reduction potential difference; through sewage trading, the establishment of domestic clean development mechanism; strengthen the supervision of the monitoring means, to increase environmental protection law enforcement.
     Chapter VII presents conclusions and prospects. This article introduces the important conclusions of the study, and research papers for a general shortage of places, and made possible further research prospects.
     After the west-central less-developed ecological model of resources industries of choice, and build the basis of the framework of the content, operation mechanism and a key element of the analysis and discussion and through analysis of examples of research in Qinghai Province. The results showed: first, the west-central less-developed areas ecological model of characteristic resource industries, in the current conditions, the fully applicable to west-central Qinghai Province, represented by the less-developed areas of economic and social development of the status quo and development requirements, as well as with the developed areas support with the development of less-developed areas suited to the conditions and strength; second is the creation of the right to measure, such as sewage series models, designed to calculate simple, comparable, and in specific environmental conditions is feasible and practical; The third is in the process of building eco-mode, fully reflecting the state policy to support less-developed areas and the establishment of an emissions trading system and the importance of the key; Fourth, the ecological model to build and run, the less-developed areas out of poverty and economic take-off with an immeasurable role in promoting and at the national level of pollution control and ecological environmental protection can have a positive and far-reaching impact in promoting coordinated regional development and implement the scientific concept of development has an important practical significance.
     The less-developed ecological model of resources industries as a result of innovation of the design process of the formation and operation of traditional resources industries, is a set of economic development and ecological protection in one new way to industrialization. Therefore, there is inevitably a number of shortcomings and limitations, such as the ecological model of the formation and running there is a dependence on the government; in emission rights and emission reduction targets during the measurement data can not be completely accurate; emissions trading system and the emissions trading market system, lack and barriers that exist in the establishment; the ecological model of resources industries there are some limitations and not the integrity of the specific operation in the subjective sense of vulnerability and so on.
     In this innovative process, not only the existence of many of the deficiencies and limitations, but also there are a lot of further research and development space. Full market such as the issue of emissions trading, industry and eco-mode extends further problems.
     The full text summary of the main innovations are: First, the research perspective and the field of innovation. Industrial ecology in the perspective of the new model to study the industry and research, make up the concept of domestic areas (provinces) on the ecological models of the lack of systematic research. Secondly, the innovative concepts and models. The creation of the characteristic resources , characteristic resources industrialization, characteristic resources industrialization model of the concept series, the creation of ecological model of resources industries of the less-developed areas. Third, the relative measure of the ecological surplus, a quota of emission rights and emission reduction measure series model measure innovation.
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