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Organizational culture has a great impact on organizational behavior and organizational performance. Research methods on organizational culture have made important theoretic and practical contributions on the research on organizational culture.
     By analyzing and discussing the current situation and the existing problems in research methods of organizational culture, this dissertation conducts a systematic study on the methods and applications of qualitative research, quantitative measurement, statisctics model and mathematical model.
     First, this dissertation introduces the qualitative research method on organizational culture; builds a conceptual model of organizational culture's innovation mechanism based on Schein three layer model and Hatch dynamic model of organizational culture; analyzes the cultural characteristics and culture's innovation pattern of emerging technology enterprises through a qualitative perspective.
     Secondly, by presenting the quantitative research method, this dissertation works out a four-stage analysis framework for the quantitative measurement of organizational culture, reviews the method of detaining the obtained prinicipal factor numbers, and proposes the R-R method based on the Raw sample data and the Resample data. An empirical study on the quantitative measurement of a hotel's culture verifies the validities of the analysis framework and R-R Method, and gets the cultural distribution status of hotel bottom-line staff.
     And then, this dissertation discusses the method of determing the organizational culture consensus unit and the aggregation operator based on the consensus unit. Due to collective construct's psychometric attribute of organizational culture, this dissertation proposes a statistical method for determining the organizational culture consensus unit based on individual survey data. Due to the uncertainty about the organizational culture quantitative measurement caused by the subjectivity of respondents' answers, this dissertation proposes a new aggregation method which aggregates the intermediate variables through the discrete Choquet fuzzy integrals and adopts Yager fuzzy entropies to measure the uncertainties of these intermediate variables. The applications on the hotel case present and verify the two methods.
     Finally, this dissertation discusses the mathematical model method, demonstrates the mathematical model method and the mix methods integrating the qualitative analysis, quantitative measurement and mathematical model through two particular applications. One application is that building the organizational culture learning speed model, constructing the organizational culture learning-stage conceptual model, another is that budling the interaction model of organizational culture and organization institution, and studying the model parameter's function expression and the empirical estimation method.
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