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1994年11月8日联合国安全理事会在其第3453次会议上通过第955(1994)号决议,决定成立卢旺达国际刑事法庭(International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, ICTR)。这是安理会继1993年成立前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭(ICTY)之后建立的第二个国际刑事法庭。该法庭自成立至今,已运行近13年,但国人对其知之甚少,其关注程度远不及在其后成立的国际刑事法院,也不及在其前成立的前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭。本文旨在探讨卢旺达国际刑事法庭的成立背景、管辖权、诉讼程序及其在国际刑法中的地位等。
The United Nations Security Council decided to create the International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR) by resolution 955 (1994) passed at its 3453rd session on 8 November 1994, which is the second international criminal tribunal after the former International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) created by the Security Council in 1993. Despite 13 years’operation since its establishment, the Chinese people know little about ICTR and they pay less concern to it than to International Criminal Court (ICC) after and ICTY before its creation. This thesis discusses the reasons to establish ICTR, its jurisdiction, procedure and its status in international criminal law.
     There are six parts in the thesis besides the Introduction and Concluding Remarks.
     Part One explores the background and legal basis of ICTR. The prerequisite, necessity and legality to create ICTR are analyzed through historical survey, and it is submitted that the disregard of history by ICTR is inconducive to the maintenance of peace and stability in Rwanda. ICTR is legally established in accordance with the resolution of the Security Council and Chapter VII of United Nations Charter by which the relevant provisions of Chapter VII of United Nations Charter are creatively interpreted, which complies with the principle of United Nations Charter and contributes to world’s peace and equity.
     Part Two analyzes the structure of ICTR. The Tribunal consists of three organs, namely, the Office of Prosecution, the Chambers and the Registry. Later some internal units such as Coordinating Council and Administration Committee were set up for efficiency after reform. The qualifications and functions of the prosecutors and judges are emphatically discussed, the prosecutors are accorded with great and active power to investigate by the ICTR on one hand to find out the facts as soon as possible to fight against international crimes, on the other hand, ICTR endows the suspects with such rights as the right to silence in order that their legal rights and interests are guaranteed, the Tribunal attempts to draw the investigatory advantages from the common and civil legal systems, which is a beneficial experiment to build an ideal international criminal investigation system. As to the impartiality of the judges, it does not mean that the tribunal should be isolated from the outside world. Impartiality is only required in the judicial function, it will not affect the administrative services, and also, it will not be affected by the measures that the Security Council adopted later to accelerate the trial, instead the measures are to help ICTR realize its aim.
     The jurisdiction of ICTR is examined in Part Three by comparing it with those of Nuremberg Tribunal, Tokyo Tribunal, ICTY and ICC. The differences between the jurisdictions of ICTR and other tribunals as well as the reasons for them are discussed, and the primacy jurisdiction of ICTR and the jurisdictions of other national courts are especially analyzed. Part Three probes the origin and development of international sovereignty, examines the attitude of Rwanda government towards the establishment of ICTR and finally concludes that the jurisdiction of ICTR is the result of the transfer of Rwandan sovereignty.
     Part Four mainly deals with the three crimes over which ICTR has competence, namely, crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, and analyzes the forms of them. The definition of crimes of genocide is basically the same as that in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes of Genocide adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1948, though it has some development in the judicial practice. The crimes against humanity in ICTR refers to those committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population on national, political, ethnic, racial or religious grounds such as murder; extermination; enslavement; deportation; imprisonment; torture; rape; persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; and other inhumane acts. This definition is very peculiar, different from those adopted in Nuremberg Tribunal, ICTY and ICC.
     Part Five comments on the procedure of ICTR to make further discussion of its nature, status and role. ICTR adopts the mixed procedure mode, combining primarily the Anglo-American adversary elements with the inquisitorial elements of civil legal system, in order to make balance between the punishment of crimes and the guarantee of human rights.
     Part Six summarizes its contribution to the development of international criminal law , which are manifested as the following: (1) ICTR is the first international tribunal for the trial of non-international armed conflict in history; (2) ICTR makes contribution in the area of the subjects of international law and the development of international humanitarian law by confirming the international criminal responsibility of individuals and the application of international humanitarian law in peaceful period; (3) ICTR extends the jurisdiction of international criminal justice body, especially it recognizes the universal jurisdiction by its legislation for the first time; (4) ICTR further enriches and develops the contents of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes; (5) The establishment and operation of ICTR enhance the development of international law in Africa and facilitate the creation of permanent international criminal court to some degree; (6) ICTR makes a beneficial experiment for the establishment of the mixed international criminal procedure by its combination of the procedural elements from common law system with those from civil law system.
① http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/94/s955.htm.访问日期:2005 年 11 月 30 日。
    ② 1998 年国际社会在罗马通过《国际刑事法院规约》,并且于 2002 年正式成立永久性国际刑事法院。
     ① 洪永红:《论卢旺达国际刑事法院对国际刑法发展的贡献》,《河北法学》,2007 年第 1 期。
    ① http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/94/s955.htm.访问日期:2005 年 11 月 30 日。
    ② The Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998, para.78; The Prosecutor v.Kayishema & Ruzindana, Judgement, 21 May 1999, para.31.
    ③ L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p12.
    ① Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p3.
    ② J.J.Maque, The Premise of Inequality in Rwanda, London, Oxford University Press, 1961, p170.
    ③ G. Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis 1959-1994: History of a Genocide, 2nd ed., London, Huest and Company, 1997,pp5-23.
    ④ The Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998, para.81.
    ① The Prosecutor v.Kayishema & Ruzindana, Judgement, 21 May 1999, para.34
    ② 当时称为卢安达-乌隆迪。
    ③ 当时称坦噶尼喀。
    ④ 坦噶尼喀则成为英国的“委任统治地”。
    ⑤ W. Rogers Louis, Ruwanda-Urundi,1884-1919, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963,p.122
    ⑥ W. Rogers Louis, Ruwanda-Urundi,1884-1919, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963,p.203.
    ⑦ Gerard Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis 1959-1994: History of a Genocide, 2nd ed., London, Huest and Company, 1997,p9.
    ① Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p10.
    ② Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p11.
    ③ Gue Vassal-Adams, Rwanda, Oxford, Oxfam, 1994,p.8.
    ④ 这一种族身份制度一直实行到 1994 年种族大屠杀后,才被卢旺达新政府废除。
    ⑤ 徐济民:《卢旺达内战的由来与前景》,《西亚非洲》,1994 年第 5 期,第 44 页。
    ① The Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Barayagwiza & Ngeze, Judgement, 3 December 2003, para.19.
    ② L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p18.
    ③ Gerard Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis 1959-1994: History of a Genocide, 2nd ed., London, Huest and Company, 1997,introduction.
    ④ http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/94/s955.htm.访问日期:2005 年 11 月 30 日。
    ① 徐济民:《卢旺达内战的由来与前景》,《西亚非洲》,1994 年第 5 期,第 44 页。
    ② The Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Barayagwiza & Ngeze, Judgement, 3 December 2003, para.110.
    ③ 《阿鲁沙和平协议》重新确定双方停火,并就以下事项达成一致:(1)成立一个包括卢旺达爱国阵线在内的过渡政府;(2)部分遣散并合并双方的武装人员;(3)让难民回家;(4)重新安顿流亡的人;(5)]协议由联合国援助卢旺达团(UNAMIR)监督执行。
    ④ 同机乘坐的布隆迪总统恩塔米亚里拉也遇难。
    ① 其数据说法不一,联合国认为至少有 80 万人被杀,当时西方媒体认为有 100 万人被杀,卢旺达政府后来统计为有 73.7 万人被杀。引自 Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p3.
    ② 所谓免罚文化是指在卢旺达封建王朝时,对于图西贵族犯下的一般罪行可以免除处罚。 UN Doc.E/CN.4/1995/71,17 January 1995,para.22-25.
    ③ 刘海方:《十周年后再析卢旺达“种族”大屠杀》,《西亚非洲》2004 年第 3 期,第 34 页。
    ① 刘海方:《十周年后再析卢旺达“种族”大屠杀》,《西亚非洲》2004 年第 3 期,第 37-38 页。
    ② Robert F. Van Lierop, Rwanda Evaluation: Report and Recommendation, Tort and Insurance Law Journal, 1997, Vol.31, p900.
     ① 刘海方:《十周年后再析卢旺达“种族”大屠杀》,《西亚非洲》2004 年第 3 期,第 38 页。
    ② 徐济民:《卢旺达内战的由来与前景》,《西亚非洲》1994 年第 5 期,第 46-48 页。
     ① The Prosecutor v. Karemera, Decision,25 April 2001,para.20.
    ① Appeals Chamber Decision on the Tadic jurisdictional Motion. 2 Oct.,1995, Case No.IT-94-1-AR72, para.20.
    ② 《联合国宪章》第 39 条。
    ③ Appeals Chamber Decision on the Tadic jurisdictional Motion. 2 Oct.,1995, Case No.IT-94-1-AR72,para.36.另见朱文奇《论成立国际刑事法庭的合法性问题》《,时代法学》2005年第6期第99-100页。
    ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,pp76-77.
    ② 陈业宏、唐鸣:《中外司法制度比较》,商务印书馆 2000 年,第 80-85 页。
    ③ 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》有 3 条 9 款,即第 11 条、第 12 条和第 13 条。
    ④ 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》关于书记官处的规定在第 16 条,该条有 4 款。
    ① UN Doc.S/1995/134. 13 Feb. 1995.para.9.
    ② [加拿大]威廉·A·夏巴斯:《国际刑事法院导论》(第 2 版),黄芳译,中国人民公安大学出版社 2006 年,第220 页。
    ③ 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 37 条和 38 条。
    ① 朱文奇:《国际法新趋势与国际刑事法庭》,载 http//:www.hicourt.gov.cn/theory/artilce_list.asp?id= 144&l_class=3 - 22k.2007 年 5 月 4 日访问。
     ① http//:www.ictr.org/cases/status,2007 年 3 月 31 日访问。
     ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p61.
    ① The prosecutor v. Bagosora, Decision, 12 July 2002, para.25.
    ② The prosecutor v. Bagosora, Decision, 12 July 2002, para.26.
    ③ http//:www.ictr.org/cases/status. 2007 年 3 月 31 日访问。
    ④ L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p57.
     ① 凌岩:《卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭的成就和经验》,载《国际法与比较法论坛》(第 1 辑),中国法制出版社 2006年,第 168-169 页。
    ① 甘雨沛、高格:《国际刑法学新体系》,北京大学出版社 2000 年,第 362 页;张景:《国际刑法综述》,人民法院出版社 2004 年,第 214 页;林欣主编:《国际刑法问题研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2000 年,第 148 页。
    ② 林欣主编:《国际刑法问题研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2000 年,第 148 页。
    ③ 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 134 页。
    ④ 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 87 页;赵秉志主编:《国际刑事法院专论》,人民法院出版社 2003 年,第 137 页、第 167 页。
    ⑤ 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 137 页。
    ⑥ 王沪宁:《国家主权》,人民出版社 1987 年,第 2 页。
    ⑦ St . Augusitine, The City of God, ed., D. Knoeles, trans., H. Bettenson, Harmondsworth: Penguin,1972。转引自肖佳灵:《国家主权论》,时事出版社 2003 年,第 18 页。
    ⑧ 托马斯·阿奎纳:《阿奎纳政治著作选》,马清槐译,商务印书馆 1982 年,第 153 页。
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    ② J.U.Lewis, Jean Bodin’s “Logic of Sovereignty”, in Political Science, Vol.16, 1968, pp202-222.
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    ⑤ 李龙主编:《西方法学名著提要》, 江西人民出版社 1999 年,第 100-101 页。
    ⑥ 肖佳灵:《国家主权论》,时事出版社 2003 年,第 132 页。
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    ③ 引自王沪宁:《论现当代国际主权理论的新发展》,《政治学研究》,1985 年第 1 期,第 40 页。
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    ① 赵廷光主编:《中国刑法原理》(总论卷),武汉大学出版社 1992 年,第 87--88 页。
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    ⑤ 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 168--169 页。
    ① 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 8 条。
    ② 曾称扎伊尔
    ③ 高铭暄、王作富主编:《刑法总论》,中国人民大学出版社 1989 年,第 44 页。
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    ② 《纽伦堡国际军事法庭宪章》第 6 条。
    ③ 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》第 26 条
    ① 联合国网站中文版。http//:www.un.org/s/res/1503(2003),2003 年 8 月 28 日,2005 年 12 月 21 日访问。
    ② 赵秉志、王秀梅编:《国际刑事审判规章汇编》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2003 年,第 32 页。
    ③ 英文原文为 persons responsible for… 。
    ④ 英文原文为 Rwandan citizens responsible for…
     ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,pp76-77.
    ② 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 164 页。
     ① The Prosecutor v. Kabiligi and Ntabakuze, Decision, 13 April, 2000.para.39-44.
    ① Jordan J. Paust ect., International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, Carolina Academic Press,1996, p3.转引自张智辉:《国际刑法通论》(增补本),中国政法大学出版社 1999 年,第 100 页。
    ① 马进保:《国际犯罪与国际刑事司法协助》,法律出版社 1999 年,第 4-5 页。
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    ④ L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p68.
    ① 白桂梅、李红云编:《国际法参考资料》,北京大学出版社 2002 年,第 263-264 页。
    ① Nicaragua v. United States of America, Merits, Judgement, 27 June 1986,par.218, ICJ Reports 1986,pp113-114.
    ① UN Doc.S/1995/134,13 February 1995,para.12.
    ② UN Doc.S/1995/134,13 February 1995,fn.8.
    ③ 朱文奇:《论成立国际刑事法庭的合法性问题》,《时代法学》2005 年第 6 期,第 100 页。
    ④ The Prosecutor v. Tadic, Appeal Decision 2 October 1995,paras.87-88.
    ⑤ The Prosecutor v. Tadic, Appeal Decision 2 October 1995,para.92.
    ① 张效林编译:《远东国际军事法庭判决书》,法律出版社 1986 年,第 14 页。
    ② Sarooshi.D,”the legal framework governing UN subsidiary organs”, in British Yearbook of International Law,1996,413-478.
    ③ UN Doc.S/RES/794,3 December 1992,para.5.and UN Doc.S/RES/814, 26 March 1993,para.13
    ④ The Prosecutor v. Akyesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998.
    ⑤ The Prosecutor v. Akyesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998.paras.605-610.
    ⑥ L.J.van Den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005, p211.
    ⑦ The Prosecutor v. Akyesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998.paras.611-617.
    ① The Prosecutor v. Rutaganda, Judgement, 6 Dcember 1999.paras.86-90.
    ② L.J.van Den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005, p212.
    ③ 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 90 页。
    ④ 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 153--154 页。
     ① 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 90 页。
    ② http//:www.globalpolicy.org/visitctr/membersh.htm. 2006 年 12 月 2 日访问。
     ① 朱文奇:《国际刑法的最新发展》,见北大法律信息网,http//:www.chinalawinfo.com/xin/disxw. 2005 年10 月 22 日访问。
     ① http://www.humanrights-china.org/china/rqfg/R520011029125759.htm.2005 年 5 月 3 日访问。
    ② Raphael Lemkin:Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,Carnegie Endowment for Internatinal Peace, Washington, 1944,p79. 转引自张智辉:《国际刑法通论》(增补本),中国政法大学出版社 1999 年,第 167 页。
     ①《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 7 条。
    ① The Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement, 2 Septenber, 1998.para.78.
    ② UN Doc.S/1994/134.14.Feb.1994.para10.
    ① 王秀梅:《论灭绝种族罪》,《法商研究》,2002 年第 5 期,第 85 页。
    ② 张智辉著:《国际刑法通论》(增补本),中国政法大学出版社 1999 年版,第 115 页。
    ③ 李步云主编:《人权法学》,高等教育出版社 2005 年,第 118 页。
    ④ http://www.findlaw.cn/Info/lunwen/guojilw/2004311121905.htm。2005 年 5 月 4 日访问。
    ① [英]詹宁斯 瓦茨 修订:《奥本海国际法》(第一卷第一分册),王铁崖等译,中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年, 第 292--293 页。
    ② Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p97.
    ③ Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, G. & C. Meariam, Company, 1976,p781.
    ④ Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p97.
    ⑤ http:/baike.baidu.com/view/128551.htm。2005 年 5 月 2 日访问。
    ① http://www.findlaw.cn/Info/lunwen/guojilw/2004311121905.htm。2005 年 5 月 2 日访问。另见 Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p97.
    ② http://www.findlaw.cn/Info/lunwen/guojilw/2004311121905.htm。2005 年 5 月 2 日访问。
    ③ Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p97.
    ④ 《反灭种公约》第 2 条。
    ① Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, pp83-88.
    ① Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p270.
    ② Paul D. Marquardt, Law Without Border: The Constitutionality of the International Criminal Court, Vol.33.1,Columbia Journal of Tansnational Law,1995, p99.
    ① The Prosecotor v.Akayesu,Judgement, 2 September,1998.,para.559.
    ② http://www.findlaw.cn/Info/lunwen/guojilw/2004311121905.htm。2005 年 5 月 2 日访问。
    ① 即 1948 年《反灭绝种族罪公约》
    ② L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p159.
    ③ 1919 年《凡尔赛条约》第 228 条和《塞弗尔条约》第 226 条至 230 条。
    ① 《纽伦堡军事法庭宪章》第 6 条第 3 款。
    ② L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p151.
    ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p151.
    ② 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 5 条。
    ③ 如对科索沃问题犯罪。
    ④ 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 1 条。
    ⑤ 丛文胜著:《战争法原理与适用》,军事科学出版社 2003 年版,第 614 页。
     ① UN Doc.S/1994/1405,para.135.
    ① 李世光、刘大群和凌岩主编:《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释》(上册),北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 82-83 页。
    ② 张景:《国际刑法综述》,人民法院出版社 2004 年,第 116 页。
    ③ 《联合国国际法委员会 1996 年报告》,第 78 页。转引自李世光、刘大群和凌岩主编:《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释》(上册),北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 79 页。
    ④ 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》第 30 条第 2 款。
    ⑤ The prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement 2 September 1998,para.650.
    ① The prosecutor v.Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement, 21 May 1999, para.134.
    ② The prosecutor v. E.and G.Ntakirutimana, Judgement, 21 February 2003,para.803.
    ③ The prosecutor v. Semanza, Judgement,15 May 2003,para.332.
    ④ The prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement 21 May 1999,para.144
    ⑤ 张景:《国际刑法综述》,人民法院出版社 2004 年,第 116-117 页。
    ⑥ 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 299 页。
    ① The prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement 2 September 1998,para.582.
    ② The prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement 21 May 1999,para.127.
    ③ K Amos and S Wirth, The current law of crimes against humanity, Criminal Law Forum, 2002.13, p22.
    ④ L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p169.
    ① http//:un.org/law/code/safety.htm.
    ② 《1969 维也纳条约法公约》第 31-33 条。
    ③ The prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement 2 September 1998,para.580.
    ④ The prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement 21 May 1999,para.123.
     ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p161.
    ①《国际刑事法院规约》第 7 条。
    ② The prosecutor v. Semanza,Judgement, 15 May 2003, para.327.
    ③ The prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement, 2 September 1998,para.589.
    ④ The prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement 21 May 1999,para.140.
     ① The prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana, Judgement 21 May 1999,para.144
    ① The prosecutor v. Akayesu, Judgement,2 September 1998,para.589.
    ② Paul J. magnarella, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genecide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2000, p100.
     ① 王秀梅:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2002 年,第 267 页。
    ① 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 5 条对于危害人类罪的规定为“国际法庭有权对国际或国内武装冲突中犯下下列针对平民的罪行负有责任的人予以起诉······”,而第 3 条对于战争罪只表述为“国际法庭有权起诉违反战争法和惯例的人”。
    ② 对于另外两种罪,《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》则分别在其第 2 条冠以“种族灭绝”,在其第 3 条冠以“危害人类罪”的罪名。参见赵秉志、王秀梅编:《国际刑事审判规章汇编》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2003 年,第 32--33页。
    ③ 贾宇:《国际刑法学》,中国政法大学出版社 2004 年,第 178 页。
    ① 张智辉:《国际刑法通论(增补本)》,中国政法大学出版社 1999 年,第 162 页。
    ② 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 291 页。
    ③ 赵秉志、王秀梅编:《国际刑事审判规章汇编》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2003 年,第 32 页。
    ④ 英文原文为 persons responsible for… 。
    ⑤ 英文原文为 Rwandan citizens responsible for…
    ⑥ The Prosecetor V. Rutaganda, Appeal Judgement, 26 may 2003, Para581-584.
    ⑦ 高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 292 页。
    ⑧ 张智辉:《国际刑法通论(增补本)》,中国政法大学出版社 1999 年,第 162 页。
     ① 贾宇:《国际刑法学》,中国政法大学出版社 2004 年,第 178--179 页。
     ① 陈光中、徐静村主编:《刑事诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社 1999 年,第 84 页。
    ① 谢佑平:《刑事诉讼模式与精神》,成都科技大学出版社 1994 年,第 57-62 页。
    ② 《纽伦堡国际军事法庭宪章 》第 12 条。
    ③ Christoph J M Safferling, Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Oxford University Press,2001,p33.
    ④ V Morris and M Scharf, Introduction to ICTY and ICTR, Oxford University Press, 2005, p177.
    ① Rodney Dixon, Karim A.A. Khan and Judge Richard May, Archbold International Criminal Courts Practice, Procedure and Evidence, London Sweet﹠Maxwell, 2003,pp75-80.
    ② 樊崇义主编:《刑事诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社 1995 年,第 34 页。
    ③ Guenael Mettraux,《International Crimes and the ad hoc Tribunals》,Oxford University Press, 2005,p76. .
    ④ Christoph J M Safferling, Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Oxford University Press,2001,p45.
    ① K Volk, In General to the Conception of Material Truth, Ebelsbaach Publisher, 1978, pp 183-203.
    ② K Volk, In General to the Conception of Material Truth, Ebelsbaach Publisher, 1978,pp13-14.
    ③ R.A.Duff, Trials and Punishment, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp132-134.
    ④ Maherin T. Campel et al. (eds). Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 1986,pp197-198.
    ⑤ R.A.Duff, Trials and Punishment, Cambridge University Press, 1986,p104.
    ⑥ Christoph J M Safferling, Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Oxford University Press,2001,p18.
     ① Christoph J M Safferling, Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Oxford University Press,2001,p47.
     ① 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》第 28 条。
     ① 宋英辉、孙长永、刘新魁等:《外国刑事诉讼法》,法律出版社 2006 年,第 66 页。
    ② 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 65 条。
     ① 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第 9 条第 1 款和第 2 款。
    ① 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 53 条。
    ② 凌岩著:《跨世纪的海牙审判:记联合国前南斯拉夫国际法庭》,法律出版社 2002 年,第 276 页。
    ① 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》第 20 条第 4 款(d)项。
     ① 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 85 条。
    ② 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭的程序与证据规则》第 5 章第 7 节。
    ① See EComnHR, Ilse Hess v. United Kingdom, 25 May 1975 (Application no.6231/73) [1975] 18 Yearbook 146.
    ② 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 108 条。
    ③ 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭规约》第 25 条。
    ④ 《卢旺达国际刑事法庭程序与证据规则》第 120 条。
    ① 《前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭规约》第 1 条。
    ② 丛文胜著:《战争法原理与适用》,军事科学出版社 2003 年版,第 614 页。
    ③ UNSC Res 955, UNSCOR,49th Sess. at 20. UN Doc S/INF/50(1996)
    ① John E. Ackerman & Eugene O’Sullivan, Practice and Procedur of The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: With Selected Materials from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,Kluwer Law International,2002,p383.
    ② Case No ICTR 96-4-1,Judgement of 2 September 1998.
    ③ http//:www.ictr.org/cases/ 年 5 月 6 日访问。
    ① Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p42.
    ② Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p43.
    ① 国际常设刑事法院除管辖上述三种罪外,还管辖侵略罪。
    ② UN.doc.A/RES/58/234Plen.39(b);A/58/PV.78.23 December 2003
    ③ L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p268.
    ④ Paul J. Maganarelia, Justice in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide, Its Courts, and the UN Criminal Tribunal, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, p97.
    ① Paul D. Marquardt, Law Without Border: The Constitutionalty of the International Criminal Court, Vol.33.1,Columbia Journal of Tansnational Law,p.79,1995.转引自高燕平:《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社 1999 年,第 293 页。
    ② L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p151.
    ③ 李世光、刘大群和凌岩主编:《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释》(上册),北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 82-83 页。
    ④ Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p272.
    ⑥ Case No ICTR 96-4-1,Judgement of 2 September 1998.转引自 Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p43。
    ① Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p272.
    ② The Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Kova?, and Vukovi? Appeal Judgement, 12 June 2002, paras.58-59.
    ③ 陈业宏、唐鸣:《中外司法制度比较》,商务印书馆 2000 年,第 80-85 页。
     ① 《纽伦堡国际军事法庭宪章 》第 12 条。
    ② Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p40.
    ① L.J.van den Herik, The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005,p281.
    ② Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p276.
    ③ Kithure Kindiki, Contribution of the International Criminal for Rwanda to the Development of International Humanitarian Law, Zambia Law Journal,2001,Vol.33,p44.
    ④ Mohamed C. Othman, Accountability for International Humannitarian Law Violations: The Case of Rwanda and East Timor, Springer,2005,p43.
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