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     对目标后验状态分布近似的另一条途径是Monte Carlo仿真。近年来迅速发展起来的粒子滤波技术为求解非线性问题提供了通用的框架,它通过Monte Carlo仿真产生的带权粒子来对状态分布进行逼近。论文第四章首先对粒子滤波的基本原理进行了阐述,在此基础上深入研究了粒子滤波框架下的被动目标跟踪算法,主要工作包括三个方面:1)鉴于传统粒子滤波算法直接从先验进行采样导致的效率低下问题,提出了一种基于最优采样函数近似的改进粒子滤波(IPF)算法,使滤波器的跟踪性能得以明显提高;2)针对UPF算法在实际应用中出现的数值敏感和性能恶化问题,提出了一种修正的UPF(MUPF)算法,有效减轻了粒子贫化现象,降低了跟踪误差;3)结合被动跟踪系统的实际特点,对“边缘化”粒子滤波技术进行了研究,提高了跟踪算法的费效比。在初始误差大、可观测性弱的被动跟踪应用背景下,粒子滤波技术由于其粒子散布特性,在跟踪收敛速度和稳定性方面表现出独特的优势。
Conventional detection systems, such as radar and sonar, have encountered more and more threats with the increasing complexity of circumstances in modern battlefield. Passive localization and tracking technology has been paid more and more attention because of its significant advantage in self-hiding, far-distance detection and extensive applicability. In this dissertation, some critical issues on single observer passive tracking are touched based on the observed information of spatial-frequency domain. These issues include localization model and observability conditions, tracking algorithms, maneuvering target tracking, and lower bound analysis of tracking errors, etc. Both theory and algorithms presented in the dissertation are validated using simulated data or real measurement data.
     System model and observability are the basis for passive localization and tracking, and the state of the target can be estimated only when the system is observable. As for the observability analysis, much attention has been paid to motion target with constant velocity; however, analysis of observability for maneuvering target is still a blank to some extent. In view of these facts, observability analysis for two classes of conventional maneuvers (constant acceleration and constant turn rate) are investigated in Chapter II, and some meaningful conclusions are drawn too, which lays the base for maneuvering target tracking discussed in Chapter V.
     Passive target tracking is in essence the problem of nonlinear optimal filtering, i.e., the aim is to estimate the state (including position, velocity, and acceleration etc) of the target based on nonlinear measurements, and the key is to obtain the distribution of desired posterior state. On the premise of Gaussian analytic approximation to posterior distribution, Chapter III begins with the discussion of filtering algorithms and their potential drawbacks under the framework of extended Kalman filtering (EKF), on which basis the tracking algorithms are fully investigated under unscented Kalman filtering (UKF) framework: 1) in view of the large initial error and weak observability of passive system, an iterated UKF is proposed to improve the convergence speed and tracking precision; 2) a simplified UKF is proposed to reduce the computional complexity of standard UKF, which makes the algorithm more suitable for real-time application; 3) considering the particularity of CT (constant turn) model, a joint estimation algorithm referred to as JEUKF is proposed to estimate the maneuvering parameter (turn rate) and target state simutaniously, making it possible to track CT target successfully with only one single model.
     Another way to approximate the posterior state distribution is Monte Carlo simulation. The recently developed particle filtering technology provides a general framework for nonlinear problem, and posterior state distribution is approximated by weighted particles which are generated through Monte Carlo simulation. Chapter IV concentrates on passive tracking algorithms based on particle filtering, and the work is done from three main aspects: 1) in view of the inefficiency of general particle filter which samples the particles directly from the prior, an improved algorithm is proposed using optimal function approximation; 2) a modified unscented particle filter (MUPF) is proposed to address the numerical problem and performance deterioration found in conventional UPF; 3) considering the real characteristic of passive tracking system, the marginalized particle filtering approach is presented. Under the background of passive tracking, the initial estimate error is usually very large, and the system is subject to weak observability. In this case, the particle filtering methods exhibit obvious advantage in robustness and convergent speed because of the decentralization of particles.
     In the application of military background, the target may exhibit different motions from time to time. In such case, it is of great significance to investigate the problem of maneuvering target tracking, and the work in Chapter V is just done under this requirement. Usually, track of maneuvering target is realized by adaptively adjusting the model and filter parameters. In this chapter, three tracking approaches have been discussed. These include the model matched adaptation method, the noise covariance adaptation method, and the neural network adaptation method. Following the discussion, two novel algorithms, i.e., neural network algorithm with dynamic correction ability and neural network algorithm integrated by interacting multiple model (IMM), are proposed to improve the tracking performance. Compared to conventional methods used in maneuvering target tracking, the proposed algorithms are not subject to detection delay and have the advantage of high stability, prompt response, so they have better applicability in passive tracking circumstance.
     Under nonlinear condition, the optimal filtering algorithm is generally difficult to construct, so in real application all kinds of suboptimal algorithm are used instead. The well known Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) gives an indication of performance limitation which is independent upon specified algorithm, and it is usually used to determine whether improved performance requirements are realistic for any suboptimal algorithm. Chapter VI is aimed at providing a unified framework for performance assessment of tracking algorithms by investigating the tracking error CRLB. Firstly, for the uniform velocity target, the tracking accuracy is evaluated by analyzing the general CRLB of parameter estimate; secondly, error lower bound calculation for maneuvering target tracking is solved by dividing the trajectory into multiple segments; lastly, by introducing the concept of posterior Cramer-Rao bound (PCRB), the tracking accuracy of near uniform velocity target is analyzed.
     The dissertation concludes with a summary of the accomplished work and future research recommendations.
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