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China is building a socialist market economy, but due to historical and practical reasons, there are all kinds of anti-competition behavior in the market, which suppressing competition and affecting the market order. Among them, there is a striking phenomenon that is the vertical restraints. China has Promulgated the Anti-Monopoly Law(AML), the AML Enforcement Agencies are also developing regulations, but the existing norm are too principled and lack of practical feasibility, the results of regulation are not optimistic. The United States is one of the first countries to introduce the AML in the world, which have accumulated rich theoretical and practical experience of the AML, so our country should absorb the mature experience of the USA, improving the regulation on the vertical restraints. This article is based on comparative law perspective, studying the economics and the legal theory of vertical restraints in the USA, and then discussing the historical evolution of AML norms and the rule of vertical price restraints and vertical non-price restraints, finally returning back to study our country's AML. Thesis is discussed from the following six aspects:
     The first chapter:The United States'Economic Theory of Vertical Restraints. In this paper, the author reviewed three school's view of vertical restraints, such as Harvard School, Chicago School and Post-Chicago School, and analyzed their practical impact of justice. Harvard School raised lever theory, Chicago School expounded principal-agent theory and transaction cost theory, and Post-Chicago School used a non-cooperative game model to study the behavior of a variety of strategies. Economic analysis of vertical restraints can be broadly divided into two categories:theories stressing the danger of anti-competitive effect, such as retail-level cartels and manufacturers'cartels, on the other hand, and efficiency theories explaining vertical restraints can be used to reduce transaction costs, prevent free-rider, certify quality and fashion and so on. Through on these issues, this paper revealed that in light of the ascendancy of the economic efficiency approach in antitrust, vertical restraint law appeared to be all but dead. But in fact, the economic efficiency approach to vertical restraints is incompletant, which has eliminated from the antitrust calculus all consideration of the various concerns centering on the dealer-fairness issues still continue to surface in a variety of contexts and legal theories outside of antitrust. On the other hand, this approach is failure to comport with reality, consumers do not believe that vertical restraints will enhance their welfare.
     The second chapter:The United States'Legal Theory On The Issues of Anti-competitive of Vertical Restraints. This paper defined the concept and the kind of vertical restraints in the United States. Then studied a variety of legal theory on issue of anti-competitive of vertical restraints. The Colgate principle, oppression theory and causality theory can be used to explain the vertical collusion. On the other hand, the leverage theory, predatory pricing theory, raising rivalry's cost theory and incompletant information theory can analyze the issue of excluding competitors. Because of anti-competitive effects of vertical restraints prone to make uncertainty judge, so this paper focused on studying the U.S. antitrust regulatory approach, that is per se rules and rule of reason. In the course of the application of these two rules, there appeared new form, such as non-strict per se rule and truncated rule of reason. In this theoretical research on the two rules, there also have been much debate, such as dichotomy, trichotomy, the purpose of analysis and the extreme burden of proof analysis.
     The Third Chapter:The Historical Evolution of the U.S. Legal Norms of Vertical Restraints. This paper studied the statute provides applying to vertical restraints, such as the Section 1, Section 2 of the Sherman Act, Section 3 of the Clayton Act and Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. Then, analyzed the AML Enforcement Angencies'Vertical Restraints Guidelines, which typically were the Ministry of Justice's Guidelines and the National Association of Attorneys General's Guidelines. After that, through stressing the most important case of vertical restraints outlined the general picture of the case law. Finally, described the proposed comprehensive reform of vertical restraints law in U.S. academic, introducing the structure rule of reason to regulate vertical restraints.
     The fourth Chapter:The Vertical Price Restraints Law of the USA. First, this papers studied the statutory provision:1 Section of the Sherman Act, through the development of case law-Kiefer—Stewart Co., v. Sheagram & Calvert Co., Albrecht v. Herald Co., and State Oil v. Kahn, revealing that the per se rule has changed into the rule of reason in the case involved maximum resale price maintenance, and further analyzed the situation when there were both maximum resale price maintenance and vertical non-price restraints. Secondly, studied the Section 1, Section 2 of the Sherman Act and Section 3 of the Clayton Act, though the development of case law-Dr. Miles Medicine Company, Petitioner, v. John D. Park & Sons Company., U. S v. General Electric Co., United States v. Colgate & Co., and Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc., dba Kay's Kloset…Kay's Shoes…, revealing that there were much antitrust legal essential in the resale price maintenance and minimum resale price maintenance, further analyzed the permissible means to control downstream and wether it was illegal when there were vertical price restraints and vertical non-price restraints. Finally, researched the price recommendation system from two perspectives:Section 1 of the Sherman Act and the lawful price recommended elements.
     The Fifth Chapter:The Vertical Non-price Restraints Law of the USA. First of all, this paper studied the vertical geographic and customer restraints, describing the type of such restraints, through the development of the case law-White Motor Co. v. United States, United States v. Arnold Schwinn & Co., Continental T.V., Inc. v. GTE Sylvania, Inc., and Post-Sylvania case, revealing the per se rule has changed into the rule of reason when the case involved such restraints, and then compared such restraints with the other types of vertical non-price restraints, analyzed the situation when there were both such restraint and the other types of vertical non-price restraints. Second, starting through the statutory law, such as Section 1 of the Sherman Act, Section 3 of the Clayton Act and Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, Article 5, through the case law-Standard Oil Co. v. United States and Tampa Electric Co. v. Nashville Coal Co revealing the important factors of anti-competitive effect of exclusive dealing, and further comparing exclusive dealing and other types of vertical non-price restraints, analyzing the situation when there were both exclusive dealing and other types of vertical non-price restraints, in sum got the useful experience of regulating exclusive dealing. After that, studied the U.S. antitrust law against tying, through the analysis of elements of tying, which can be divided into two kinds of products and tying agreements and the illegality of tying, which can be described as enough market power, impeding the tying product market competition and the legitimate business reasons as a defense, overall showed the United States tying regulation. Finally, studied the franchise contracts which frequently contained exclusive dealing, geographic and customer restraints, business representation control, tying, resale price maintenance and so on, and then analyzed how the United States antitrust law regulated franchising.
     The Sixth Chapter:The Provides of the Anti-Monoply Law of China on the Vertical Restraints and Its Improvement. This article first discussed specific provisions regulating vertical restraints, mainly Articles 14-15, and Articles 17-19. Articles 14-15 provided the vertical monopoly agreements, this paper held that they meet the specific conditions of our country and complyed with international legislation on the general trend, but the legislative models were flawed, the license terms was uncertain. Articles 17-19 regulated the exclusive dealing and tying, but the there were apparent defects, which needed to be improved. Then, explored the mature experience of the United States vertical restraints law, which can enlighten our AML At last, suggested the feasible way to improve the regulatory system of vertical restraints is publishing the Vertical Restraints Guidelines by the Anti-Monopoly Committee, and further described its main elements.
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    7 Howard P. Marvel, Exclusive Dealing, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. x x V,1982.
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    3 Donald F. Turner, The Definition of Agreement Under the Sherman Act:Conscious Parallelism and Refusals to Deal, Harvard Law Review, Vol.75,1962, p.655, p.663-673.
    1 Robert H. Bork, Legislative Intent and the Policy of the Sherman Act, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.9, 1966, p.7.
    2 Herbert Hovenkamp, The Rationalization of Antitrust, Harvard Law Review, Vol.116,2003, p.921.
    3 Herbert Hovenkamp, Post-Chicago Antitrust:A Review and Critique, Columbia Business Law Review, Vol.78, 2001,p.257,p.269.
    1 Herbert Hovenkamp, Antitrust Policy after Chicago, Michigan Law Review, Vol.84,1985, p.227.
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    1 Thomas A. Piraino, A Proposed Antitrust Approach to High Technology Competition, William& Mary Law Review, Vol.44,2002, p.65, p.119-123.
    2 Frank H. Easterbrook, Vertical Arrangements and the Rule of Reason, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.53,1984, p.153.
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    1 Frank H. Easterbrook, Vertical Arrangements and the Rule of Reason, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.53,1984, p.141.
    2 Herbert Hovenkamp, Economics and Federal Antitrust Law, West Publishing Co.,1985, p.87.
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    2 Herbert Hovenkamp, Economics and Federal Antitrust Law, West Publishing,1985, p.248.
    1 Edward Iacobucci, The Case for Prohibiting Resale Price Maintenance, World Comparative Law and Economics Review, Vol.19(2),1995, p.94.
    2 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第244页。
    3 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price Fixing, Georget Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1490-1491.
    1 Robert H. Bork, The Antitrust Paradox, Free Press,1978, p.292-293.
    2 Ornstein, Resale Price Maintenance and Cartels, Antitrust Bulletin, Vol.30,1985, p.404.
    3 Robert H. Bork, The Antitrust Paradox, Free Press,1978, p.294.
    1 Robert H. Bork, The Rule of Reason and the Per se Concept:Price Fixing and Market Division(Ⅱ), Yale Law Journal, Vol.75,1965, p.411.
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    2 Joseph J. Spengler, Vertical Integration and Antitrust Policy, Journal of Politics and Economics, Vol.58,1950, p.347.
    3 Jean Tirole, The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press,1988, p.177-178.
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    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第57页。
    2 Lester G. Telser, Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.3,1960, p.91.
    1 Benjamin Klein& Kevin M. Murphy, Vertical Restraints as Contract Enforcement Mechanisms, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.31(2),1988, p.266.
    1 Ralph Winter, Vertical Control and Price versus Non-price Competition, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 108,1993, p.63.
    2 同上。
    1 Edward Iacobucci, The Case for Prohibiting Resale Price Maintenance, World Comparative Law and Economics Review, Vol.19(2),1995, p.85.
    2 Ralph Winter, Vertical Control and Price versus Non-price Competition, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.108,1993, p.68.
    3 J.R. Gould & L.E. Preston, Resale Price Maintenance and Retail Outlets, Economica, Vol.32,1965, p.304.
    1 J.R. Gould& L.E. Preston, Resale Price Maintenance and Retail Outlets, Economica, Vol.32,1965, p.305.
    1 Edwin R.A. Seligman, Price Cutting and Price Maintenance, Harper& Bros.,1932, p.420.
    2 Howard P. Marvel& Stephen McCafferty, Resale Price Maintenance and Quality Certification, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol.15, p.346.
    1 Howard P. Marvel& Stephen McCafferty, Resale Price Maintenance and Quality Certification, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol.15, p.348.
    2 同上,第348、350页。
    1 Benjamin Klein& Kevin M. Murphy, Vertical Restraints as Contract Enforcement Mechanisms, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.31(2),1988, p.266.
    1 Benjamin Klein& Kevin M. Murphy, Vertical Restraints as Contract Enforcement Mechanisms, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.31(2),1988, p.277-278.
    2 同上,第277页。
    1 郁义鸿、管锡展主编:《产业链纵向控制与经济规制》,复旦大学出版社2006年版,第192页。
    2 Raymond Deneckere, Howard P. Marvel& James Peck, Demand Uncertainty and Price Maintenance: Maekdowns as Destructive Competitio, American Economics Review, Vol.87,1997, p.622.
    1 同上,第623页。
    2 同上。
    1 Jean W. Burns, Vertical Restraints Efficiency and the Real World, Fordham Law Review, Vol.62,1993, p.597.
    1 Frank H. Easterbrook, Workable Antitrust Policy, Michigan Law Review, Vol.84,1986, p.1696, p.1709.
    2 Thomas M. Pitegoff, Franchise Relationship Laws:A Minefield for Franchisors, Business Law, Vol.45,1989, p.292-295.
    3 同上,第289页。
    1 Rudolph J. Peritz, The "Rule of Reason" in Antitrust Law:Property Logic in Restraint of Competition, Hastings Law Journal, Vol.40,1989, p.285.
    2 Martin Loeber, Note, A DTPA Cause of Action for the Terminated or Nonrenewed Franchisee:A Jack in the Box for the Unfair Franchisor, Baylor Law Review, Vol.43,1991, p.809.
    1 James B. Kobak, Significant Factors in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship, NewYork Law School Law Review, Vol.32,1987, p.798-799.
    2 Edward D. Cavanagh, Contribution, Claim Reduction, and Individual Treble Damage Responsibility:Which Path to Reform of Antitrust Remedies? Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol.40,1987, p.1277, p.1328-1336.
    1 Kerry E. Knobelsdorff, Discounters Say Supplies Have Been Cut Since Supreme Court Ruling, Christian Science Monitor, July 8,1988, p.11, p.16.
    2 Michael Arndt, Consumers Pay More as Price-fixing Spreads, Chi. Trib., August 18,1991, C1; Curbing Price Fixers, Boston Globe, March 21,1991, p.54; Keeping the Marketplace Free, Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA), March 7,1991, A12; Retail Class Wars, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 5,1991,10A.
    3 Elisa Williams, Discounters Bill Passes, Washington Times, October 11,1991, C1.
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    2 Femi Alese. Federal Antitrust and EC Competition Law Analysis, Ashgate Press,2008, p.145.
    3 [美]E·吉尔霍恩著:《反垄断法律与经济》,中国人民大学出版社2001年版,第291页。
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    1 尚明主编:《反垄断法理论与中外案例评析》,北京大学出版社2008年版,第141页。
    2 Howard P. Marvel, Exclusive Dealing, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.15, P.1.
    3 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第29页。
    4 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第90页。
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    2 Herbert Hovenkamp, Economics and Federal Antitrust Law, West Publishing Co.,1985, p.290.
    3 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第226页。
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    4 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第196页。
    1 Jean Wegman Burns, The New Role of Coercion in Antitrust, Fordham Law Review, Vol.60,1991, p.386-387.
    2 Ned E. Barlas, Dealers Coercing Manufacturers:A Proposal for A Unilateral Antitrust Offense, University of Pennsyvania Law Review, Vol.137,1989, p.2335, p.2356-2357.
    3 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第155页。
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    2 Thomas A. Piraino, A proposed Antitrust Approach to the Conduct of Retailers, Dealers, and other Resellers, Washington Law Review, Vol.73,1998, p.848-849.
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    3 Jonathan B. Baker, Predatory Pricing after Brooke Group:An Economic Perspective, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1994, p.586-587.
    4 郁义鸿、管锡展主编:《产业链纵向控制与经济规制》,复旦大学出版社2006年版,第33页。
    1 Thomas G. Krattenmaker & Steven C. Salop, Anticompetitive Exclusion:Raising Rivals' Cost to Achieve Power over Price, Yale Law Journal, Vol.96,1986, p.238-240.
    2 经济合作与发展组织编:《产业组织经济学和竞争法律术语解释》,崔书锋、吴汉洪译,中国经济出版社2006年版,第48页。
    1 Thomas G. Krattenmaker & Steven C. Salop, Anticompetitive Exclusion:Raising Rivals' Cost to Achieve Power over Price, Yale Law Journal, Vol.96,1986, p.209, p.234, p.254, p.259.
    2 同上,第206—237、254、259—260页。
    1 [美]奥利弗·E·威廉姆森著:《反托拉斯经济学——兼并、协约和策略行为》,张群群、黄涛译,经济科学出版社1999年版,第99页。
    2 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第243—244页。
    3 [美]刘易斯·卡布罗著:《产业组织导论》,胡汉辉、赵震翔译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第209页。
    4 Robert H. Lande, Chicago Takes it on the Chin:Imperfect Information Could Play a Crucial Role in the Post-Kodak World, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1993, p.193, p.196, p.199.
    1 Robert H. Lande, Chicago Takes it on the Chin:Imperfect Information Could Play a Crucial Role in the Post-Kodak World, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1993, p.193.
    2 Gordan B. Spivack & Carolyn T. Ellis, Kodak:Enlightened Antitrust Analysis and Traditional Tying Law, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1993, p.216.
    3 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第327页。
    1 刘宁元等著:《国际反垄断法》,法律出版社2007年版,第91页。
    2 John J. Flynn, The Is and Ought of Vertical Restraints after Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Service Corp, Cornell Law Review, Vol.71,1986, p.1095, p.1122.
    3 刘宁元等著:《国际反垄断法》,法律出版社2007年版,第91页。
    1 Richard A. Posner, The Rule of Reason and Economic Approach:Reflections on the Sylvania Decision, University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.1,1977, p.1, p.14-16.
    2 Michael A. Carrier, The Real Rule of Reason:Bridging the Disconnect, Brigham Young University Law Review, Vol.72,1999, p.1265,p.1268-1269.
    1 Val D. Ricks& R. Chet Loftis, Seeing the Diagonal Clearly:Telling Vertical from Horizontal in Antitrust Law, University of Toledo Law Review, Vol.28,1996, p.151, p.155.
    2 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第209—210页。
    1 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第204页。
    1 Glen O. Robinson, Explaining Vertical Agreements:The Colgate Puzzle and Antitrust Method, Virginia Law Review, Vol.80,1994, p.577, p.618.
    2 Thomas A. Piraino, The Case for Presuming the Legality of Quality Motivated Restrictions on Distribution, Notre Dame Law Review, Vol.63,1988, p.1, p.16-33.
    3 George A. Hay, Vertical Restraints after Monsanto, Cornell Law Review, Vol.70,1985, p.436-444.
    1 Thomas A. Piraino, Making Sence of the Rule of Reason:A New Standard for Section 1 of the Sherman Act, Vanderbilterbilt Law Review, Vol.47,1994, p.1771-1802.
    1 Thomas A. Piraino, Reconciling the Per Se and Rule of Reason Approaches to Antitrust Analysis, Southern California Law Review, Vol.64,1991, p.685, p.713-738.
    2 Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.63,1984, p.1, p.19-36.
    1 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第186页。
    2 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第23页。
    3 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第186页。
    1 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第189—190页。
    2 Jefferson Parish Hosp. Dist. No.2 v. Hyde,466 U.S.,1984, p.2, p.9.法院认为国会对搭售协议的关注导致了《克莱顿法》第3条的颁布,这也是继续适用《谢尔曼法》第1条用本身违法原则处理搭售的部分原因。
    3 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第205页。
    4 FTC v. Brown Shoe Co.,384 U.S.,1966, p.316, p.321-322.
    1 Richard A. Kleine, New Department of Justice Vertical Restraints Guidelines-A Search for Lean Certainty, The Business Lawyer, Vol.40,1985, p.1341.
    2 同上。
    1 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第116—117页。
    2 Richard A. Kleine, New Department of Justice Vertical Restraints Guidelines-A Search for Lean Certainty, The Business Lawyer, Vol.40,1985, p.1343.
    3 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第116页。
    4 同上。
    5 Richard A. Kleine, New Department of Justice Vertical Restraints Guidelines-A Search for Lean Certainty, The Business Lawyer, Vol.40,1985, p.1343-1344.
    6 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第118—119页。
    1 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第119—121页。
    2 同上,第135—136页。
    3 Richard A. Kleine, New Department of Justice Vertical Restraints Guidelines-A Search for Lean Certainty, The Business Lawyer, Vol.40,1985, p.1353-1354.
    1 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第122—123页。
    3 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第124—126页。
    1 1985 Vertical Restraints Guidelines,载周作姗:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会83年度研究报告表,第127页。
    2 同上,第130—131页。
    3 同上,第132—134页。
    1 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1001.
    1 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1009—1010.至于集中度、覆盖率的定义可参考司法部《指南》的说明。
    3 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1110.
    4 Andrew Ruskin, When Consumers Experience Antitrust Welfare Loss from Exclusionary Contracts Between HMO Insurers and Health Care Providers, Health Matrix Journal of Law-Medicine, Vol.6,1996, p.414.
    1 Rodger D. Blair& David L. Kaserman, Antitrust Economics, Illinois Richard D. Irwin Inc.,1985, p.21.
    1 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1006-1007.
    2 同上,第1007页。
    1 John J. Flynn, The "Is" and "Ought" of Vertical Restraints after Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Service Corp., Cornell Law Review, Vol.71,1986, p.1095, p.1109-1110.
    2 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1007.
    Major Brewers and Wholesalers Face New York Claims on Territorial Allocation, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.51,1986, p.109.
    4 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1011.
    1 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1011.
    2 同上,第1012页。
    3 Major Brewers and Wholesalers Face New York Claims on Territorial Allocation, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.51,1986, p.112.
    4 NAGG's Vertical Restraints Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.49,1985, p.1012.
    1 参见李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第285—286页。
    2 同上,第286—287页。
    1 NAGG Approves Revisions to Vertical Restraint Guidelines, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.68, p.422-424.
    2 同上,第424页。
    3 同上,第422—423页。
    1 朱苏力:《什么是法理学——波斯纳<法理学问题>译后》,载《中国书评》1995年第5期,第14页。
    2 [美]尼古拉斯·麦考罗、斯蒂文·G·曼德姆著:《经济学与法律——从波斯纳到后现代主义》,吴晓露等译,法律出版社2005年版,第6页。
    1 理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第1页。
    2 赖源河编审:《公平交易法新论》,中国政法大学出版社、元照出版公司2002年版,第12页。
    1 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price Fixing, Geogia Law Review, Vol.71,1983, p.487.
    2 Ward S. Bowman, Tying Arrangements and the Leverage Problem, Yale Law Journal, Vol.67,1957, p.19.
    3 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第97页。
    1 Continental T.V., Inc. v. GTE Sylvania Inc.,433 U.S.,1977, p.36, p.51.
    2 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第238页。
    3 United States v. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co.,310 U.S.,1940, p.150, p.221-222.
    4 周昀著:《反垄断法新论》,中国政法大学出版社2006年版,第164页。
    1 Richard A. Posner, Antitrust Policy and the Supreme Court:An Analysis of Restricted Distribution, Horizontal Merger and Potential Competition Decisions, Columbia Law Review, Vol.75,1975, p.282.
    2 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price Fixing, Geogia Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1487, p.1489.
    3 Rudolph J. Peritz, The'Rule of Reason'in Antitrust Law:Property Logic in Restraint of Competition, Hastings Law Journal, Vol.40,1989, p.285.
    4 William S. Comanor, Vertical Territorial and Customer Restrictions:White Motor and its Aftermath, Harvard Law Review, Vol.81,1968,p.1419.
    5 Lester G. Telser, Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade? 3 Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.3,1960, p.91.
    1 Frank H. Easterbrook, Vertical Arrangements and the Rule of Reason, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.53,1984, p.148.
    2 William S. Comanor, Vertical Territorial and Customer Restrictions:White Motor and its Aftermath, Harvard Law Review, Vol.81,1968, p.1001.
    3 Thomas A. Piraino, The Case for Presuming the Legality of Quality Motivated Restrictions on Distribution, Notre Dame Law Review, Vol.63,1988, p.6.
    4 Roger D. Blair& Gordon L. Long, Albrecht After ARCO:Maximum Resale Price Fixing Moves Toward The Rule of Reason, Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol.44,1991, p.1007.
    1 Warren S. Grimes, The Path Forward After Leegin:Seeking Consensus Reform of The Antitrust Law of Vertical Restraints, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.75,2008, p.492.
    1 Warren S. Grimes, The Path Forward After Leegin:Seeking Consensus Reform of The Antitrust Law of Vertical Restraints, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.75,2008, p.493-494.
    2 Richard A. Posner, The Rule of Reason and the Economic Approach:Reflections on the Sylvania Decision, University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.45,1977, p.1, p.18-19.
    1 Warren S. Grimes, The Path Forward After Leegin:Seeking Consensus Reform of The Antitrust Law of Vertical Restraints, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.75,2008, p.495.
    1 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第175页。
    2 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第186页。
    1 Kiefer—Stewart Co v. Sheagram & Calvert Co.,340 U.S.,1951, p.223.
    2 Albrecht v. Herald Co.,390 U.S.,1968, p.145, p.151.
    1 [美]理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第214页。
    2 Roger D. Blair & John E. Lopatka, The Albercht Rule after Kahn:Death Becomes Her, Notre Dame Law Review, Vol.74,1998, p.123, p.126-127.
    3 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第197—198页。
    4 同上,第205页。
    1 [美]理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第214页。
    2 Areeda & Turner, Antitrust Law, West Publishing Co.,1989, p.395.
    3 Jeneen Y. Ramos,'The Wrath of Kahn':A Look at the Impact on Minority Franchisees, Howard Law Review, Vol.42,1999,p.569,p.578-582.
    4 Benjamin Klein, Distribution Restraints Operate by Creating Dealer Profits:Explaining the Use of Maximum Resale Price Maintenance in State Oil v. Khan, Supreme Court Economic Review, Vol.7,1999, p.57-58.
    2 Robert A. Quinn, Gulf, Subsidiary Must Stand Trial on Price Fixing, Tying Allegations, Antitrust Trade Regulation Report, Vol.45,1983, p.295-297.
    3 董新凯、陈敏:《美国反垄断法对独家交易协议的规制》,载《广东商学院学报》2007年第4期,第94页。
    1 Mark E. Roszkowski, State Oil Company v. Kahn and Rule of Reason:The End of Interbrand Competition? Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.66,1998, p.613, p.619.
    2 Jaime J. De La Cruz, State Oil Company v. Kahn, Ohio Northern University Law Review, Vol.25,1999, p.410, p.417.
    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第61页。
    2 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第198—199页。
    3 Rudolph J. Pertitz, A Genealogy of Vertical Restraints Doctrine, Hastings Law Journal, Vol.40,1989, p.575.
    4 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿著:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第206页。
    5 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第182页。
    1 简资修著:《经济推理与法律》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第270页。
    2 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第218页。
    3 [美]理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第209页。
    1 黄勇、董灵著:《反垄断经典判例选读——禁止垄断性协议》,人民法院出版社2008年版,第185页。
    2 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿著:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第217页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第224—225页。
    2 [美]理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第209页。
    1 Franklin A. Gevurtz, Vertical Restraints on Competition, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.54,2006, p.362.
    2 [美]理查德·波斯纳著:《反垄断法》(第二版),孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第210页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第229页。
    2 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿著:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第217页。
    3 Barbara Ann White, Black and White Thinking in the Gray Areas of Antitrust:The Dismantling of Vertical Restraints Regulation, Geogre Washington Law Review, Vol.60,1991, p.8.
    4 沈四宝、刘彤著:《美国反垄断法原理与典型案例研究》,法律出版社2006年版,第121页。
    5 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿著:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第217页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第236页。
    2 Failure on Allege Agreement on Price Dooms Per Se Case Against Manufacture, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.64,1993, p.739.
    1 简资修著:《经济推理与法律》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第287页。
    2 Brian Winrow & Kevin Johnson, The Rule of Law is The Rule of Reason, North Dakota Law Review, Vol.84, 2008, p.67.
    1 Brian Winrow & Kevin Johnson, The Rule of Law is The Rule of Reason, North Dakota Law Review, Vol.84, 2008, p.67.
    2 Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS Inc.,127 S. Ct,2007, p.2713-2714.
    3 同上,第2717页。
    4 同上,第2718页。
    1 Leegin Creative Leather Prods.,Inc.v. PSKS Inc.,127 S.Ct,2007,p.2715.
    2 同上,第2716页。
    3 同上。
    1 Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS Inc.,127 S. Ct,2007, p.2720-2721, p.2723.
    2 同上,第2723—2724页。
    3 Broad. Music, Inc. v. CBS, Inc.,441 U.S.,1979, p.1, p.24-25.
    4 NCAA v. Bd. of Regents of the Univ. of Okla.,468 U.S.,1984, p.85, p.108.
    1 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price-Fixing, Geogia Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1487, p.1489.
    2 Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.63,1984, p.1, p.12.
    1 Robert Pitofsky, Are Retailers Who Offer Discounts Really 'Knaves'? The Coming Challenge to the Dr. Miles Rule, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.21,2007, p.62-63.
    1 Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS Inc.,127 S. Ct,2007, p.2716.
    1 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price-Fixing, Geogia Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1494.
    2 Robert Pitofsky, Are Retailers Who Offer Discounts Really 'Knaves'? The Coming Challenge to the Dr. Miles Rule, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.21,2007, p.63.
    Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price-Fixing, Geogia Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1491-1492.
    1 Robert Pitofsky, In Defense of Discounters:The No-Frills Case for a Per Se Rule Against Vertical Price-Fixing, Geogia Law Journal, Vol.71,1983, p.1491-1492.
    2 Erie R. Co. v. Tompkins,304 U.S.,1938, p.64.
    3 Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS Inc.,127S. Ct,2007, p.2732.
    4 The Court of Appeals decision in Leegin appears at 171 Fed. App'x.464 (5th Cir.2006).
    1 Joseph Pereira, Price Fixing Makes A Comeback After Supreme Court Ruling, Wall Street Journal, August 18, 2008, A1.
    2 Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS Inc.,127 S. Ct,2007, p.2720.
    1 N.Y Gen.Bus.Law§369-a(1975);Cal.Bus.& Prof.Code§16722(d)(e)(West 1997).
    1 Murray S. Monroe, Antitrust Symposium:Vertical Rsetraints, University of Toledo Law Review, Vol.27,1996, p.440.
    1 Conference Probes Manufactures' Restraints, Economics Justifications, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report, Vol.46,1984, p.781.
    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第63页。
    2 Mark S. Pompously, Antitrust Principles and Franchising, Practising Law Institute PLI Order No AO-0086, Understanding Franchising, Business & Legal Issues, New York City,2001, p.395, p.414-415.
    3 Michael F. Brockmeyer, Vertical Pricing Restraints, American Law Institute-American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education, ALI-ABA Course of Study, Product Distribution and Marketing,2002, p.59, p.66.
    1 参见吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第224—228页。
    2 参见沈四宝、刘彤著:《美国反垄断法原理与典型案例研究》,法律出版社2006年版,第119-123页。
    3 Michael F. Brockmeyer, Vertical Pricing Restraints, American Law Institute-American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education, ALI-ABA Course of Study, Product Distribution and Marketing,2002, p.70.
    1 周作姗等:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会八十三年度研究报告提要表,第2页。
    2 Tim R. Sass & David S. Saurman, Mandated Exclusive Territories and Economic Efficiency:An Empirical Analysis of the Malt-Beverage Industry, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.36,1993, p.153.
    3 Veronica G Kayne, Vertical Restraints:Resale Price Maintenance, Territorial and Customer Restraints, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.14482, January-February,2008, p.19.
    1 Veronica G Kayne, Vertical Restraints:Resale Price Maintenance, Territorial and Customer Restraints, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.14482, January-February,2008, p.20.
    2 同上,第21页。
    3 同上。
    4 周作姗等:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会八十三年度研究报告提要表,第2页。
    1 Veronica G. Kayne, Vertical Restraints:Resale Price Maintenance, Territorial and Customer Restraints, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.14482, January-February,2008, p.22.
    2 Peter Sullivan & Daniel M. Flores, Vertical Restraints, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.14482, January-February,2008, p.63-64.
    3 周作姗等:《排他性契约适用公平交易法之探讨》,台湾公平交易委员会八十三年度研究报告提要表,第22页。
    1 Barbara Ann White, Black and White Thinking in the Gray Areas of Antitrust:The Dismantling of Vertical Restraints Regulation, Geogre Washington Law Review, Vol.60,1991, p.6.
    2 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第257—258页。
    1 尚明主编:《反垄断法理论与中外案例评析》,北京大学出版社2008年版,116页。
    2 [美]奥利弗·E·威廉姆森著:《反托拉斯经济学——兼并、协约和策略行为》,张群群、黄涛译,经济科学出版社1999年版,第192页。
    1 具体案情参见吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第258—259页。
    2 Michael J. Denger, Vertical Price, Customer and Territorial Restrictions, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.11034, May-June,2007, p.56-57.
    1 Franklin A. Gevurtz, Vertical Restraints on Competition, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.54,2006, p.369.
    1 Franklin A. Gevurtz, Vertical Restraints on Competition, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.54,2006, p.370.
    2 Michael J. Denger, Vertical Price, Customer and Territorial Restrictions, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No.11034, May-June,2007, p.57-60.
    1 Louis M. Solomon & Robert D. Joffe, Exclusive Distribution and Antitrust, Fordham Law Review, Vol.53,1984, p.491-492,p.494-496.
    2 Phillip E. Areeda, Antitrust Law-An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application, Volume Ⅸ, Little, Brown and Co.,1991, p.18.
    3 Elizabeth Hellman, Vertical Territorial and Customer Restriction in the Franchising Industry, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, Vol.10,1974, p.497-498.
    1 Louis M. Solomon & Robert D. Joffe, Exclusive Distribution and Antitrust, Fordham Law Review, Vol.53,1984, p.494-496, p.508.
    2 Phillip E. Areeda, Antitrust Law-An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application, Volume IX, Little, Brown and Co.,1991, p.56-58, p.87-90.
    1 Barbara Ann White, Black and White Thinking in the Gray Areas of Antitrust:The Dismantling of Vertical Restraints Regulation, Geogre Washington Law Review, Vol.60,1991, p.1, p.44-46.
    1 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第186页。
    1 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第189—190页。
    2 同上,第205页。
    3 [美]基斯·N.希尔顿著:《反垄断法——经济学原理和普通法演进》,赵玲译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第246页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第282、285页。
    2 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第38页。
    3 Louis M. Solomon & Robert D. Joffe, Exclusive Distribution and Antitrust, Fordham Law Review, Vol.53,1984, p.494-495.
    1 李晗:《基于法经济学的视角对搭售行为合法性的研究》,载《海南金融》2008年第7期,第48页。
    2 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第112页。
    3 王传辉著:《反垄断的经济学分析》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第177页。
    4 辜海笑著:《美国反托拉斯理论与政策》,中国经济出版社2005年版,第132—133页。
    5 M. Sean Royall, Post-Chicago Economics, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.63,1995, p.445-447.
    6 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第333页。
    1 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第207—208页。
    2 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第299页。
    3 李剑著:《搭售的经济效果与法律规制》,中国检察出版社2007年版,第208—209页。
    1 王健:《搭售法律问题研究——兼评美国微软公司的搭售行为》,载《法学评论》2003年第2期,第90页。
    2 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第81—82页。
    1 David K. Lam, Revisiting the Separate Product Issue, Yale Law Jounmal, Vol.108,1999, p.1447-1448.
    2 文学国著:《滥用与规制——反垄断法对企业滥用市场优势地位行为之规制》,法律出版社2003年版,第362页。
    3 戴君豪:《从浏览器软体战争谈搭售与掠夺性定价》,载《智慧财产权管理季刊》1997第2期,第33页。
    4 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第328页。
    5 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第328页。
    1 同上,第331页。
    2 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第130页。
    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第83页。
    2 Joseph P. Bauer, A Simplified Approach to Tying Arrangements:A Legal and Economic Analysis, Vanderbilterbilt Law Review, Vol.33,1980, p.285-286.
    3 Roger D. Blair & Jeffrey Finci, The Individual Coercion Doctrine and Tying Arrangements:An Economic Analysis, Florida State University Law Review, Vol.10,1983, p.552.
    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第84页。
    2 具体案情参见吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第309页。
    3 Herbert Hovenkamp, Market Power in Aftermarkets:Antitrust Policy and the Kodak Case, UCLA Law Review, Vol.40,1993, p.1458-1459.
    1 王健:《搭售法律问题研究——兼评美国微软公司的搭售行为》,载《法学评论》2003年第2期,第94页。
    2 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第138页。
    3 王传辉著:《反垄断的经济学分析》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第178页。
    4 王先林著:《知识产权与反垄断法——知识产权滥用的反垄断问题研究》(修订版),法律出版社2008年 版,第244页。
    1 徐士英等著:《竞争法新论》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第85页。
    2 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第139—140页。
    3 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第303—304页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第309页。
    2 同上,第310页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第301页。
    2 李剑:《法律经济学的分析与搭售合理性的认知》,载《西南师范大学学报》2006年第2期,第169页。
    3 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第140页。
    4 简资修著:《经济推理与法律》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第278、280页。
    5 同上,第280页。
    1 简资修著:《经济推理与法律》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第282—283页。
    2 杨宏晖:《搭售行为之法律分析》,载《公平交易季刊》2004年第1期,第146页。
    1 Murray S. Monroe, Antitrust Symposium:Vertical Rsetraints, University of Toledo Law Review, Vol.27,1996, p.438.
    2 范在峰:《特许经营限制竞争行为法律研究》,载《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2002年第6期,第95页。
    3 同上。
    4 范在峰:《特许经营限制竞争行为法律研究》,载《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2002年第6期,第95页。
    4 同上。
    2 Christian Kirchner, Symbiotic Arrangements as a Challenge to Antitrust, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol.152,1996, p.227, p.241.
    1 Douglas Ginsburg, Vertical Restraints:De Facto Legality under the Rule of Reason, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.60,1991, p.76.
    2 黄茂荣著:《公平交易法专题研究》,植根杂志社有限公司2009年版,第302页。
    1 李剑:《法律经济学的分析与搭售合理性的认知》,载《西南师范大学学报》2006年第2期,第167页。
    2 黄茂荣著:《公平交易法专题研究》,植根杂志社有限公司2009年版,第302页。
    1 M. Mendelsohn, The Guide to Franchising(2ed), Pergamon Press,1979, p.87.
    2 同上,第88页。
    3 Victor Goldberg, Comment on Symbiotic Arrangements as a Challenge, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol.152,1996,p.245.
    1 Ross W. Blair, Franchising Problems Under Antitrust and Trade Regulation Laws, From Franchising 1988 Business Strategies and Legal Compliance, Commercial Law and Practice Course Handbook Series Number 445, 1988, p.941-973.
    1 全国人大法制工作委员会经济法室编:《<中华人民共和国反垄断法>条文说明、立法理由及相关规定》,北京大学出版社2007年版,第14页。
    1 苏力著:《法治及其本土资源》(修订版),中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第18页。
    1 杨洁:《我国反垄断法禁止限制竞争协议的立法研究》,载《中国工商管理研究》2002年第4期,第62页。
    2 尚明主编:《主要国家(地区)反垄断法律汇编》,法律出版社2004年版,第180页。
    1 唐晋伟:《试析我国<反垄断法>规制垄断协议的立法模式》,载《行政法学研究》2008年第1期,第79页。
    1 陈思民:《浅议我国反垄断执法机构的设置》,载《时代法学》2006年第3期,第74页。
    2 曹康泰主编:《中华人民共和国反垄断法解读——理念、制度、机制、措施》,中国法制出版社2007年版, 第253页。
    1 章彦英、解志勇:《我国反垄断执法机构设置问题研究》,载《国家行政学院学报》2008年第2期,第105页。
    2 转引自石龙:《我国反垄断执法机构设置问题探析》,载《工商行政管理》2007年第2期,第43页。
    1 李国海著:《反垄断法实施机制研究》中国方正出版社2006年版,第106页。
    1 李平:《垄断协议认定权及其相关问题研究》,载《四川大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2008年第6期,第125页。
    1 全国人大法制工作委员会经济法室编:《<中华人民共和国反垄断法>条文说明、立法理由及相关规定》,北京大学出版社2007年版,第14-15页。
    2 时建中主编:《反垄断法——法典释评与学理探源》,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第185页。
    1 许光耀:《<反垄断法>中垄断协议诸条款之评析》,载《法学杂志》2008年第1期,第20页。
    2 同上,第20页。
    1 薛兆丰著:《商业无边界——反垄断法的经济学革命》,法律出版社2008年版,第167页。
    2 同上,第183页。
    3 史际春等著:《反垄断法理解与适用》,中国法制出版社2007年版,第153页。
    1 参见薛兆丰著:《商业无边界——反垄断法的经济学革命》,法律出版社2008年版,第92—93页。
    2 叶檀:《拿什么拯救中国经济?》,中信出版社2009年版,第48页。
    1 辜海笑:《转售价格维持的经济逻辑与法律规制》,载《河南省政法干部管理学院学报》2008年第4期,第96页、第98页。
    2 黄宗智:《连接理论与经验:建立中国现代学术》,载《开放时代》2007年第4期,第9页。
    1 Einer Elhaug, Harvard, Not Chicago:Which Antitrust School Drives Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions? Competition Policy International, Vol.3,2007, p.60.
    2 克利福德·吉尔兹:《地方性知识:事实与法律的比较透视》,载梁治平主编:《法律的文化解释》(增订本)生活、读书、新知三联书店1994年版,第73页。
    3 海因·克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,中国政法大学出版社1993年版,第1页。
    4 薛兆丰著:《商业无边界——反垄断法的经济学革命》,法律出版社2008年版,第162页。
    1 张靖:《论对纵向垄断协议的规制》,载《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》2008年第6期,第84页。
    1 Richard M. Steuer, Vertical Restraints in the Nineties, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1994, p.721-722.
    2 Kevin J. Arquit, Market Power in Vertical Cases, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.60,1992, p.923.
    3 Gordon V. Spivack & Carolyn T. Ellis, Kodak:Enlightened Antitrust Analysis and Traditional Tying Law, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1993, p.203, p.210.
    1 Richard M. Steuer, Vertical Restraints in the Nineties, Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.62,1994, p.721.
    2 Winter Hill Frozen Foods & Servs., Inc. v. Haagen-Dazs, Inc.,691 F. Supp.,1988, p.539, p.547-548.
    1 张靖:《论对纵向垄断协议的规制》,载《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》2008年第6期,第84—85页。
    1 吴玉岭著:《契约自由的滥用与规制——美国反垄断法中的垄断协议》,凤凰出版传媒集团2007年版,第286页。
    1 Concord Boat Corp. v. Brunswick Corp.,207 F.3d,2000, p.1039, p.1059.
    2 [日]栗田诚:《竞争法执行的有效性和透明性》,载王晓哗、伊从宽(日)主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社2003年,第68页。
    3 薛兆丰著:《商业无边界——反垄断法的经济学革命》,法律出版社2008年版,第173页。
    1 王晓晔:《关于我国反垄断执法机构的几个问题》,载《东岳论丛》2007年第1期,第36页。
    11.王长秋:《美国反垄断法对固定转售价格的控制及其启示》,载《广西社 会科学》2006年第5期。
    26.何治中:《美国反垄断法对最低转售价格维持的规制原则变迁与启示》, 载《金陵法律评论》2008年第2期。
    1. Sullivan & Lawrance Anthony, Handbook Of The Law Of Antitrust, West Publishing Co.,1977.
    2.Robert Bork, The Antitrust Paradox-A Policy at War With Itself, Free Press, 1978.
    3.Blair Rodgerd & David Kaserman, Antitrust Economics, Illinois Richard Irwin Inc.,1985.
    4.Herbert Hovenkamp, Economics And Federal Antitrust Law, West Publishing Co.,1985.
    5.Scherer & David Ross, Industrail Market Structure And Economic Performance(3rd Edition), Houghton Mifflin Co.,1990.
    6.Phillip E. Areeda, Antitrust Law-An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application, Volume Ⅸ, Little, Brown and Co.,1991.
    7.Blair Rodgerd & Jeffery Harrison, Monoply-Antitrust Law And Economics, Princeton University Press,1993.
    8.Whish Richard & Brenda Sufrin, Competition Law(3rd Edition), Butterworths, 1993.
    9.Don E. Waldman & J. Jensen Elizabeth, Industrial Organization-Theory And Practice, Addidon Wesley Longman, Inc.,1998.
    10.Antonio Cucinotta、Roberto Pardolesi and Roger Van den Bergh, Post-Chicago Developments in Antitrust Law, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2002.
    11.Hans Ullrich, The Evolution of European Competition Law—Whose Regulation, Which Competition? Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2006.
    12.Roger Van den Bergh and Peter Camesasca, European Competition Law and Economics:A Comparative Perspective (2nd Edition), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2006.
    13.Abel M. Mateus & Teresa Moreira, Competition Law and Economics, Kluwer Law International,2007.
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