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When elongated to about16%at Ms+30℃, a Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy can achieve a largetransformation hysteresis and better shape memory effect, which is of significantimportance for the application of this alloy in the practical application. For instance, thepreformed pipe joint components made of the alloy can easily be stored at roomtemperature before assembly without being transformed back to the parent phase,instead of being stored at a low temperature condition.
     In this dissertation, the thermodynamic mechanism of the increase in Asaftercertain deformation is investigated. Then the constitutive model and the correspondingnumerical algorithm are developed for the analysis of the assembly of Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9pipejoints. The main researches made and the main progresses achieved are as follows:
     (1) The typical thermal-mechanical properties of Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy are investigatedsystematically, involving the responses and the heating-induced strain recovery underproportional tensile-torsional straining at various temperatures. The results show thatthe response of the alloy under pure tension is quite different from that under puretorsion. Under tensile deformation, there are distinct stress drop and the following stressplateau, which do not appear in the case of pure torsion. In the case of constrainedheating-induced recovery stress, it is found that the recovery resistance increases withthe increase of pre-deformation. Recovery stress at various recovery strains and thethermal-mechanical properties of the alloy subjected to cyclic straining are alsoinvestigated.
     (2) A constitutive model is developed, taking into account the effects of theinteraction between plasticity and transformation. Based on the experimental fact thatplastic deformation could substantially raise the temperature or reduce the stress forinverse transformation to start, a free energy is formulated for SMAs, taking intoaccount the effects of plastic deformation, with which, the expressions of stress, backstress and drag stress are obtained. The corresponding dissipation potentials are alsoformulated, with which, the evolutions of the internal state variables related respectivelyto transformation and plasticity are derived. The corresponding integral algorithm andthe tangent stiffness are proposed, and the UMAT is developed and embedded in thecommercially available FE code ABAQUS. The typical properties of shape memoryalloys, such as pseudoelasticity, shape memory effect, coupled transformation and plastic deformation, and especially, the effects of plastic deformation on inversetransformation, etc.
     (3) A micromechanics model for Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy is also developed. A Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy is considered as a mixture of the NiTi matrix and β-Nb inclusions, and theMori-Tanaka scheme is used for the evaluation of the effect thermal-mechanicalproperties of the mixture. The evaluations with the Eshelby tensor using the tangentstiffness tensor of the elastoplastic matrix with or without being isotropicalized arecompared with each other. It shows that the result with the isotropicalized tangentstiffness tensor agrees better with the FE result. The properties of the mixture withelastic and elastoplastic inclusions are also evaluated respectively, in which variousvolume fractions of inclusions on the overall response and the increase in the Afof themixture is investigated. If the particle volume fraction is less than10%, the contributionof the softer particle inclusions to the increase of Asis insignificant. Taking into theeffect of plastic deformation on As, the responses of the Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy subjected tovarious thermal-mechanical loading at different temperature are computed. Comparisonbetween the computed and the experimental results shows satisfactory agreement.
     (4) The assembling process of Ni_(47)Ti_(44)Nb_9alloy pipe joints is numericallysimulated with the developed constitutive model, based on which, the UMAT isdeveloped and embedded in ABAQUS. The effects of wall-thickness and the initial gapbetween the pipe and the joint on the contact pressure, stress distributions in both thepipes and the joint, and the pullout force are investigated. The results can provideavailable information for the design and the optimization of the designing parameters ofthe high-performance SMA pipe joints.
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