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The German Bundesbank is reputed for its high independence from the federal government in implementing its anti-inflationary policy throughout the latter half of the20th century. Unlike the government's concern on employment and growth, the Bundesbank saw the price stability as the sole objective and adopted a deflated policy stubbornly. Generally, politicians were more inclined to conduct an easing policy to fill the gap of effective domestic demand, which was very popular under the Keynes paradigm before the stagflation in1970s. For many times, the Bundesbank conducted a tighten policy in order to restrain arising or potential inflation. Therefore, Conflicts between the federal government and the central bank were very frequent and unavoidable. However, the inflation-averse policy was proved by German glorious growth, and the Deutsch Mark was seen as a symbol of German long and sustainable prosperity. As a result, the Bundesbank's way of policy was ultimately accepted by the federal government.
     It is a long process before the government recognized that the Bundesbank's policy posed no threaten to the government's policy. A variety of researches have been conducted on how the Bundesbank managed to be independent from the government's intervention and similar conclusion has been made that it was depended on German unique history and stability culture. The Hyper-inflation in1923first made the German people aware of the Weimar Government's incredibility and that pulled the Nazi onto the political stage. Unfortunately, the Reich Mark's ineffectiveness in Nazi's price-controlled economy even made people more desperate. Thus, at the end of the world war II, what people want most was a more credible and independent central bank. It was the occupation authority of Allied Army who initiated the1948central bank policy reform saved the German Mark. The newly redesigned Bundesbank was first copied from the Federal Reserve's Mode, and then the1957reform ultimately made it a typical German style independent central Bank. In the time aftermath, the Deutsch Mark witnessed a high economic growth of post war era and German reunification. The Bundesbank did a historical performance in keeping a low and steady inflation. However, during the German reunification in1989, the Bundesbank also adopted a radical and abnormal way of easing monetary policy in order to comfort the pains of the East Germans. At the turning of the new century, the Mark left the stage and the Euro elongates the Deutsch Mark's performance.
     The motivation of the thesis is to redesign the theoretic framework of "Competitive Disinflation" which was first given by Jean-Claude Trichet as the former French financial minister in1983. Basically,"Competitive Disinflation" is a process of competitiveness gaining through adopting anti-inflation policies of the central bank and strict austerity measures from the government.
     "Competitive Disinflation" is deeply rooted in the long history with unique culture of German society and economy. The article tries to redefine the attributes of the "Competitive Disinflation" under the framework of the Freiburg School, German social market economy, and to differentiate German-type Neo-liberalism from the main stream of Neo-liberalism. Clearly, in the scenario of the disinflation, expansionary macroeconomic policies are typically restricted. The "Competitive Disinflation" provides a framework of non-interventionism for either government or the central bank, and an independent central bank is at the heart of the framework.
     The Bundesbank had its own distinctive way to implement monetary policy compared with the Fed and many other central banks in the post Breton Woods time. One obvious feature of the Bundesbank's policy was to announce annual monetary target since1975and that really worked well and had cooled down the markets' expectation of potential inflation for decades. More than that, theoretic model shows that low inflation expectation not only helps to keep a misaligned real exchange rate, but also helps to maintain a stagnated wage pricing through the Bundesbank's signaling function in the collective wage bargaining. For the exchange rate misalignment, the thesis tries to analyze it in the BEER approach to test Deutsch Mark and the Euro respectively and find that German currencies in different period are clearly undervalued. For the labor cost, the article intends to define the interaction process of the Bundesbank, the Federal government and trade unions in a triangle, and finds that trade unions will adopt a conservative way when facing of the potential policy response of the Bundesbank if their wage raising would cause certain degree of inflation. Furthermore, in the framework of "Competitive Disinflation", the government would also adopt some similar steps to coordinate with the Bundesbank's signaling and suppress the trade unions'behavior through income tax and labor market reform. In a conclusion,"Competitive Disinflation" is a policy model or framework, in which the central bank plays a dominant role, the government and other social partners coordinate with each other. Non-expansionary macroeconomic measures are at the heart of the process.
     The European Central Bank inherits most of the instincts of the Bundesbank, for instances, similar strategy of price stability and monetary targeting, that it is deemed a complete copy of the Bundesbank. Nevertheless, rather than the scale of German economy, the emulation of the ECB was the result of the German economic model and its success experience in maintaining competitiveness, basically, it is the persuasive power of the Bundesbank's anti-inflation practice, the government's austerity behaviors, and the confidence hold by politicians of other member states that Germany's success could be replicated on the EMU level. Seen from the laws which backed the ECB, the SGP and TFEU particularly identify the clauses of price stability, central bank's role and fiscal policy discipline, a complete copy from German laws. However, in facing of the current imbalance in the Euro area, the article tries to further explore the competitive factors from the perspective of feasibility of "competitive disinflation" in the Euro area. Empirical studies show that "competitive disinflation" is not equally functioned across the Euro area, particularly it is not performing well in periphery countries. Therefore, one of the main conclusions is that unlike other member states, the unparalleled performance of Germany in the crisis indicates that "competitive disinflation" model in the Euro framework is one key factor in driving current economic turmoil in the Euro area.
     The Article tries to debate on the imbalanced influence of "competitive disinflation" on Euro area export competitiveness thus to certify that Germany still benefits from the dividend of "competitive disinflation" in the Euro system. Empirically findings show that German exportation is not only solely promoted by high tech factor, but also benefited from suppressed labor cost and misaligned real effective exchange rate. For those export-oriented developing countries, the German model could give an inspiration for their domestic reform. As a matter of fact, the policy heritage of Deutsch Mark and the Bundesbank is not only beneficial to EU, but also other countries. The strategic importance of central bank independence has been accepted by many countries. They are getting known that a low inflation can help to main a low real effective exchange rate and low labor cost. Empirical findings of the article have also proved an evident negative relationship between low inflation and export competitiveness.
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    3 德国黄金储备资产的估算按照黄金购入时的价格或者价格下跌时的市场价格计算,而当价格一直上涨时,联邦银行却很少考虑估算黄金资产的现值。德国这种较低价规则(Niederstwertprinzip)使得德国黄金储备的低估明显超过其他EMS成员国,其他欧洲国家中仅有瑞士略低于德国的估算水平。德国的主要黄金储备购于六十年代,当时价格为35美元/盎司,1997年时德国央行黄金储备账户上仍然按照125马克/盎司的价格计价,而对应的市场价格已经达到588马克/盎司,因此,1997年德国黄金储备以市价计算可折合为559亿马克,但在央行帐户中仅有137马克。因此,如果重新按照市场现值估算黄金储备,必然会出现较大的账面盈余,联邦政府作为德国央行最大的股东在出现债务赤字时,自然想到通过黄金储备增值部分差额弥补赤字。内容参见:Mark Duckenfield. "The GoldKrieg:Revaluing the Bundesbank's reserves and the Politics of EMU" Program for the study of Germany and Europe Working Paper Series 8.6, Harvard University, Sep.1998.
    1 1977年卡特政府财政部长布鲁梅萨(Michael Blumeuthal)以日本和前联邦德国的贸易顺差为理由,开始对马克和日元施压,希望通过美元贬值减少美国的贸易逆差。之后美国与日德等国通过“广场协议”和“卢浮宫协议”推动马克和日元升值。
    2 日本国内的零售物价水平尽管没有出现较大涨幅,但对日元投机的预期催生资产类商品泡沫的上升,与此同时,日本央行继续维持低利率,一方面遵守卢浮宫协议,另一方面减轻资本流入的影响。
    3 刘涛:日本、德国应对本币升值的货币政策比较及启示:基于广场协议的分析[J].中国债券.2011.10.
    1 不考虑上世纪九十年代后的日本,由于经济增长长期陷入低迷,通胀甚至为负。
    2 http://www.inflation.eu/inflation-rates/cpi-inflation.aspx
    1 Loedel, P. H. "Deutsche Mark Politics", Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999:p11.
    1 《德国基本法》是德国宪法,Grundgesetz fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
    2 相关内容参考《联邦银行法(1957)》 Gesetz uber die Deutsche Bundesbank von 1957. 3 Fifty years of the Deutsche Mark:Central Bank and the currency in Germany since 1948, Oxford University Press,1999:141-159.
    4 德国联邦法院由联邦宪法法院、联邦普通法院和联邦专门法院组成。
    5 Loedel, P. H. Deutsche Mark Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999:11.
    1 Hans Tietmeyer,1998:pp.1-10.
    2 全称"Gesetz zur Forderung der Stabilitat und des Wachstums der Wirtschaft"
    3 《固定汇率时期的货币政策(1948-1970)》收录于《德国马克与德国经济增长》北京:社会科学文献出版社,2012:253.
    1 当时财政部长穆勒(Alex Moller)和后来的席勒在政策削减方面都难以取得突破,但政府的态度和央行保持一致。
    Loedel, P.H. Deutsche Mark Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999:14.
    3 周弘等《德国马克与德国经济增长》北京:社会科学文献出版社,2012:128.
    4 《固定汇率时期的货币政策(1948-1970)》收录于《德国马克与德国经济增长》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2012年3月。
    1 Deutsche Bundesbank. Fifty years of the Deutsche Mark:Central bank and currency in Germany since 1948, Oxford University Press,1999:313-315.
    2 Juliusturm是位于德国柏林的一处塔楼建筑,1870/1871德法战争期间,法国对德国的战争赔款一直存放与此,一直到1914年才被使用,后被比喻为财政盈余基金。
    Braun, H.J. The German Economy in the Twentieth Century:the German Reich and the German Federal Republic, Routledge,1990.
    Deutsche Bundesbank "Fifty years of the Deutsche Mark:Central bank and currency in Germany since 1948," Oxford University Press,1999:369-371.
    5 此举有可能造成货币供应的增加,进而威胁德国国内物价稳定。为此德国央行提出例外条款,亦即在德国货币价值稳定遭受威胁时,德国央行有权终止汇率干预相关义务。然而,需要指出的是,对于国内物价是否遭到威胁的判决权在德国政府。通常情况下,央行认为货币政策出现协调困难时,央行将相关问题请
    1 Dyson, K. Elusive Union:The Process of Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, London:Longman,1994.转引自Chang, M. Monetary integration in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan,2009:38.
    2 冯肇伯.西德马克40年:经验.启示.借鉴[J].经济学家,1989年01期.
    3 [法]米歇尔·阿格利埃塔(车艳秋,房广顺译):新的增长机制的诞生——对罗伯特·布伦纳危机理论的反驳[J].国外理论动态,2009.5.
    4 J. P. Fitoussi etc. Competitive Disinflation:The Mark and Budgetary Politics In Europe, Oxford University Press, 1993:2.
    1 Clift, B. French Socialism in a Global Era. Continuum International Publishing Group,2005:143-148.
    1 Lordon, F. "The Logic and Limits of Desinflation Competitive", Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Spring, 1998:96-113.
    2 Artus, P. "From a successful'competitive devaluation/disinflation'to a successful'competitive reduction in wage cost'?" NATIXIS Research Paper, November 23,2012-No.791.
    1 程恩富.新自由主义的起源、发展及其影响[J].求是,2005.3.
    2 蒋自强,石晋川.当代西方经济学流派[M].复旦大学出版社,2011:150-161.
    1 艾哈德.来自竞争的繁荣[M].商务印书馆1983年版:P.81.
    2 蒋自强,石晋川.当代西方经济学流派[M].复旦大学出版社,2011:150-161.
    1 蒋自强,石晋川.当代西方经济学流派[M].复旦大学出版社,2011:150-161.
    2 Lordon, F. "The Logic and Limits of Desinflation Competitive," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Spring 1998:96-113.
    1 J. P. Fitoussi etc. Competitive Disinflation:The Mark and Budgetary Politics in Europe, Oxford University Press, 1993:2.
    1 J. P. Fitoussi. "Diverging Tendencies of Competitiveness'" Briefing Paper N.1-Oct.2006, European Parliament, Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs.
    2 卢森堡法郎(Luxembourg Franc) 、比利时法郎(Belgian Franc)荷兰盾(Dutch Guilder)和丹麦克朗(Danish Krone)采用盯住马克的货币政策,实际上也是缩减版的“蛇形浮动”。在后来新的“蛇形浮动”(ERM)谈判重新开启时,实际上主要争论围绕留在“蛇形浮动”体制内的国家和离开的国家之间,前者主要指马克区,后者主要以法国和意大利等国为代表。
    3 德国政府从出口角度认为汇率波动对出口产业存在较大冲击,而德国央行则从输入型通胀角度认为马克的升值会导致更多的外来资本流入使得央行推行的货币供应量目标失效。
    1 1971年布雷顿森林体系的解体,史密森协定(Smithsonian Agreement)规定欧洲主要货币与美元之间的浮动幅度扩大到±2.25%,最高可能产生9%的汇率差。以设定的中心汇率为基准,若相关国家A对美元的中心汇率浮动上浮2.25%,美元对A国中心汇率下浮2.25%,则A国币值升值4.5%;国家B对美元中心汇率下浮2.25%,美元对与B国中心汇率上浮2.25%,则B国相对于美元贬值4.5%。因此,通过汇率传递效应可计算得到,A国货币对B国货币升值9%,蛇形浮动就是要避免这种叠加的汇率冲击。
    2 Loedel, P. H. Deutsche Mark Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999:12.
    3 建立欧洲货币联盟的设想最早源于魏纳报告(Werner Report),该报告由原卢森堡首相兼财政大臣Werner于1970年提出,该计划建议在欧共体内分阶段推动货币联盟的建立。随着布雷顿森林体系的解体,在德国等主要成员国的推动下,这一计划成了欧洲货币体系(EMS)的雏形。
    4 需要指出的是,货币单位并非欧洲首创,公元前六世纪,小亚细亚地区就出现用3/4黄金和1/4白银铸造金银合金货币的情形。但欧洲创立的货币单位,欧洲复合货币计算单位(European Composite Unit (Euroco))作为EUA和ECA的初始形态,在布雷顿森林体系解体后成了诸多地区和国际组织建立货币单位的重要参照模式,于1974年6月被应用于国际货币基金组织的特别提款权(SDR),1974年11月用于阿拉伯通货关连单位Arab Currency Related Unit(ARCRU)、1974年12月亚洲货币单位,已及后来的欧洲货币单位ECU。
    1 从1950年后,欧洲货币计价单位的概念就逐步形成,广泛应用于欧洲煤钢共同体、欧洲农业政策、社会发展基金、欧洲投资银行、欧洲统计局的价格计量,参见:The units of account as a factor of integration, Economy and Finance, Information Directorate-General, Commission of the European Communities,87/75.
    2 英国后来加入欧洲货币体制,由于英镑的特殊地位,其被允许更大的波动幅度。
    3 但实际上鉴于马克的国际影响力和在欧洲货币体系中的主导作用,其他EMS成员国家采取了直接盯住马克的和汇率制度,一旦双边汇率出现较大偏离,成员国央行便进行市场干预。
    4 Hetzel, R. L."German monetary history in the second half of the twentieth century:from the Deutsch Mark to the Euro," FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, vol.88, no.2, Spring 2002:50.
    5 Regulation (EEC) No 907/73 of the Council, Establishing a European Monetary Cooperation Fund,3 April 1973.
    1 Wahlig, B. "Bundesbank and Federal Government Relations" in Stephen F. Frowen and Robert Pringle (Eds). Inside the Bundesbank, St. Martin s Press, Inc.,1998:52-55.
    2 Peter Henning Loedel, Deutsche Mark Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999.
    1 Kaltenthaler, K. "Bundesbank and the Formation of the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy," German Politics, Vol.14, No.3, September 2005:297-314.
    1 "Bundesbank verteidigt Autonomie durch Kompromiss," Suddeutsche Zeitung, September 14,1987.转引自:Loedel, P.H. Deutsche Mark Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London,1999:81.
    2 该项目由斯特劳斯-卡恩(Strauss-Kahn)和时任法国央行行长的特里谢(Trichet)负责,本文后续章节对法国“有竞争力的通缩”的政策实践亦有概述。
    1 全称European Monetary Institute,后来成为欧洲央行(ECB)的前身。
    2 intra-marginal intervention比之前的at the margins的不同点在于前者在汇率达到上下边界之前就开始干预,通过事先准备给政策实施留有空间。
    3 也称为Delors Report,中文翻译为“德洛尔报告”,该计划分三步实现货币联盟,其中包括通过则政的重新分配,达到地区的发展平衡。比如提高发展基金、结构基金和其它社会基金的支出比例,相应减少共同农业政策的基金份额。
    1 数据转引自Chang, M. Monetary integration in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan,2009:32.
    1 Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol. "A Europe Made of Money-The Emergence of the European Monetary System, " Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London,2012:30-56.
    2 Goodman, J. B. Monetary Sovereignty:The Politics of Central Banking in Western Europe. Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,1992:73.
    3 斯密特所坚守的维护物价稳定的货币主义理念并非一帆风顺,在德国国内甚至遭到其所在社民党(SPD)内左派势力的干涉,后者认为政府还是应该更多的考虑凯恩斯主义理念。
    4 Dyson, Kenneth, & Featherstone, K.. The Road to Maastricht:Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999:747-752.
    5 袁志刚,欧阳明.宏观经济学[M].格致出版社,2003.10:17.
    1 Mitterand上台之后有违当初竞选中关于货币主义和自由主义的承诺,转而通过大规模的国家干预刺激经济,这也有着深刻的社会和经济根源,当时法国国有经济占据总经济规模的1/4,其他经济体大多受到政策补贴和贸易保护,与此同时,法国对资本流动采取严格管控的措施,这些经济结构特征与欧洲一体化发展、EMS汇率体制稳定的要求背道而驰。
    2 Giavazzi, F., & Pagano, M. "The advantage of tying one's hands:EMS discipline and Central Bank credibility,' European Economic Review,1988:1055-1075.
    1 法国的政策建议主要由‘"Fourcade Memoradum"所体现,主要包括如下四方面内容:(1)欧共体贷款;(2)共同货币计价单位;(3)欧共体内汇率协调和适应机制;(4)欧洲市场内其他政策的协调。这种类似后来欧洲货币共同体的设想之所以遭到其他成员国的反对,主要原因在于大多数成员国认为该项目有些操之过急。比如德国总理Schmidt认为欧洲国家之间巨大的经济差异使得货币共同体很难推行。(Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol:45.)
    2 1978年12月4日-5日,欧共体理事会提出最终通过EMS的方案,并决定与1979年1月1日生效,但当时欧共体9各成员中仅有6个成员同意,英国直接反对,意大利和爱尔兰暂未作决定。后来法国通过外交压力,在欧共体内拒绝增加地区发展基金(Regional Development Fund)规模,拒绝向这两个国家提供资源援助。这种情况下,意大利和爱尔兰被迫做出让步,分别于10天内同意加入欧洲货币体系,当然这两个国家自身计入EMS的意愿也是决定性因素。(Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol:p.255.)
    3 TNA, FCO30/2269, Giersch, "Economic Policy for the EC:The Way Forward," 4 December 1974.
    1 Report of the Study Group "Economic and Monetary Union 1980" II/675/3/74-Ecofin, Brussels,8 March 1975.
    2 《马约》的制订受到德国央行较多的影响,德国央行作为政策咨询机构最早在1990年9月份的备忘录中提及“鉴于货币体系内国家之间的相互关联及影响,为保证货币稳定,有必要对成员国经济、财政和劳动力市场做出规定。”随后一个更为详细的方案出台,强调物价稳定,对加入国家尽可能采取较为严格全面的程序要求。此外,德国央行在布鲁塞尔和巴塞尔的工作人员参与了《马约》条款的撰写。甚至后来欧洲央行(ECB)的章程也主要由位于巴塞尔的欧洲央行分支机构负责撰写,该章程在后来的政府间讨论中并没有被实质性的更改。(Hans Tietmeyer,1998:1-10)
    3 Tietmeyer H. "The Bundesbank:Committed to Stability." Inside the Bundesbank,1998:1-10.
    4 Pierre, L. S. & Martin, T. B. "The Bundesbank's Communications Strategy and Policy Conflicts with the Federal Government" Southern Economic Journal. Vol.72. No.2. Oct..2005.
    5 Richard H. Clarida, Mark Gertler "How the Bundesbank Conducts Monetary Policy" in Christina D. Romer and David H. Romer edited, Reducing Inflation:Motivation and Strategy,University of Chicago Press, January 1997 http://www.nber.org/chapters/c8890
    6 Kaltenthaler, K. "The Bundesbank and the Formation of the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy," German Politics,
    1 欧洲货币体系(ESCB)包括ECB和欧盟成员国央行(包括非欧元区成员国央行)。
    2 Article 108, the Maastricht Treaty.
    3 Apel, E. Central Banking Systems Compared:the ECB, the Pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System, Routledge,2003.
    1 Apel, E. Central Banking Systems Compared:the ECB. the Pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System, Routledge,2003.
    2 也称"two pillars",该体系从供应量角度包括M3的增长目标,从通胀目标方面,充分考虑产出缺口、失业率等宏观经济因素。(Emmaauel Apel,2003:65)
    3 政府若不同意央行的货币政策,其可以拖延至多两周执行新的政策,然而政策实践中政府从未运用过。
    4 考虑到当前和未来的经济变量,确定货币政策,考虑的因素较德国央行更为复杂。
    5 部分国际组织中,比如在IMF和GAB(借款总安排)内,限于欧盟的非主权国家特征,ECB仅具有观察员身份,而在其他组织,比如G20. OECD内都具有正式代表性。
    1 货币政策独立性三个维度是基于本文的分析框架,前文在分析德国央行独立性时也采用了这一分析体系。也有学者从更多的维度和不同的角度分析央行的独立性。
    2 Chang, M. Monetary integration in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan,2009:78.
    1 何慧刚.利率汇率传导机制研究:理论模型及实证检验[JJ.湖北经济学院学报,2007年3月.
    1 陈岚等.德国利率市场化:全能银行之幸[R].国泰君安研究报告,2013.03.08.
    1 商务部调研报告:德国国际直接投资流动趋势和格局[R],2010-12-16,参考商务部网站:http//www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/weihurenyuan/a/201012/20101207309780.html,访问日期2014-1-7.
    1 Franz Seitz. "Der DM-Umlauf im Ausland", Diskussionspapier 1/95, Deutsche Bundesbank, Mai.1995:54,转引自:赵柯.德国马克的崛起——货币国际化政治经济学分析[D].中国社会科学院研究生院,2013.6.
    2 Coudert, V., Couharde, C., & Mignon, V. "On currency misalignments within the euro area," April 2012, CEPII, Working Paper,012-07.
    1 Se-Eun Jeong, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui:Exchange Rate Misalignments at World and European Levels:A FEER Approach, CEPN, No.2010-03.
    2 CEPII, "Euro area real effective exchange rate misalignments," CEPII Working Paper, No 319-19, April 2012.
    1 Dullien, S. "A German Model for Europe," European Council on Foreign Relations, July 2013.
    1 Feldstein, M. "Weaker Euro Will Help Solve Europe Deficits Woes," Financial Times, December 19,2011.
    3 本文所认为的工资协商体制,是指在德国央行参与下,通过释放稳定货币政策信号对工资谈判产生的最终影响,本文后续章节将对此进行专门论述。相比之下,传统意义上认为工会力量更倾向于推动工资价格上涨,本文的论述基于德国特定的政治和经济环境下,德国较高工会集中度对工资定价的影响。
    4 Reisenbichler, A., & Morgan, K. J. "How Germany Won the Euro Crisis and Why Its Gains could be Fleeting," Foreign Affairs,20 June 2013.
    1 Dullien, S. "A German Model for Europe," European Council on Foreign Relations, July 2013.
    2 Soskice, D., & Iversen, T. "Multiple wage-bargaining systems in the single European currency area," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol.14 (3),1998:110-124.
    3 OECD. "Economic performance and the structure of collective bargaining," OECD Employment Outlook,1997
    1 Ellguth, P., & Kohaut, S. "Tarifbindung und betriebliche Interessenvertretung:Aktuelle Ergebnisse," IAB-Betriebspanel 2011, WSI-Mitteilungen,4/2012.
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    2 本文另通过处理后的数据进行均衡汇率分析,得出的结果与不能很好的解释关键时点的汇率调整。
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    3 本文其他数据若没有Euro-12,则选择Euro Area数据,按照加入欧元区的时间平均计算(EA11-2000, EA12-2006, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2010, EA17))
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