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China is one of the nations which are rich in marine fisheries resources. The explorations and utilizations of fisheries resources contribute great to China’s development of marine economy and national economy. However, the development potential of marine fisheries is limited, and great increase of the gross can’t gloss over the facts that the quality of marine fisheries has been decreasing and parts of populations are danger in depopulation. The current property right system is not consistent with the inherent bio-economic characteristics of fisheries resources, and this inconsistency results in losing control of fishing competition. Fishermen are short of the basic incentives to conserve the fisheries resources. In the condition of the limited supply of fisheries resources,“the law of capture”is the root reason which leads to the low performance of fisheries economy and overutilization of fisheries resources. As long as the fisheries are in the open access conditions—no matter in de facto conditions or in de jure conditions, the fisheries problems can’t be settled radically. Therefore, the innovation of property right system of marine fisheries resources asset has become one of the most important issues of China’s marine fisheries development which needs to be resolved urgently.
     This dissertation circumfuses the above theme, researches the change of property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset systematically, learns from the foreign advance experiences of property right system of marine fisheries resources asset, and attempts to develop the innovative model of property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources. The material contents and productions of this dissertation are as follows:
     (1) This dissertation concludes the overall change rule in terms of researching the property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset. Namely, the structure of property right is ever privatized; control of output is regarded and the efficiency of fishery is ever improved. On the basis of the above, this dissertation explores the reform tendency of the property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset.
     (2) This dissertation develops the innovative model of property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset in the basis of learning from the foreign advance experiences of property right system of marine fisheries resources asset combining with the China’s actual facts and the central interrelated direction spirits, and giving attention to equity and efficiency. In other words, the innovative model is the community-based fisheries management model and the collective property right system of community fishing quota.
     (3) This dissertation develops the conditions to carry out the collective property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset: national authorization, enforcing the construction of fishing community, carrying out the investigation and research of marine fisheries resources, enforcing the power of the fishery patrol to execute the law, implementing the enforcement to decrease the fishing vessels energetically, arrange parts of fishermen to transfer their product and work. This dissertation research reveals that the new property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset can play positive roles in the conservation of fisheries resources, improving the fishing efficiency, maintaining the benefits of coastal fishermen and so on.
     (4) This dissertation constructs the support system of the reform tendency of the property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset. Namely, providing policy safeguard system of institutional innovation in terms of macroscopical policy of national country, reasonable authorization of government, transferring product and work of fishermen, cultivating and indraughting person with ability and so on; Providing law safeguard of institutional innovation in terms of clarifying property right, conserving and managing the fisheries resources, establishing responsible fisheries system, lawmaking of coastal zone management and son on; providing system safeguard of institutional innovation in terms of establishing special agency to manage fisheries property right uniformly, rectifying law enforcement order of fishery administration and improving law enforcement ability; and providing service safeguard of institutional innovation in terms of scientech service and person with ability service.
     (5) This dissertation researches the strategic application of the reform tendency of the property right system of China’s marine fisheries resources asset. Namely, changing the function of the government, setting up service government, ensuring enough fund, enforcing the construction of interrelated institution and capacity of organization, transferring fishermen’s product and work well and adopting active measures to achieve the sustainable development of China’s coastal fishing village community from perspectives of economy, welfare, culture, zoology and construction.
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