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Phenolic resin is popular in the resin-based friction material, because it is superior in the heat resistance, mechanical properties, forming performance and cost. However, the ordinary phenolic resins for friction materials have other shortcomings such as a high modulus, hardness and so on, so phenolic resin should be modified. NBR could toughen phenolic resin significantly, but the long chain of flexible elements of NBR, makes the heat resistance of the friction materials to decline, which restricts the application in heavy load, high-speed of the vehicles. So it is very important to modify the NBR to improve the features of polymer matrix friction materials.
     In this paper, two ways are used to modify acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, there were mainly blending with NBR and changing nitrile rubber curing system. The results showed that the two methods were effective in improving the heat resistance of the NBR. The amount of eight percent in blending with PBMI, NBR gets the optimal heat resistance; the mass is 80% at 500℃, the heat resistance of the NBR is improved. In the NBR curing system,when the amount of the curing agent PDM is four, the NBR gets the integrated optimal performance, and the heat resistance is increased significantly,the mass is 50% at 500℃, and the heat resistance of the NBR is improved effectively. In the same time, its friction material brake performance is superior.
     In the experiment,the solution blending compared with the mechanical blending of the friction material brake performance, and the results showed that the solution blending is superior mechanical blending blending.
     After that, the solution blending was used to further study the NBR decentralization in phenolic resin, with the mass ratio of phenolic resin and NBR 1:2, in which the heat resistance agent was introduced in the peroxide curing system of NBR. The results showed that the phenolic resin and NBR mixed for two hours to achieve stability in the solution of acetone, and the particle diameter of NBR is about 3~5μm. The solution was applied in the friction materials, comparing with the the powder blending technology, which included the Nano-powder NBR. It was found that impact strength, compressive strength of the friction material in the solution blending technology were improved, the friction coefficient is to 0.46, the stability factor increased to 0.88, the wear reduced to 0.077, so the solution blending technology of friction material is superior than the powder blending technology with Nano-powder NBR.
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