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With the global economic integration, every country, region or enterprise is facing resources and environmental constraints and competition of information technology revolution in the21st century. Innovation has become core competitive advantages between countries, regions the enterprises. In order to attract new customers, meet customer diverse and individual needs, enterprises must select innovation gaining competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment. Enterprises can bring the sustainable competitive advantage from innovation. However, what are the factors that affect the performance of enterprise innovation? How to measure innovation performance of enterprises? What is the path to enhance corporate innovation performance inherent? How can we identify and overcome obstacles of innovation, establish and foster business innovation culture and atmosphere? These issues not only are faced by every business executives and need to make efforts to solve these challenges, but also scholars are sustaining attention and try to resolve.
     From the enterprise resources theory and capability perspective, enterprises'top management team (TMT) is not only the resource, the focal point of internal and external environment, the complexity of knowledge and capacity, but also the key for establishment of corporate strategic advantage. Excellent TMTs can identify the external business environment changes, foresee new business opportunities, take appropriate measures, and take appropriate methods to motivate employees fully enthusiasm and creativity of the work, and most important pass a strong powerful advantage signal to public.
     The paper conducted a systematic study between the behaviors of top management team characteristics and enterprises innovation performance through combining the team theory and innovation theory based upper echelon theory through the methods of literature review and questionnaires. It also conducted the empirical test for main effect between TMT behaviors characteristics and innovation performance based behavior perspective, the mediating role of team performance and the moderating effect of team member's homogeneity and heterogeneity. This can reveal inherent mechanism between TMTs'behavior characteristics affect and innovation performance in Chinese context, and extend upper echelon theory, and provide empirical support through empirical test.
     First, paper reviewed the leadership theory, upper echelon theory, team theory and innovation theory and proposed theoretical model and research hypotheses, and then paper designed the measurable variable scales for TMTs'behavioral characteristics, including information sharing, participation in decision making, teamwork, effective communication and goal achievement dimensions, the team performance of dimensions for decision-making power, cohesion and satisfaction, and enterprise innovation performance including exploration innovation, exploitation innovation and management innovation dimensions, and other demographic characteristics of TMT. Combining with experts&researchers'advices, interviews and a small sample pre-testing, it formed investigation questionnaire. Using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis approach to research sample data, this collected from Xi'an, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other cities and formed124valid TMTs and504members by survey questionnaires finally. Data were tested by the construct reliability, Cronbach's reliability, convergent validity&discriminate validity, and conformed that data could be aggregation from individual-level to the team level through consistency within the group index test by ICC and Rwg. Finally, paper verified the main effects, moderator effect and mediator effects by multiple regression analysis using the application statistical software of SPSS17.0and Amos7.0.The results show that:
     First, the top management team behavior dimensions, such as information sharing, teamwork and effective communication had significant positive impact on exploration innovation performance, exploitation innovation performance and management innovation performance, and participation in decision making dimension had no significant effect on exploitation innovation, the same as the goal achievement dimension also had no significant effect on exploratory innovation performance.
     Second, information sharing behavior, participation in decision making behavior, teamwork behavior, effective communication, and goal achievement of TMTs' behavioral dimensions had significant positive effect on team performance.
     Third, the team performance of decision-making power, cohesion and satisfaction of members had significant positive effect on innovation performance, such as explorative innovation performance, exploitative innovation&management innovation performance.
     Fourth, the team performance plays a mediator role between the TMTs' behavior characteristics and the enterprise innovation performance.
     Fifth, the team demographic homogeneity and heterogeneity plays an moderator effects on the above relationships.
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