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The energy is the foundation and the guarantee of national economy development andthe renewable energy is the emphases and key of national energy strategy, and that windpower is the most important part of the renewable energy. The development prospect ofour country's wind power industry is broad, but the localization rate of wind powerequipment is low, and the lack of core technologies about wind power equipment seriouslyrestricts the development of wind power industry. Improving the technology innovationability and achieving the technology catching-up of wind power equipment are the mosturgent problems of wind power industry. Therefore, the research on the evolutionmechanism and evolution process and technology catching-up of wind power equipmentindustry’s technological innovation system has strong theoretical and realisticsignificance.
     First, on the basis of reviewing the innovation system theory and technologycatching-up theory, the paper defines the concept and connotation of the technologyinnovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industry, analyzes itscharacteristics and complex adaptation, constructs its operation model, and expounds itsfunctions.
     Second, the paper analyzes the evolution’s internal and external driving forces of thetechnology innovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industry, explainsthe phenomenon about bifurcation, mutation, and emerging of the technology innovationsystem of wind power equipment manufacturing industry by the complex adaptive systemtheory, reveals evolution mechanism of the technology innovation system of wind powerequipment manufacturing industry.
     Again, the paper determines the technology innovation ability as the order parametersof the technology innovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industryestablishes the system evolution equation, analyzes the evolution of the track and processof the technology innovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industry.
     Then, based on the evolution mechanism and evolution process of the technology innovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industry, the paper putsforward the technology catching-up route selection model of the wind power equipmentmanufacturing industry, and determines the threshold of resource ability corresponding tothe specific innovation pattern.
     At last, From the evolution order parameter and control variables of the technologyinnovation system of wind power equipment manufacturing industry, the specificguarantee measures puts forward to promote technology catching-up of wind powerequipment manufacturing industry.
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