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With the wide application of Internet, computers are gradually applied in the field of examination system along with the combination of communication technology and computer technology. The examination system based on LAN not only check the level of our learner fairly, but also save manpower, material resources and improve examine efficiency.
     The development theory and practice of the examination system based on LAN is proposed in this paper. C/S structure is supported and C# is used as the development tool of examination system based on LAN. The efficiency and the quality of automatic test paper generation are completely decided by the design of item bank and algorithm to extract examination question. A test item bank is an efficient means of objective evaluation on teaching. It develops subject-database management system according strictly to the mathematical model of classical measurement theory in the design of testing paper. The essence of automatic test paper generation is a multi-objective component optimization problem under certain restraint condition, the system can search for the best answer according to the restriction conditions, such as test questions types, examination questions scalar, knowledge points, difficulty degree, exposition, and so on. Many kinds of results are shown in this paper after analyzing the examine data at the aspect of statistical analysis. The scientific evidence is supplied to the adjustment of difficulty coefficient about test database and the architecture of knowledge points. Office macro and VBA are used as the tools of implying automatic marking.
     This paper firstly analyzes the research status, technical background, characteristics and implementation of examination system based on LAN. Analysis and design of the key model, system structure and system function are given. Secondly, the development and implementation of the examination system is described. Lastly, on the base of summarize of this examination system, an expectation about establishing effective data analysis model is given in the last paper.
     There are many advantages in this system, for example, friendly interface, simple operation, universal use, and so on. This examination system has already applied to the computer common course test of the northeast normal university after testing the function. The result shows that our system is reasonable, safe and reliable to run. In addition to it has high practical values and popularized value.
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