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Strategic Emerging Industry is a strategic and future directional industry in China’s hi-tech industries, and creating its effective industries development model is considered as a deep-level study that need solving urgently at present China’s socio-economic development. Platform is the support system for system integration innovation and resource sharing, which is regarded as an effective model to foster the strategic emerging industries to be imitated in the world. The research on China’s industrial innovation platform is still in the starting phase, so it lacks a thorough, in-depth and systematic research. By means of theoretical research and positive analysis, this thesis integrates system analysis, component analysis, empirical analysis, questionnaire survey and expert investigation methods to make an intensive study on the problems of industrial innovation platform’s formation, structure, operational mechanism, developmental pattern, causal relation, main feedback path, system simulation and prediction. The study result will bring the significant theoretical contribution and practical meaning on shaping China’s industrial innovation pattern that its core technology is compatible with the Fifth Technical Revolution, and ultivating China’s strategic emerging industries.
     As for the innovation of this dissertation, firstly, establish the system framework of industrial innovation platform. It suggests that industrial innovation platform is the support system for system integration innovation and resource sharing, and is also the coupling and flow ties of various information and resources on the chain of technical innovation, and is also the long-term strategic alliance carrier for the breakthrough of strategic industrial key technology by each side effort. It is composed of four parts, namely public decision-making module, supporting platform module, innovation factor module, and industrial environment module. This thesis mainly analyzes industrial innovation platform’s evolution and its complexity, and elaborates the interrelation between innovation objects, adaptation between innovation objects and environment, mechanism of innovation network emerging and evolution, and meanwhile analyzes and researches the operation optimization for industrial innovation platform. Secondly, depending on the mechanisms, there are three development patterns of industrial innovation platform: reation derivatives, technical innovation, and skill diffusion. Moreover, it discusses the mechanism of creation derivatives pattern on the basis of the research on the theory of complex system; and explores the mechanism of technical innovation pattern on the basis of the dynamic game;and establishes the technical talents capital’s skill diffusion dynamics module in the aspect of system dynamics, and then calculates the diffused threshold value of technical talents capital within the platform, analyzes the main control parameters influencing skill diffusion, and points out the path improving the efficiency of skill diffusion. Thirdly, this thesis makes use of theoretical achievement of industrial innovation platform, conducts an empirical analysis with the case study of CCS industrial innovation platform; basing on the operating mechanism of industrial innovation platform, it executes the planning of innovative output, the design of innovative main framework, the construction of platform content for CCS’s industrial innovation platform;it puts forward the strategic goal that the aim of industrial innovation platform is industry-oriented, serving enterprises, supporting innovation, and provides the policy suggestions for the development of CCS’s industrial innovation platform, and comparatively complete explains the industrial innovation platform’s theory and applications.
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