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It is a universal phenomena in the language that a word possesses many senses, but when a word is in the context it only possesses a certain sense.It is the primary studied content in the field of word sense disambiguation how to confirm the sense of a word in the context. Word sense disambiguation of Chinese will be discussed in this thesis.The author introduces the aim and meaning of word sense disambiguation of Chinese firstly.In succession, The author narrates several methods of word sense disambiguation and explains the theories of some typical methods at length. Afterwards, At the base of parsing tree, the author uses associating headword method to distill the character words the ability of which is strong in expressing the senses of ambiguous word ; Afterwards, the author bring forwards a kind of method of word sense disambiguation which is based on the simultaneous arisen frequency of primitive by calculating the related moduluses of primitive between the senses of ambiguous word and character words.
    At last,the author put forwards the idea of empoldering a system of word sense disambiguation according the primary content of the thesis and some coding experiments of its core modules are conducted.
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