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The mental health service needs (MHSN) refers to the individual's current mental health and his desired mental health states casued by an imbalance between the lacks of status. MHSN assessment is the individual on the current state of their mental health status of their desired gap between the perceived and recognition, and the elimination of this gap assessment. This definition is based upon perceived needs; no perceived objective needs, such as body health and quality of life (QOL). The MHSN includes the perceived needs and no perceived needs. The MHSN is individual survival and development is the process of safeguarding and promotion the development of general MHSN, it is widespread among the general population. So researchers can approach its theoretical and empirical define. Assessment on the target group of MHSN is the infrastructure and starting point of mental health services. The Western developed countries have been going on MHSN for years, and still further deepened. But lack research of national MHSN of based on Chinese demand for services, systematic, theoretical and empirical study.
     This research based on the building for the reality of mental health services system needs, theoretical and empirical studies seek to build the combination of actual and reference base in China combine Western experience, multi-method, multi-disiplines study MHSN of Chinese youth and teenage status and characteristics. The study process as follows:First, in accordance with the psychometric requirements of reliability and validity of the preparation of a good fit for Chinese needs mental health services, evaluation tools for measuring the target groups perceived MHSN. Then using the development of tools investigates of Chinese youth and teenage mental health status and characteristics of MHSN. The next exploring the objective health, health-related lifestyle and QOL impact on MHSN of college students. Finally, the author discusses the Chinese cultural tradition on the impact of mental health service needs; on this basis, to extract an effective mental health services to meet the needs of young people in China's countermeasures.
     This PhD program consists of five parts, composed of 9 series of studies. Study 1 through the existing research literature review and open-ended questionnaires and interviews, exploring content and features of MHSN of Chinese youth and teenage, developed assessement tools for MHNS. Study 2 revised World Health Organization Quality of Life-brief (WHOQOL-BREF). Study 3 development Health-related lifestyle brief scales (HRLSBS). Study 4 surveys of the Chinese college students and teenage MHSN of a national cross-section sample of the current situation. Study 5 tests objective health influence of Chinese college students MHSN. Study 6 conducted health-related lifestyle impact of Chinese college students MHSN. Study 7 conducted the QOL and the relationship between Chinese college students MHSN. Study 8 conducted the role of accessible services between on subjective and objective MHSN. Study 9 discusses of traditional culture on the Chinese college students and teenage MHSN.
     Through this series of studies, draws the following main conclusions:
     1. Chinese younth and teenage MHSN of the structural characteristics
     (1) The College Students Mental Health Services Needs Questionnaire (CMHSNQ) include 6 dimensions:professional services, service content, services of attitude and way, non-professional services, public services, civil services; it is a measure of MHSN of the standardized tool.
     (2) The Adolescent Mental Health Services Needs Questionnaire(AMHSNQ) include 6 dimensions:professional services, approach and channel, non-professional services, services content, services attitude, civil services; it was the assessment MHSN young students a standardized tool.
     2. Chinese youth and teenage MHSN of the situation and characteristics
     (1)Intensity of MHSN is arranged in the top 3:services content (2.99), non-professional services (2.73), attitude and way of services (2.71).84.3% of the college students hope to have fixed the agency to provide mental health services; 83.2% of the college students need to understand the mental health knowledge.
     (2) The college students are most concerned about mental health services is the relationship (91.8%), choice career and career development (90.4%), academic problems (89.9%).
     (3) Science outreach (80.0%), health education (77.2%), peer group support mutual aid (74.7%) were college students preferred access to mental health services ways and means. School psychological center (71.2%), community mental center (56.3%),units psychological services center (55.0%) were college students preferred mental health services. Classmates and friends (79.6%), school psychologists (72.4%), parents and family members (66.5%) of students preferred the mental health servicers.
     (4) Female college student services content, non-professional services needs of mental health services were significantly (p<0.001) than boys. Students of non-only child mental health service needs expressed by a significant (p<0.05) higher than the an-only child. Poor-economic of college students'MHSN were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the general economic conditions and well-off students.1-2 grades college students MHSN were significantly (p<0.05) higher than 3-4 grades.
     (5) Middle school students’MHSN intensity is arranged in the top 3:services contents (3.14), attitude (2.95), and non-professional services (2.78).85.1% of the students hope to have fixed agency to provide mental health services; 83.0% of the students considered it necessary to understand the mental health knowledge.
     (6) The middle school students are most concerned about mental health services is the relationship (91.3%), their physical and mental management (87.7%), academic problems (87.7%).
     (7) Science outreach (72.8%), health education (72.5%), classmates and friends consulting (72.1%) is currently young students preferred receive mental health services ways and means. The middle students preferred mental health services agency:school psychological center (67.6%), community mental centers (60.0%), units of psychological services center (56.7%). Classmates and friends (75.1%), parents and family members (69.9%), school psychologists (67.8%) are the preferred young students of mental health servicers.
     (8) The male students in professional services, civil services MHSN were significantly (p<0.05) higher than females; and the female students in services contents, non-professional services were significantly (p<0.05) than males; However, MHSN of males and females overall strength of the difference was not significant.
     (9) Grade two high school students'MHSN were significantly (p<0.05) higher than other grade; There is a period of variety of psychological problems concentrated.
     3. Impact of Chinese youth MHSN factors
     (1) The total objective health is MHSN the best predictive variables; the college students’demand for MHSN was increased with the degree of ill health; there are 3-index:over the past one month is been ill, over the past one year if hospitalized, total objective health, can predict negative college students’MHSN.
     (2) The college students with MHSN are to increase the health of lifestyle; 3-indicators:drinking, smoking, regular health check can predict negative college students’MHSN; the other 3-indicators: total lifestyle, diet rest rules, regular physical exercise can positive predict college students’MHSN. Among total health-related lifestyle are the most influential college students’MHSN of the predictor variables.
     (3) The college students with MHSN to improve the quality of life significantly increased. Total average QOL, physical quality, psychological quality, quality of social relations, environmental quality can positive predict college students’MHSN.
     (4) Current college and youth MHSN features reflects the Confcian culture on the Chinese people's MHSN of the role and influence.
     The innovation of this research as follows:
     1.Theory innovation:(1) This reseach links the needs of theory of basic psychology to Chinese young people's MHSN, put forwards the view that MHSN of individuals in the course of the survival and development to maintain and promotion the development of the basic needs. (2) For the first time the Chinese MHSN content and structure of a systematic are studied and initiative development to assess Chinese MHSN standardized tools.
     2. Method of innovation:(1) First time on the college and middle students across the country MHSN of the current situation of the nationwide sample survey, collects the status of Chinese younth and teenage MHSN and characteristics of the system information. (2) Exploring the objective health, health-related lifestyle, quality of life, traditional culture impact of Chinese youth and teenage MHSN, and selected impact of Chinese MHSN three important variables.
     3. Future research could further expand in the following areas:(1) Mental health services of the census and national or regional combines, in a broader survey of large sample revise and improve the MHSN of the research tools and methods. (2) Further conducted the impact of the MHSN of Chinese major factors, revealing its inner mechanism. (3) Study the relations of MHSN and mental health status, in order to meet the target groups’demand for mental health services, and improve and enhance the level of the target population's mental health. (4) To further refine the mental health services needs assessment system of different target groups, is conducive to better meet the needs of different groups of mental health services needs. (5) To use longitudinal study of Chinese with mental health services to the regularity of development and changes in demand. (6) To use method of cross-cultural to study the impact of MHSN of Chinese cultural mechanism. (7) To use paradigm of cognitive neuroscience research by Chinese MHSN of brain mechanisms. (8) To use qualitative studies methods and case studies researches special groups of MHSN.
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