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Most of the existing research on Unfair Competition in Private International Law in our Country is out of a single point of view. For example, some of the scholars have written on the Choice of law or Jurisdiction of Unfair Competition with foreign elements, others mentioned some separated Private International Law problems when written on the thesis of anti-trust or something like that. But there isn't one work which covered all the Private International Law problems of Unfair Competition yet, including Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, dispute Resolutions, Recognition and Enforcement of Judgment and Arbitration Awards, and International Unification of Application of Law. This is what this dissertation is trying to do. Except for the Introduction, this paper divides into Six Chapters.
     The Introduction part of this paper includes the significance of this dissertation, the existing research of this thesis. You can find out some basic introductions of the emphases, methods and difficulties of this research in this part, too.
     Chapter one is about the general course of Unfair Competition, which is composed of three sections. These sections are talking separately about the concepts of Unfair Competition and the Law against Unfair Competition, and the brief history of Unfair Competition. This Chapter is the foundation of this dissertation, but not the keystone part.
     Chapter two is an outline of the Private International Law problems of Unfair Competition. Unfair Competition in Private International Law is the Unfair Competition with foreign elements. So the first section is about the foreign elements of Unfair Competition. Upon the first section, the second section introduces the Private International Law problems of Unfair Competition briefly, which can be divided into three parts mainly:the Jurisdiction, the Choice of Law and Dispute Settlement. The third section is about the particularity of Unfair Competition compared with other torts.
     Chapter three is solely on the Jurisdiction of Unfair Competition with foreign elements. This chapter is one of the keystone parts. The specific principles of Unfair Competition, the Jurisdiction of Unfair Competition, and the Jurisdiction of Unfair Competition on the Internet are studied and analyzed in this Chapter. The conclusion of this part is that:It seems that the Jurisdiction of Unfair Competition with foreign elements will still be the problem of internal law in the near future. And there will still be some differences among the bases of Jurisdiction in different countries, although there is a trend of harmonization of Law.
     Chapter four is about the Application of Law of Unfair Competition with foreign elements. It separates into four sections. Section one is about the Characterization of Unfair Competition with foreign elements; Section two focuses on the Choice of Law of Unfair Competition, including the scope of the applicable law; Section three talks about some special problems like the applicable law of Criminal and administrative cases of Unfair Competition and the online cases of Unfair Competition, and the problem of extraterritorial application of Unfair Competition Law. Section four studies the International unification of the law of Conflict-of-laws rules.
     Chapter five discusses the Dispute Settlement of Unfair Competition chiefly, which is constituted by International Civil Procedure of Unfair Competition, the Arbitrability of Unfair Competition and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgment and Arbitration Awards of Unfair Competition.
     Chapter six is the last part, which is also the substitute of the Conclusion of this dissertation. It's about the Private International Law problems of Unfair Competition in China. Two aspects of Chinese problems are included, the first is the realities of Private International Law problems of Unfair Competition in China; the second is the improvement.
① A. A. Ehrenzweig, A treatise on the Conflict of Laws, West Publishing Co.,1962, pp.560-561.
    ③例如,2000年发布的"Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated".
    ④例如曾任海牙国际私法会议秘书长的Adair Dyer,曾专门研究不正当竞争的法律适用问题,并于海牙国际法学院作专题演讲。
    ① 4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955).
    ② Jack J. Rappeport, Trademark and Unfair Competition in International Conflict of Laws:An Analysis of the Choice of Law Problem,20 U. Pitt. L. Rev. (1958).
    ③ Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967).
    ④ Adair Dyer, Note on Civil Liability for Unfair Competition and Related Conservatory Measures, Preliminary Document No.4, Hague Conference.
    ⑤ Preliminary Document No.5 of April 2000 for the Attention of the Special Commission of May 2000 on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference.
    ⑥ RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211.
    ⑦ Alois Troller, Unfair Competition, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980.
    ① H. L. Pinner (Editor), World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia, A. W. SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland), 1965.
    ② ICLQ 51.3(909) 2002.
    ③ 46 UCLAL. Rev.905 (1999).
    ④例如Reto M. Hilty, Frauke Henning-Bodewig (editors), Law against Unfair Competition:Towards A New Paradigm in Europe? Springer,2007; Hugh Collins (editor), The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices, Kluwer Law International,2004.
    ①Official Journal of the European Union, L199,31.7.2007, p.41.
    ③248 U.S.215(1918).原告美联社(Associated Press)在美国东海岸发行的报纸上刊登新闻报导,而被告国际新闻社(International News Service)在新闻搜集和发布方面是美联社的竞争者(Competitor)。本案中国际新闻社复制了美联社的报导,并转载、使用于其在美国中西部和西海岸的报业中,有时这些复制报导甚至比美联社在西海岸有业务关系的报纸还早发行。最终最高法院多数法官主张国际新闻社应延迟适当的时间发布和出版美联社的报导。本案的争议点之一是被告的行为是否构成不正当竞争(unfair competition)。
    ① 248 U.S.215 (1918).
    ② See Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Unfair Competition Law:the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Creativity, Clarendon press,1997, p.22.
    ③ Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000, Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.7.
    ④ See J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (4d), Thomson Reuters/West,2008, Chapter 1, pp.4-7.
    ⑤ See J. Thomas McCarthy, op. cit. Chapter 1, p.7.
    ⑥ See Anselm Kamperman Sanders, op. cit. p.23.
    ② 15 USCS § 45 (a) Declaration of unlawfulness; power to prohibit unfair practices; inapplicability to foreign trade. (1) Unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce, are hereby declared unlawful.
    ③ A person engages in a deceptive trade practice when, in the course of his business, vocation, or occupation, he: (1) passes off goods or services as those of another; (2) causes likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding as to the source, sponsorship, approval, or certification of goods or services; (3) causes likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding as to affiliation, connection, or association with, or certification by, another; (4) uses deceptive representations or designations of geographic origin in connection with goods or services; (5) represents that goods or services have sponsorship, approval, characteristics, ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities that they do not have or that a person has a sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation, or connection that he does not have; (6) represents that goods are original or new if they are deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, reclaimed, used, or second-hand; (7) represents that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or that goods are of a particular style or model, if they are of another; (8) disparages that goods, services, or business of another by false or misleading representation of fact; (9) advertises goods or services with intent not to sell them as advertised; (10) advertises goods or services with intent not to supply reasonably expectable public demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity; (11) makes false or misleading statements of fact concerning the reasons for, existence of, or amounts of price reductions; or (12) engages in any other conduct which similarly creates a likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding.
    ④《不正当竞争法重述》第三版第1章是有关自由竞争的规定;第2章涉及欺骗性市场行为,其中§2Deceptive Marketing:General Principle; § 3 Commercial Detriment of Another; § 4 Misrepresentations Relating to Source: Passing Off; § 5 Misrepresentations Relating to Source:Reverse Passing Off; § 6 Misrepresentations in Marketing the Goods or Services of Another; § 7 Contributory Liability of Printers, Publishers, and Other Suppliers;§ 8 Contributory Liability of Manufacturers and Distributors;第3章是商标法;第4章是关于占用别人商业价值的规定,Topic 1-Misappropriation; Topic 2-Trade Secrets; Topic 3-Right of Publicity。
    ① See J. Thomas McCarthy, op. cit. Chapter 1, pp.20-23.
    ② Champion Spark Plug Co. v. Champion,23 F. Supp.638 (D. Mich.1938).
    ③ Dastar Crop. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.,123 S. Ct 2041 (2003).
    ④ Act on Commercial Practices and Consumer Information and Protection,1991.7
    ⑤ Act to Regulate Certain Trade Practices and to Sanction Unfair Competition,2002.7.30.
    ⑥ Act against Unfair Competition,1991.1.10.
    ⑦ Law Regarding Industrial Property,2000.3.5(Article 317、318、331); Advertising Act,1990; Consumer Protection Act,1996.
    ⑧ Act 146/1914:Law against Unfair Competition.
    ⑨ 1974 Marketing Practices Act.
    ⑩ Marketing Practices Act,1995.4.27(reformed in
    11 Unfair Trade Practices Act,1978.12.22.
    12 Act on the Prohibition of Unfair and Restrictive Market Practices 1996 (在社会主义时期,曾制定有1984.10.31 Act on the Prohibition of Unfair Economic Activity).
    13 Act on the Combating of Unfair Competition,1993.4.16; Act on Protection of Competition and Consumers, 2000.12.15.
    14 Competition Act (Chapter Ⅴ:Unfair Competition and Misleading Advertisement),1997.6.18 (amended 2001)
    15 Competition Act(Chapter 8:Unfair Competition),1998.3.11(reformed in 2001).
    16 Law on Protection of Economic Competition 2000 (Chapter 5:Prevention of Unfair Competition)
    17 Competition Act 2001.
    18 Competition Act,1993.3.25.
    19 Law on the Repression of Unfair Competition,1991.1.29.
    20 Law on the Protection of Competition 1991 (amended in 1998, Chapter 7:Unfair Competition).
    21 Fair Trading Act 1986.
    22 Law on Prohibiting Unfair Competition,2000.5.12.
    23 Protection Against Unfair Competition Act,1996(Last amended in 2000).
    ①Law No.15 of 2000 Trade Secrets and Unfair Competition Law.
    ②The Protection against Unfair Practices(Industrial Property Rights)Act,2002.8.8.
    ③Protection Against Unfair Competition Act,1998.9.14.
    ④The Fair Competition Act,1993.
    ⑤The Trade Practices Act,1974.See H.Stephen Harris,Jr.(Editor-in-chief),ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Competition Laws outside the United States,American Bar Association 2001,Chapter 2:Australia.
    ⑥有关欧盟各成员国的反不正当竞争法,See Frauke Henning-Bodewig,Unfair Competition Law-European
    Union and Member States,Kluwer Law International 2006,pp.69-251. ⑦See Anselm Kamperman Sander, Unfair Competition Law-the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial
    Creativity,Clarendon press,1997,p.6,23.
    ⑨意大利1990年制定有《竞争与公平交易法》(Law No.287 of 10th October 1990,Competition and Fair TradingAct)。但该法主要是有关垄断和限制竞争的规定。
    ①See Anselm Kamperman Sander, op. cit. pp.69-74.
    ③WIPO Publication No.8321986.
    ① WIPO Publication No.725(E),1994 Geneva.
    ② See Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Unfair Competition Law:the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Creativity, Clarendon press,1997, pp.7-8.
    ①OJ L149/22,11.6.2005.
    ① J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (4d), Thomson Reuters/West,2008, Chapter 1, pp.16-17.
    ② See J. Thomas McCarthy, op. cit. Chapter 1, pp.24-30. 此外 Doris E. Long、James E. Shaw、W. Wengler等人都作过不正当竞争定义或列举清单。See Doris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, pp.2-3; James E. Shaw, Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Boston College Press,1952, pp.2-3; W. Wengler, Laws Concerning Unfair Competition and the Conflict of Laws,4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955), p.168.
    ② See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p. 410.
    ④ Article 15 Unfair Competition by Employees (1) A person may not, simultaneously and for a period of three years after having been relieved of office, be on the governing or controlling bodies of competing firms. (2) A person of employee status may not, without his employer's consent, on his own or on a third party's behalf, carry on such a business as is part of the activities carried on by his employer. Consent shall be deemed granted where, at signing of the relevant employment contract, the employer was in the knowledge of such a business being carried on by the person concerned, but where an explicit provision to terminate the same was not made. In the event of a breach of this ban, the employer can terminate the employment contract without prior notice. (3) Persons under paragraph (2) above may not engage in competing business activities with their employer for a period of three years after termination of the labor contract, unless otherwise provided by the same. (4) An executive officer may not participate in a firm or be member of a governing or a controlling body if that might interfere with the fulfillment of his official duties in good faith.但1998年《竞争保护法》有关Unfair Competition部分去除了该条的规定。
    ① See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, pp. 410-413.
    ③ See James L. Hopkins, The Law of Unfair Trade, including Trade-marks, Trade Secrets, and Good-will, Callaghan & Company,1900, pp.28-30; James Love Hopkins, The Law of Trademarks, Tradenames and Unfair Competition (4d), The W. H. ANDERSON COMPANY, pp.40a-40b.
    ④ See James E. Shaw, Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Boston College Press,1952, p.4.
    ① See James E. Shaw, Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Boston College Press,1952, pp.4-5.
    ③ Official Journal of the European Union,31.7.2007, L199/41.
    ② Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000, Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.7.
    ③ Huw Beverley-Smith, The Commercial Appropriation of Personality, Cambridge University Press,2002, pp. 132-137.
    ⑤ See Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Mark D. Janis, Trademarks and Unfair Competition:Law and Policy, Aspen publishers,2004, p.13.
    ③J.G v.Samford,(1584)B.& M.615.该案也有学者称之为Sandforth's Case.See Keith M.Stolte,How Early did Anglo-American Trademark Law Begin?An Answer to Schechter's Conundrum,8 Fordham Intell.Prop. Media & Ent.L.J.505(1997-1998),pp.506.507.
    ④Popham's Reports 143(1618),7 p Eng.Rep.1243(K.B.1907)
    ⑤Keith M.Stolte,How Early did Anglo-American Trademark Law Begin?An Answer to Schechter's Conundrum, 8 Fordham Intell.Prop.Media &Ent.L.J.505(1997-1998),p.505.
    ⑥See J.H.Baker,An Introduction to English Legal History(3d),Butterworths,1990,pp.521-523.
    ① See J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (4d), Thomson Reuters/West,2008, Chapter 1, p.30.2.
    ② See Walter J. Derenberg, The Influence of the French Code Civil on the Modern Law of Unfair Competition,4 Am. J. Comp. L.1 (1955), p.1.
    ⑦而且其“本国法”概念一般与“法域”概念等同,从而主权国家内部不同法域之间的法律抵触也包含在国际私法或曰冲突法内。See Janet Walker, Castel & Walker Canadian Conflict of Laws (6d), Butterworths/LexisNexis Canada Inc.,2005, pp.1-2; Robert A. Leflar, American Conflict Law (3d), the BOBBS-Merrill Company, Inc.,1977, p.3; Sir Lawrence Collins, Dicey, Morris and Collins on The Conflict of Laws,14th edition, Sweet & Maxwell LTD,2006.
    ④ See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, pp. 411-412.
    ③See Official Journal of the European Union, L149/35-L149/37,11.6.2005.
    ② Frauke Henning-Bodewig, Unfair Competition Law:European Union and Member States, Kluwer Law International,2006, p.12.
    ② General Adjustment Bureau, Inc. v. Fuess,192. F. Supp.542 (S. D. Tex.1961); Oliver Gintel, Inc. v. Koslow's, Inc.,355 F. Supp.236 (N. D. Tex.1973).
    ③ Syntex Ophthalmics, Inc. v. Novichky,745 F.2d.1423 (Fed. Cir.1984).
    ⑤ Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, Preliminary Document No 5 of April 2000 for the attention of the Special Commission of May 2000 on general affairs and policy of the Conference.
    ①Eg,A.A.Ehrenzweig,A treatise on the conflict of laws,West publishing Co.,1962;Eugene F. Scoles,Peter Hay, Patrick J.Borchers,Symeon C.Symeonides,Conflict of Laws(4d),West,2004;Janet Walker,Castel & Walker Canadian Conflict of Laws(6d),Butterworths/LexisNexis Canada Inc.,2005.另请参见本文第四章第一节.
    ③ See Grover C. Grismore, Are Unfair Methods of Competition Actionable at the Suit of a Competitor? 33 Mich. L. Rev.321 (1934-1935), pp.325-327.
    ④ 1639, Fen v. Dixe; 1731, Harman v. Delany.
    ⑤ 1769, Greenough v. Dalmahey; 1771, Greenough v. Lambertson.
    ⑥ See G. C. Grismore, op. cit. p.329.
    ① See Grover C. Grismore, Are Unfair Methods of Competition Actionable at the Suit of a Competitor? 33 Mich. L. Rev.321 (1934-1935), p.330.
    ②如1914年《联邦贸易委员会法》(Federal Trade Commission Act);1933年国家产业复兴法(National Industrial Recovery Act)。
    ③ Coddington, A Digest of the Law of Trade-marks, New York,1878; James L. Hopkins, The Law of Unfair Trade, including Trade-marks, Trade Secrets, and Good-will, Callaghan & Company,1900.
    ④ Humphrey's Specific Med. Co. v. Wenz,14 Fed. Rep.250; Skinner v. Oakes,10 Mo. App.45; 1869, Lee v. Haley,21 L. T. N. S.546; 1872, Wotherspoon v. Currie,22 L. T. N. S.260; 1872, Newman v. Alvord,49 Barb. 588.
    ⑤248 U.S.215(1918).参见本文第一章。
    ⑦德国UWG 1909年6月17日颁布,当年10月1日生效。
    ④马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第279页。
    ③ See Doris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, Chapter 7 "Litigation Issues".
    ④ See Frauke Henning-Bodewig, Unfair Competition Law:European Union and Member States, Kluwer Law International,2006, p.12.
    ② See Cedric Ryngaert, Jurisdiction over Antitrust Violations in International Law, Intersentia,2008; H. Stephen Harris, Jr. (Editor-in-chief), ABA Section of Antitrust Law, competition laws outside the United States, American Bar Association,2001; Karl M. Meessen, Antitrust Jurisdiction under Customary International Law, 78 A.J.I.L783 (1984); Janusz A. Ordover, Conflicts of Jurisdiction:Antitrust and Industrial Policy, Duke University School of Law:Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.50, No.3,1987.
    ⑤ H. L. Pinner (Editor), World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia, A. W. SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland), 1965, p.88.
    ⑥ Jurisdiktionsnorm.
    ⑦ Doris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs Inc.,1993, p.251.
    ①如澳大利亚联邦法院1990年Adams v.Cape Industries Plc案。
    ②如澳大利亚联邦法院1992年Tycoon Holdings Ltd v.Trencor Jetco Inc.案。
    ③Brussels I第5(3):有关侵权行为或准侵权行为案件,得在侵权或准侵权行为发生地的法院被诉。
    ④Case 21/76 Handelsvekerij G. J.Bier B.V v.Mines de potasse(1976)ECR 1735.
    ⑤See H.L.Pinner(Editor),World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia,A.W SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland),1965,p.81.
    ⑥Case 21/76 Handelsvekerij G. J.Bier B.V v.Mines de potasse(1976)ECR 1735..
    ⑧See H.L.Pinner(Editor),op.cit.p.81.
    ①马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet)),中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第11页。
    ③ See Cive M. Schmitthoff, The English Conflict of Laws (3d), Stevens & Sons Limited,1954, p.422.
    ⑥1998年5月28日,欧盟15个成员国在布鲁塞尔签署的《关于婚姻事项管辖权及判决的承认与执行公约》,被简称为《布鲁塞尔公约Ⅱ,Brussels Ⅱ》,但该公约因没有成员国批准而未能生效。为此2000年5月29日,欧盟理事会颁布了《关于婚姻事项和夫妻双方对于共同子女的父母亲责任事项的管辖权及判决的承认与执行的第1347/2000号条例》,该条例系由《布鲁塞尔公约Ⅱ转化而来,因此又称为《布鲁塞尔条例Ⅱ》。
    ⑦ See H. L. Pinner (Editor), World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia, A. W. SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland),1965, p.83.
    ①See H.L.Pinner(Editor),World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia,A.W SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland),1965,p.89.
    ②See H.L.Pinner(Editor),op.cit.p.91.
    ④See Beverly W Pattishall,David C.Hilliard,Joseph Nye Welch Ⅱ,Trademarks and Unfair Competition(5d), LexisNexis,2002,p.512.
    ⑥马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第279页.
    ① See J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (4d), Thomson Reuters/West,2008, chapter 32, pp.46-52; Doris E. Long, op. cit. pp.249-250.
    ③ See Doris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, p.251.
    ③ See Thomas J. Smedinghoff (Editor), Online Law, the SPA's Legal Guide to Doing Business on the Internet, Addison-Wesley Developers Press,1996, p.365.
    ④参见 Thomas J. Smedinghoff (Editor), Online Law, the SPA's Legal Guide to Doing Business on the Internet, Addison-Wesley Developers Press,1996;肖永平:《国际私法在互联网环境下面临的挑战》,载于肖永平:《肖永平论冲突法》,武汉大学出版社2002年版;何其生:《电子商务的国际私法问题》,法律出版社2004年版;朱子勤等:《网络侵权中的国际私法问题研究》,人民法院出版社2006年版;胡晓红、梁琳、王赫等:《网络侵权与国际私法》,中国工人出版社2006年版。
    ②Inset System, Inc. v. Instruction Set, Inc.937 F. Supp.161(D. Conn.1996).
    ① Bensusan Restaurant Corp. v. King,126 F.3d 25 (1997); 1997 U.S. App. LEXIS 23742; 44 U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 1051.
    ② Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc.952 F. Supp.1119 (E. D. Penn.1997)
    ③ Millennium Enterprises, Inc. v. Millennium Music, LP 33 F.Supp.2d 907 (D. Ore.1999).
    ⑥ EDIAS Software International, L.L.C. v. BASIS International Ltd.947 F. Supp.413 (D. Ariz.1996).
    ⑦加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省上诉法院在Braitech Inc. v. Kostiuk案中以“真实和本质联系”为连接点确定网络侵权案件管辖权。Braitech Inc. v. Kostiuk (1999 BCCA0169),参见齐湘泉:《涉外民事关系法律适用法·侵权论》,法律出版社2006年版,第348-349页。
    ① Macquaire Bank & Anor v. Berg.
    ④ This Act extends to the engaging in conduct outside New Zealand by any person resident or carrying on business in New Zealand to the extent that such conduct relates to the supply of goods or services, or the granting of interests in land, within New Zealand.
    ⑤参见Tracdy Walker、Earl Gray、Elizabeth Coppins新西兰之互联网上的不正当竞争和商标,载于马特
    斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第180-181页。
    ⑥参见Tracdy Walker、Earl Gray、Elizabeth Coppins:新西兰之互联网上的不正当竞争和商标,载于马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编、孙秋宁译前引书,第181页。
    ①互联网新主权理论的代表是美国的David R.Johnson和David G Post。他们认为网络空间正在形成一种新的全球性的市民社会,它应像公海和外层空间一样游离于国家主权的管辖之外。传统的法律规则不适用于新的互联网空间。每个网络用户应只服从其ISP的规则,ISP之间则以技术手段、协议方式等来协调和统一彼此的规则。用户之间的冲突则由ISP以中立者身份来裁决,并由ISP来具体执行。
    ②参见Gideon Fisher:以色列之互联网上的不正当竞争和商标,载于马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第135页。
    ⑤ See Beverly W. Pattishall, David C. Hilliard, Joseph Nye Welch Ⅱ, Trademarks and Unfair Competition (5d), LexisNexis,2002, p.516.
    ① See A. H. Robertson, Characterization in the Conflict of Laws, Harvard University Press,1940, p.3.
    ③也有学者认为管辖权问题属于“先期识别”(primary qualification)问题,也是识别的一种。例如在德国Schoch女士看来,primary qualification问题就是德国法院对于提交本院的一个诉讼案件确定其是属于公法、私法抑或是刑法问题,并由此明确法院对该案是否有管辖权。参见A. H. Robertson, op. cit. pp.123-125.
    ⑤ See Kurt Lipstein, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ Private International Law, Chapter 5: Characterization, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1999, p.5.
    ① See Ernst Rabel, The Conflict of Laws:A Comparative Study (2d), Vol 1, the University of Michigan Press, prepared by Ulrich Drobnig,1958, p.54.
    ② See A. H. Robertson, Characterization in the Conflict of Laws, Harvard University Press,1940, p.38.
    ③ See Ernst Rabel, op. cit. Vol.1, pp.54-66.
    ④ See Ernst Rabel, op. cit. Vol.1, p.61.
    ⑤ See A. H. Robertson, op. cit. p.44.
    ⑥ See Kurt Lipstein, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ Private International Law, Chapter 5: Characterization, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1999, p.8.
    ①关于有效性事实,美国分析法学派代表人物霍菲尔德(Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld,1879年—1918年)认为,法律事实可以分为两类:一类是有效性事实(operative facts),指可以直接创造新的法律关系的事实,也可以称之为constitutive/causal/dispositive facts;二是证据性事实,指可以证明其他事实成立的事实。证据性事实只是为推理有效性事实提供了逻辑的基础,而不是结论。霍氏曾举—实例来说明两者的差别:在一个侵权之诉中,A宣称他被B的狗咬了,不管是被Jim狗还是Dick狗咬的,这一事实就是有效性事实。即使假设是Jim狗而不是Dick狗咬的,这也只是证据性事实,是证明上述的有效性事实成立,且其自身在诉讼中也是无关紧要的。参见王涌:《寻找法律概念的“最小公分母”—霍菲尔德法律概念分析思想研究》,载《比较法研究》1998年第2期,第154页。
    ② See Kurt Lipstein, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ Private International Law, Chapter 5: Characterization, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1999, p.30.
    ③ Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEILDES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p.408.
    ① A. A. Ehrenzweig, A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, West Publishing Co.,1962, chapter 6 "Torts", pp. 560-561.
    ② See Eugene F. Scoles, Peter Hay, Patrick J. Borchers, Symeon C. Symeonides, Conflict of Laws(4d), West,2004, pp.868-871.
    ③ See Peter Hay, Conflict of Laws (4d), WEST, a Thomson business,2003, Chapter 9 Section 3:"Common Law Tort of Unfair Competition", p.206.
    ④ Janet Walker, Castel & Walker Canadian Conflict of Laws (6d), Butterworths/LexisNexis Canada Inc.,2005, Chapter 35:"TORTS", p.27.
    ⑤ "Having ascertained that acts of unfair competition are acts in the nature of torts, it follows that the general rules of choice of law in matters of tort must apply". See Alois Troller, Unfair Competition, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAULSIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, p.5.
    ⑥ See Frank Vischer, Memorandum on the Conflict-of-laws Rules Governing Unfair Competition, Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, p.117.
    ① See Willis L. M. Reese, Preliminary Expose of "The Conflict-of-Laws Rules on Unfair Competition ", Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, p.114.
    ② Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p.408.
    ③ See W. Wengler, Laws Concerning Unfair Competition and the Conflict of Laws,4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955) p.168.
    ⑦ See J. H. C. Morris, David McClean, The Conflict of Laws (5d), Sweet & Maxwell LTD,2000, pp.357-358.
    ① See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEILDES COURS 1988 Tome 211, pp. 410-412.
    ③ See Eugene F. Scoles, Peter Hay, Patrick J. Borchers, Symeon C. Symeonides, Conflict of Laws(4d), West,2004, p.870.
    ① See W. Wengler, Laws Concerning Unfair Competition and the Conflict of Laws,4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955), pp.171-172.
    ② See Alois Troller, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair Competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, p. 5.
    ③ See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p. 415.
    ① See W. Wengler, Laws Concerning Unfair Competition and the Conflict of Laws,4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955), p.172.
    ③ Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967), p.530.
    ④ Joseph P. Briglia, op. cit. p.531.
    ⑤ Shoppers Fair of Ark., Inc. v. Sanders Co.,207 F Supp 718 (WD Ark 1962).
    ⑥ RCA Mfg. Co. v. Whiteman 114 F2d 86 (CA21940), cert denied,311 US 712,713 (1940).
    ⑦ Adam Hat Stores, Inc. v. Lefco,134 F2d 101 (CA 31943):since no pertinent statute or decision of those jurisdictions was found or presented by the parties, the court relied on what it called the general law.
    ② H. L. Pinner (Editor), World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia, A. W. SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland), 1965, p.92.
    ③ H. L. Pinner (Editor), World Unfair Competition Law:An Encyclopedia, A. W. SIJTHOFF-LEYDEN (Holland), 1965, p.90.
    11 1972年《加蓬民法典》第41条。
    12 卡塔尔国《民法典》第30条。参见邹国勇译:《卡塔尔国<民法典>(节录)》,载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2008年第十一卷),第619-620页。
    ⑥Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000 Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.21.
    ⑧ See W. Wengler, Laws Concerning Unfair Competition and the Conflict of Laws,4 Am. J. Comp. L.167 (1955), p.173.
    ⑨ Ibid, p.172.
    ① See Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967), p.534.
    ② 即 Erie Railroad Co. v. Tomkins案。此案是美国最高法院于1938年审理的一起具有里程碑性的判例。在该案中最高法院裁定:凡在联邦法院进行的诉讼,除了涉及由美国先发和美国的法律所调整的事项,任何案件所适用的法律都应当是法院所在地的州的法律。参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年版,第486页。
    ③例如Chemical Corp. of Am. v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc.,306 F 2d 433 (CA51962); Solo Cup Co. v. Paper Mach. Corp.,240 F Supp 126 (ED Wis.1965)等案。
    ④ (1868) L. R.2 P. C.193.
    ⑤ (1870) L. R. Q. B.1,28-29.
    ⑥ See J. H. C. Morris, David McClean, The Conflict of Laws (5d), Sweet & Maxwell LTD,2000, p.358.
    ⑦ [1971]A. C.356.
    ⑧ See Alois Troller, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair Competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, pp. 5-6.
    ⑨ See A. A. Ehrenzweig, A treatise on the conflict of laws, West publishing Co.,1962, pp.560-561.
    ⑩ See Alois Troller, op. cit. p.6.
    ① See Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967), pp. 537-539.
    ③ See Joseph P. Briglia, op. cit. p.533.
    ④ 124 F2d 706 (CA71941), cert denied,316 US 682 (1942).
    ⑤ 108 F2d 632(CA 61940).
    ⑥ 46 F Supp 198 (D Mass 1942).
    ⑦ 228 F2d 695(CA21956).
    ⑧ 207 F. Supp.718; 1962 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5618; 134 U.S.P.Q. (BNA) 545.
    ① See Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967), p.538.
    ⑦ See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEILDES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p. 429.
    ③ See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEILDES COURS 1988 Tome 211, p. 431.
    ④ See Alois Troller, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair Competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, p. 8.
    ⑤ See Adair Dyer, op. cit. p.431.
    ① See Alois Troller, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair Competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, p.
    ② See Alois Troller, op. cit. pp.8-9.
    ③德国最高法院1961年6月30日Babies'Feeding-bottles Case, BGHZ 35,329; GRUR Ausl.1962,88-93。
    ④1984年,联盟改名为“竞争法国际联盟”(International League of Competition Law)。
    ⑤ See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, pp. 417-418.
    ⑥ See J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (4d), Thomson Reuters/West,2008, Chapter 1.
    ⑦例如Reese和Frank Vischer为报告人之国际法学会“Resolution of the Conflict-of-laws Rules on Unfair Competition"第2、3、4条:
    1. Where injury is caused to a competitor's business in a particular market by conduct which could reasonably have been expected to have that effect, the internal law of the State in which that market is situated should apply to determine the rights and liabilities of the parties, whether such conduct occurs in that State or in some other State or States.
    2. Where conduct causes injury to a competitor's business in a number of markets situated in different States, the applicable law should be the internal law of each State where such a market is situated. Article Ⅲ In exceptional situations in which the State whose internal law would be applicable under the rules stated in Article II does not have a sufficiently significant relationship with the parties, their conduct and the injury, the internal law of the State indicated by the most relevant connecting factors, or by the majority of the relevant connecting factors, should be applied. Rights and liabilities resulting from unfair competition in situations that are not covered by the rules stated in Article II should be determined by the internal law of the State which has the most significant relationship with the parties, their conduct and the injury. See 1983 Yearbook of the Institute of International Law, part II, pp.155-209; also:Adair Dyer, op. cit. p.432.
    ① See Adair Dyer, Unfair Competition in Private International Law, RECUEIL DES COURS 1988 Tome 211, pp. 436-437.
    ④但也有一些学者以1928年美洲国家间之《布斯塔曼特国际私法典》中第三卷(第296-313条)、第340-381条及第436-437条为刑法内容,而主张也存在“刑事法律冲突”。但有学者分析认为,上述条款实际上并不包含刑事案件的国际私法意义上的“法律适用”问题。参见吕岩峰:《刑法的域外效力辨析-来自国际私法学的观照》,载《法制与社会发展》1998年第4期,第51-52页。此外,关于外国公法的适用,国际法学会第20届委员会1975年在德国威斯巴登举行的全体会议曾通过了一项《适用外国公法的决议》(Resolution on the Application of Foreign Public Law)。该决议由Pierre Lalive任主报告人,其第1条第1款规定:“冲突规则所指向的外国法规,如被赋予公法性质,则不应妨害该规定的适用,但应受有关公共秩序的根本性保留的限制。”(The public law character attributed to a provision of foreign law which is designated by the rule of conflict of laws shall not prevent the application of that provision, subject however to the fundamental reservation of public policy.)
    ③既然应追究刑事责任,则很可能会触动法院地的重大利益或违反法律基本理念,从而公共秩序或公共政策(public order/public policy)条款应当适用。
    ②参见马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfaircompetition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第13-14页;孔祥俊:《反不正当竞争法新论》,人民法院出版社2001年版,第223页。See also Alexander Thunken, Multi-State Advertising over the Internet and the Private International Law of Unfair Competition,51 Int'l & Comp. L.Q.909(2002),pp.912-913.
    ①马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编,孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:unfair competition and trademarks on the internet》,中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第10-11页.
    ②Alexander Thunken,Multi-State Advertising over the Internet and the Private International Law of Unfair
    Competition,51 Int'l & Comp.L.Q.909(2002),pp.909-910.
    ③Alexander Thunken,op.cit.p.921.
    ⑤参见Russell J. Weintraub, The Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust and Securities Laws:An Inquiry into the Utility of a "Choice-of-law" Approach,70 Tex. L. Rev.1799(1992); Jiirgen Basedow, International Antitrust: From Extraterritorial Application to Harmonization,60 La. L. Rev.1037 (1999-2000); Il Hyung Jung, A Comparative Study on the Question of Extraterritorial Application of the Competition Law,18 Dick. J. Int'l L. 305(2000);谢海霞:《竞争法的域外适用与双边合作》,载程卫东主编:《中国竞争法立法探要》,社会科学文献出版社2006年版;于鹏:《反垄断法的域外适用及其国际协调与合作》,2002年对外经济贸易大学硕士学位论文;周策:《反垄断法域外适用问题研究》,中国政法大学2003年硕士学位论文;孔祥勇:《反垄断法域外适用的法律问题研究》,天津财经大学2006年硕士学位论文。
    ① Lunsford, Unfair Competition:Uniform State Act Needed,44 VA. L. Rev.583 (1958).
    ② See Joseph P. Briglia, Choice of Law for the Tort of Unfair Competition,57 Trademark Rep.528 (1967), p.539.
    ④如1946年Lanham Act、FTCA等。
    ⑤如《巴黎公约》10bis, WIPO《反不正当竞争示范条款》(Model Provisions on Protection against Unfair Competition)、竞争法国际联盟(the International League of Competition Law)1994年柏林会议达成之决议等,以及WTO一系列的统一竞争法的努力。
    ⑦ See Alois Troller, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol Ⅲ:Private International Law, Chapter 34:Unfair Competition, J.C.B. MOHR (PAUL SIEBECK), Tubingen and Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1980, pp. 10-17, "Uniform Choice of Law and Harmony of Decision".
    ① Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000 Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.23.
    ②第22届委员会的主报告人是美国学者Willis L. M. Reese,合作报告人是瑞士学者Frank Vischer。其他成员有De Nova, Goldman, P. Lalive, Mann, Von Overbeck, Philips, Gannage, Schwind 和 Waelbroeck等人。
    ① See Willis L. M. Reese, Preliminary Expose of "The Conflict-of-laws Rules on Unfair Competition ", Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, pp.107-116; Frank Vischer, Memorandum on the Conflict-of-laws Rules Governing Unfair Competition, Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, pp.117-132.
    ② See Questionnaire, Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, pp.133-135.
    ③ See First Draft Set of Resolutions, Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol. 60, pp.137-139.
    ④ See Draft Resolution with Explanatory Notes, Yearbook of Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, Vol.60, pp.159-165.
    ⑤ See Yearbook of the Institute of International Law,1983 Session of Cambridge, part Ⅱ, Vol.61, pp.155-209有关该决议的中文译本,参见李浩培译:《不公平竞争的法律抵触规则的决议》,原文载中国检察出版社1996年版《中华法学大辞典》。也可参见李浩培著、凌岩编:《李浩培法学文集》,法律出版社2006年版,第494-495页。
    ⑥ See Exploratory Study on the law applicable to unfair competition, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session (1988), Tome I, Miscellaneous matters, The Hague,1991, pp.60-103.
    ① Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session (1993), Tome Ⅰ, Miscellaneous matters, The Hague,1995, pp.96-106.
    ② Proceedings of the Eighteenth Session (1996),Tome Ⅰ, Miscellaneous matters, The Hague,1999, p.90.
    ③ Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000, Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated.
    ④ Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000, Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.36.
    ⑤ Official Journal of the European Union, L149/22-L149/39,11th June 2005参见Wolfgang Schuhmacher, The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. 载于 Reto M. Hilty, Frauke Henning-Bodewig(editors), Law against Unfair Competition, Towards a new paradigm in Europe? Springer,2007;杜志华:《欧盟不公平商业行为指令简介》,载《法学评论》2007年第5期;马元生编译:《欧盟关于不公平商业行为指令的问答》,载《中国标准化》2005年第7期。
    ⑥ Official Journal of the European Union, L199/40-L199/49,31.7.2007参见王定贤译:《非合同之债法律适用条例》(罗马公约Ⅱ),载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2008年第十一卷),第563页;Peter Hay, Contemporary Approaches to Non-Contractual Obligations in Private International Law(Conflict of Laws) and
    ① Commission of the European Communities Document No. XIV/398/72.
    ②第10条是有关非合同之债法律适用的一般原则。第10条第一款规定的是非合同之债法律适用的“行为地法”原则—由损害或伤害事件(Event)所导致之非合同之债,适用事件发生地国法(governed by the law of the country in which that event occurred)。第二、三款系非合同之债法律适用的“更密切联系”原则(Closer Connection),在有更密切联系之他国情形,排除行为地法适用而适用更密切联系地国法;第三款则说明何谓“更密切联系”。第四款规定在有两个以上受害人的情形下,法律的适用问题应分别确定之。第11条系对第10条的进一步说明。即适用第10条时应当考虑的因素:包括法律责任的条件和范围,豁免,赔偿的种类、形式和范围,受害人继承人问题,第三人行为的责任问题等等。综合不同意见,专家组对该条设计了两个备选条文,但两者仅有个别词汇上的差异,根本是一致的。第12条是有关非合同之债法律适用的公共秩序问题(Security or Public Interest)。即事件发生地当时有效的社会安全和公共利益问题。第13条是有关未发生损害或伤害的非合同之债的法律适用问题,其适用原则和次序与第10条相同。第14条是例外条款,即第10-13条不适用于国家、公法人及其组成机构和代表的规定。
    ⑤ See Ole Lando, B. V. Hoffmann, K. Siehr, European Private International Law of Obligations, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) TUBINGEN,1975.
    ⑦ See Jan Von Hein, Proceedings of the Duke Law Center for International and Comparative Law and Tulane Law Review Symposium:The New European Choice-of-Law Revolution:Lessons for The United States?:Contract and Tort Law:Something Old and Something Borrowed, but Nothing New? Rome II and the European Choice-of-Law Evolution,82 Tul. L. Rev.2008, p.1673.
    ③ See Symeon C. Symeonides, Rome II and Tort Conflicts:A Missed Opportunity,56 Am. J. Comp. L.173 (2008), p.177.
    ④ See Jan Von Hein, Proceedings of the Duke Law Center for International and Comparative Law and Tulane Law Review Symposium:The New European Choice-of-Law Revolution:Lessons for The United States?:Contract and Tort Law:Something Old and Something Borrowed, but Nothing New? Rome II and the European Choice-of-Law Evolution,82 Tul. L. Rev.2008, p.1675.
    ⑤2007年1月18日,Diana Wallis被选为欧洲议会副议长。有关Diana Wallis的简历及工作报告,见http://www.dianawallismep.org.uk/pages/aboutdianaindex.html,2008.9.30访问。
    ⑥ See Eur. Parl., P6 TA(2005) 0284. (Codecision procedure:first reading.)
    ①有关二读的报告,参见:http://www.dianawallismep.org.uk/resources/sites/Ⅱ/Secon d+Reading+draft+report.pdf,2008.9.30 查看。
    ② See Stephen Turner, Rome II-all change? 156 New Law Journal 2006, pp.1666-1668.
    ③ See O. J.2007 L199/40.
    ② See Hague Conference on Private International Law, Prel. Doc. No 5 of April 2000 Note on Conflicts of Laws on the Question of Unfair Competition:Background and Updated, p.9.
    ① See Official Journal of the European Union,11.6.2005, L149/30.
    ③参见2005年UCP Directive前置说明第10条、及正文第16条。
    ③参见Matthias W. Stecher主编、孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标/Webvertising unfair competition and trademarks on the internet)),中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第10页。
    ⑦《比利时国际私法典》第11条规定:即使本法另有规定,如果案件与比利时有紧密联系并且诉讼看起来 不可能在外国进行或要求到国外提起诉讼不合理,则比利时法院将例外地享有管辖权。参见梁敏、单海玲译:《比利时国际私法典》,载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2005年第八卷),第562-563页。
    11 参见李浩培:《国际民事程序法概论》,法律出版社1996年版,第20-25页;韩德培主编:《国际私法》,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社2007年第二版,第180-182页;黄进主编:《国际私法》,法律出版社,2005年版,第261-263页。
    11 保加利亚共和国2005年《关于国际私法的法典》第63、114条。
    12 土耳其1982年《国际私法和国际程序法》第7条。
    13 白俄罗斯共和国1999年《民法典》第1118条。
    14 哈萨克斯坦共和国1999年《民法典》第1106条。
    15 2005年《乌克兰国际私法》第35条。
    16 吉尔吉斯共和国1998年《民法典》第1192条。
    17 蒙古国2002年《民法典》第542条。
    18 2000年《阿塞拜疆共和国关于国际私法的立法》,第19条。
    19 1999年《斯洛文尼亚共和国关于国际私法与诉讼法的法律》,第8条。
    20 秘鲁《民法典》第2099条。
    21 参见李浩培:《国际民事程序法概论》,法律出版社1996年版,第20-21页;韩德培主编:《国际私法》,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社2007年第二版,第181页。
    22 如1965年海牙《关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约》。
    ① See Richard Fentiman, Foreign Law in English Courts:Pleading, Proof, and Choice of Law, Oxford University Press,1998.
    ②参见Sofie Geeroms, Foreign Law in Civil Litigation:A Comparative and Functional Analysis, Oxford University Press,2004;韩德培主编:《国际私法》,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社2007年第二版,第135-141页;黄进主编:《国际私法》,法律出版社2005年第二版,第204-209。
    ③Edita Culinovic-Herc, Arbitrability of Unfair Competition Disputes,3 Croat. Arbit. Yearb.57 (1996), p.62.
    ④黄进、宋连斌、徐前权:《仲裁法学》,中国政法大学出版社2008年版,第22页。有关和解权,See Edita Culinovic-Herc, Arbitrability of Unfair Competition Disputes,3 Croat. Arbit. Yearb.57 (1996), p.63.
    ⑤ See Edita Culinovic-Herc, Arbitrability of Unfair Competition Disputes,3 Croat. Arbit. Yearb.57 (1996), pp. 62-69.当然,该文作者所论‘'unfair competition"也包括反垄断,是前述广义上的“不正当竞争”。
    ⑥ 355 F Supp 1146 (1973, SD NY), affd without op 486 F2d 1394 (1973, CA2 NY).
    ⑦ 104 F3d 616 (1997, CA4 Md),41 USPQ 2d 1478.
    ⑧ 815 F.2d 846 (1987)参见赵秀文:《国际商事仲裁法》(第二版),中国人民大学出版社2008年,第143页。
    ④ See Doris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, p.288.
    ⑤ See Doris E. Long, op. cit. pp.288-289.
    ⑥ Beverly W. Pattishall, David C. Hilliard, Joseph Nye Welch II, Trademarks and Unfair Competition (5d), LexisNexis,2002, p.529.
    ⑤ SeeDoris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, p.295.
    ① 561 F.2d 1365 (10th Cir.1977).
    ② SeeDoris E. Long, Unfair Competition and the Lanham Act, the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1993, p.288.
    ③ Lanham Act 15 U.S.C. § 1117.
    ④ Stephen W. Boney, Inc. v. Boney Serv.,127 F.3d 821,826 (9th Cir.1997); Reader's Digest Assoc. v. Conservative Digest, Inc.,821 F.2d 800,808 (D. C. Cir.1987).
    ⑤ TakeCare Corp. v. Takecare of Oklahoma, Inc.,889 F.2d 955,957,958 (10th Cir.1989); Universal Motor Oils Co. v. Amoco Oil Co.,809 F. Supp.816,823 (D. Kan.1992).
    ⑥ S Industries, Inc. v. Centra 2000, Inc.,249 F.3d 625,627 (7th Cir.2001); Tire Kingdom, Inc. v. Morgan Tire & Auto, Inc.,253 F.3d 1332,1336 (11th Cir.2001); Aromatique, Inc. v. Gold Seal, Inc.,28 F.3d 863 (8th Cir. 1994).
    ②例如2004年公约草案文本第15条:A part of a judgment which awards non-compensatory damages, including exemplary or punitive damages, shall be recognised and enforced if, and to the extent that, a court in the requested State could have awarded similar or comparable damages. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the court addressed from recognising and enforcing the judgment under its law for an amount up to the full amount of the damages awarded by the court of origin.
    ③ Article 11 Damages 1. Recognition or enforcement of a judgment may be refused if, and to the extent that, the judgment awards damages, including exemplary or punitive damages, that do not compensate a party for actual loss or harm suffered. 2. The court addressed shall take into account whether and to what extent the damages awarded by the court of origin serve to cover costs and expenses relating to the proceedings.
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    17.黄勇、岑兆琦编著:《中外反不正当竞争法经典案例评析:Classic Cases and Commentaries)),中信出版社2007年版。
    34.马特斯尔斯·W·斯达切尔主编、孙秋宁译:《网络广告:互联网上的不正当竞争和商标:Unfair Competition and Trademarks on the Internet)),中国政法大学出版社2004年版。
    68. [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨著,潘汉典等译:《比较法总论》,法律出版社2003年版。
    69. [日]山田三良著,李倬译:《国际私法》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版。
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    71. [英]艾伦·雷德芬、马丁·亨特等著,林一飞、宋连斌译:《国际商事仲裁法律与实践》,北京大学出版社2005年版。
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