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This study studied the genetic relations between three kinds of hybrid tilapia and oreochromics niloticus and O.aureus at the level of morphology and molecule. In order to detect the heterosis of three kinds of hybrid and to explain the difference of capability of production at the level of molecule we compared the between-population index of similarity and between-population genetic distance of three kinds of hybrid to oreochromics niloticus and O.aureus. At the same time we distinguished the hybrid from oreochromics niloticus and O.aureus.by new statistic technology and software in morphology and established new means of morphology. This study grounded for breeding and culturing of tilapia theoretically and practically.
    The results of this experiment showed that there were great between-population
    distance between oreochromics niloticus and O.aureus. which indicated the gene of
    oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ was more heterozygous and showed the heterosis
    in oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ . The between-population index of similarity
    between oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ and oreochromics niloticus and
    O.aureus were equal nearly which also certified the heterosis of oreochromics niloticus
    ♀ × O.aureus ♂ .there were high between-population index of similarity between
    (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × O.aureus ♂ and O.aureus which
    indicated that (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × O.aureus ♂ resembled
    O.aureus in idioplasm.it was the same to (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ )  ?×
    (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂) ♂. the result of this experiment explained the
    poor quality of (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × O.aureus ♂ and
    (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus
    ♂ ) ♂ .for example, slow growth, poor food transformation etc. The results of this
    study suggested that (oreochromics niloticus ♀ ×O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × O.aureus ♂ and
    (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus ♂ ) ♀ × (oreochromics niloticus ♀ × O.aureus
    ♂ ) ♂ need more selective breeding and hybridization in order to improve the quality of
    In addition, products of 8323 were found to be molecular markers for identifying oreochromics niloticus and three kinds of hybrid tilapia.products of 8326 and S336 were found to be markers for identifying O.aureus and three kinds of hybrid tilapia.
    It is great meaningful to distinguish pure strain tilapia and hybrid in morphology. The results of this study showed that we could distinguish hybrid tilapia from pure strain tilapia by clustering conducting on metric characters, three kinds of hybrid resembled O.aureus from the result of clustering conducting on metric characters.
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