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With the rapid development of economy, supply chains are more vulnerableto disruptions. Therefore, how to improve management ability of supply chainis particularly important. This paper presents capacity optimization and demanddifusion models of supply chain under disruptions. The main contributions of thisdissertation include:
     1) Before disruption in supply chain network occurs, this paper adopts topolo-gy theory in searching steady state. Based on the study of scale-free network, fowsbetween each node are observed as the weight of each edge. Concepts of T map-ping and F mapping are presented and used in the steady state search algorithm.Performance of the robustness and recovery robustness of supply chain network areanalyzed through node reducing and edge reducing. Based on the scale forecast ofdisruption events, the robustness of supply chain network is optimized.
     2) Before disruption in supply chain occurs, this paper improves the bandwidthin the traditional information difusion theory to make it better in its applicationto emergency demand forecast with less cross time samplings. To curb the surgein demand in the short term, an order lead time discounting policy was proposed.Theory and numerical examples show that supply chain can be coordinated withthis policy.
     3)In the emergency management of supply chain after disruption events occurs,this paper optimized the recovery process of market demand, production capacity,and transportation route. Production capacity and quantity decision problems werestudied with double Logistic growth of market demand after disruption event occurs.Production capacity and quantity optimization models were established and optimalvalues were obtained. In the situation of production capability destroyed, recoverygame models between two manufactures were analyzed, optimal production capacityunder each game model was obtained through an example.
     4) Demand difusion behavior with information transfer was analyzed after dis-ruption event occurs. Two-dimensional nonlinear dynamic system is established insimulating the process of information transfer and demand difusion. Chaotic char-acteristics are visually displayed through this system. In the situation of shortage demand difusion and quantity of shortage shows geometric growth, dynamic modelof shortage demand is established, and evolution path of production quantity andmarket demand are obtained.
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