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The strategy of rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base was put forward by thecentral government in2003. With the implementation of the strategy, it has greatlypromoted the economic development in the northeast region. According GDP ranking in2012, Liaoning province ranked7th, Jilin province ranked22th and Heilongjiangprovince ranked17th. In the process of transforming the government function andpromoting the development of private economic sector, the northeast old industrial basehas also been increasing public investment, especially after the2008financial crisis.Along with the4trillion yuan investment plan by the central government, the publicinvestment scale in northeast old industrial base has increased significantly. However,because of its historical debt in this field, the northeast old industrial base still faces somany problems such as poor infrastructure, serious environmental pollution, backwardeducation and scientific research.
     Upon the10th anniversary of the establishment of the northeast old industrial base,the National Development and Reform Commission issued “the national old industrialbase adjustment planning (2013-2022)". The priorities in the planning are focusedurban renovation and adjustment of the old industrial bases. Under this background, therole of public investment in northeast old industrial base becomes increasingly important.For the northeast old industrial base, the function of public investment is not just to helpcreate a good investment environment and improve people's lives in the region, but totake on the comprehensive effect of "steadying economy, promoting growth, adjustingincome and optimizing structure ". What sectors should public investment be poured in?Is the public investment scale and the structure reasonable? Is the public investmentefficiency reasonable? How to regulate the use of public investments? These problem areto be solved in the process of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base. This thesisaims to study the current situation and effect of public investment in northeast oldindustrial base in this context.
     The main perspectives are as follows:
     1. The areas of public investment in the northeast old industrial base include: First,the public infrastructure areas, such as electric power, transportation, warehouses and telecommunications, etc. Second, the public services areas, such as education, culture,radio, health, sports, etc. Third, the R&D areas. Fourth, the ecological environmentconstruction areas. Fifth, the emerging industries and bottleneck industries. Sixth, thepublic facilities and public services related to national security. Given the availability ofdata, the paper mainly studies the first four areas of public investment, and summarizes itin three types: public physical capital investment, public human capital investment andpublic R&D investment.
     2. This paper also explores the current situation and influencing factors of publicinvestment in northeast old industrial base. Public investment scale in northeast oldindustrial base should be divided into three stages: slow-growth stage, standstill stage,and expanding rapidly stage. By comparing and analyzing the data of coastal andsouthwest regions since2003, the paper indicates that public investment scale innortheast old industrial base has been increasing, but the overall scale is insufficient. Italso offers in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of insufficient public investmentand finds the main reasons as follow: ambiguous government function positioning, thechange of the regional economic development strategy, the onefold funding channels andoccasional factors, etc.
     3. On the basis of describing the evolution of public investment structure in thenortheast old industrial base, the paper makes a present situation analysis about it, whichincludes project structure, regional structure and urban and rural structure. The authorbelieves that unreasonable public investment project structure leads to the proportion ofpublic human capital investment and public R&D investment less serious; unreasonableregion structure and urban and rural structure lead to the larger regional gap andurban-rural gap, and find the left over by history during planned economy era, theinadequate of public investment, the slow change of government function and thegovernment working index system measured by economics are the main reasons.
     4. The paper considers that public investment effect in northeast old industrial basemainly includes the economic growth effect and social welfare effect. Using the VARmodel to analyze the economic growth effect of public investment scale, the paper drawsa conclusion that it is a positive correlation among public investment, private investmentand economic growth, but the impact is not so significant; At the same time, by using the co-integration analysis method to analyze the economic growth effect of publicinvestment structure, it finds that the largest contribution to economic growth is materialcapital investment, investment in human capital posterior while R&D investment posesba negative impact on economic growth. In terms of social welfare effect, with thedevelopment of regional economy, it has constantly improved the social welfare effect ofpublic investment in northeast old industrial base, but has low employment effect andeducation effect. Finally, the paper analyzes deep-rooted factors of lower publicinvestment effect at institutional aspect, and finds out the main reasons as follow: scopeof public investment is not clear, decision-making process of public investment is notscientific, investment and financing system of public investment is not sound andsupervision system of public investment is not complete.
     5. Put forward optimization suggestions for public investment in the northeast oldindustrial base. First, determine the moderate scale of public investment. By using theleast square method, the estimation for public investment appropriate scale in thenortheast old industrial base is12.07%. That is to say, when a public investment as ashare of GDP reaches12.07%, the economies will grow the fastest. Second, optimizepublic investment structure. The paper suggests that human capital investment and R&Dinvestment as well as the public investment in underdeveloped region should beincreased both on the premise of maintaining appropriate physical capital investmentproportion. Third, improve public investment effect. The paper thinks that the followingmeasures should be taken: specify reasonable scope of public investment and publicinvestment objectives, establish a scientific public investment decision-making system,improve the public investment supervision system, improve the financing system ofpublic investment projects and attract private investment into public investments.
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