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The industry cluster has become one of the most important economic phenomena in the world and an essential mode of the advantageous industries of all countries. The study of industry cluster has reached its climax in the world. It is necessary to start the research of the shipbuilding industry cluster since the shipbuilding industry is being concentrated in some regions with its industry cluster emerging.
    First the paper introduces the basic cluster theory and the characteristics of shipbuilding industry. Secondly it gives definitions of the relevant concepts of shipbuilding industry cluster and analyzes the basic types and major characteristics and structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster. Finally it makes a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of the formation of the shipbuilding industry from macro-medium -micro angles.
    Based on the symbiosis theory, the paper studies the formation mechanism and the symbiosis of the development and structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster. It analyzes the symbiosis system and the symbiosis structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster, the symbiosis relation and mode of the shipbuilding industry cluster. It studies the balanced condition of the symbiosis and stability based on the Logistic model.
    In fact the formation and development of the shipbuilding industry cluster is a process of outside and new business enterprises investing in this industry continuously. In terms of the vertical industry chain relation and the competition relation among horizontal enterprises, it analyzes the enterprise entry into this industry based on the game theory. Meanwhile, it makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the evolution of the shipbuilding industry cluster and establishes a mathematical model of the life cycle of the shipbuilding industry cluster.
    The paper analyzes the status of shipbuilding industry cluster in the Yangtze River Delta. It carries out a positive research into the shipbuilding industry cluster in the Yangtze River Delta and Taizhou city by means of a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to demonstrate the existence and symbiotic formation mechanism of the shipbuilding industry clusters and its development stage. Finally the paper suggests some plans to develop the shipbuilding industry in the Yangtze
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