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Objectives:To analyse the main contents of MSM intervention in different places in the central regions of Chongqing, analyse the fund investment and the actual expenditure cost to provide related evidences for carrying out the intervention effectively among MSM.
     Methods:Quantitative and qualitative methods were both used to study the related information about the MSM intervention in the central regions of Chongqing between2006and2009. Analyse the quantitative data from case reports, sentinel surveillance, special surveys and questionnaires to describe the effectiveness and problems of the MSM intervention in Chongqing. Collect and analyse the information about the fund source, allocation and working areas investment of the resource invested for the MSM intervention. The actual expenditure cost of intervention was calculated with activity-based costing The intervention contents, difficulties and problems about the resource utilization and allocation were provided through qualitative interviews. A Data-base was established using Microsoft Office Excel2003. SPSS15.0was used for statistics analysis.
     Results:The percentage of finding sexual partners of MSM in Chongqing through Internet, bar and bathhouse were65%,18%,7%respectively, and interventions through internet and in bar and bathhouse were conducted accordingly. The main contents of intervention through internet were referral and target population recruitment. The contents of intervention in bar were delivering the HIV/AIDS information, condoms and lubricants. The contents of intervention in bathhouse were preventing the high risk behaviours and delivering the HIV/AIDS information, condoms and lubricants. Total resources allocated for MSM intervention in central regions of Chongqing between2006and2009were4.448million, of which the biggest (48.1%) is from Gates. The expenditure of intervention was divided into direct and indirect expenditure. The direct expenditure was mainly used to conduct outreach and internet intervention, counting for50.6%of the total expenditure. The indirect expenditure was mainly used for creating supporting environment, capacity building and M&E, which counting for49.4%. The cost of MSM covered by intervention through internt and in bar and bathhouse decreased from68.7,67.3,67.9yuan per person times in2006to40.9,30.2,17.5yuan in2009resectively, and the cost of HIV positive case finding dercreased from51877.5,36787.3,16287.3yuan per person to14052.5,4672.1,1950.2yuan respectively.
     Conclusions:The intervention among MSM in the central regions of Chongqing were mainly conducted through internet and in bar and bathhouse, and different contents were included according to the circumstances. The resource of MSM intervention was mostly from government investment and financial support of international cooperation program. The proportions of direct expenditure of the3interventions accounting for the total expenditure were different as a result of the different contents included. The unit costs of MSM covered by intervention, of promoting HIV testing and HIV positive case finding all had decreaing trends.
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