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Followed Marxism basic understanding about the culture, China started to carry out a large-scale cultural construction, Since the founding of People's Republic of China. Along with recognizing the limitations of Marxism and the worldwide rise of cultural industries, China's cultural reform carried out, thereby spawned a public culture and operating culture--two different areas. Public culture is with the public welfare, operating culture is with the profitability, they have obviously different, but there are close links. This paper from the public theory, from the profit point of view, with Chinese unique cultural context, give the concepts and basic definition of " public culture" and "opertating culture", that "culture undertakings " is a non-profit Public culture, nonprofit cultural industry,"opertating culture" is the operating culture industry, for-profit cultural industries, they belong to the same large areas of cultural industries. Public culture is the social, public, foundation, public welfare undertakings, opertating culture is the creative type, borrowed, technology-cycle type, and lead to-based industries, affected by the cultural core resources, infrastructure and communication carriers, science and technology, human resources and the supply of public goods, that is governed by the degree of development of Public culture, the development of Public culture creates a huge role in promoting opertating culture, which can provide opertating culture cultural resources, cultural capital, cultural technology and cultural talents, also cultivate a culture of consumer demand, create the environment for industrial development0Therefore, this paper presents a research thesis of promotion mechanism about Public culture and opertating culture,
     on this basis, With the help of industrial elements of economic theory, the paper analyzed the mechanism and operating mechanism of developing public culture to promote opertating culture, so the research topics was regulate verified. Analysis pointed out:cultural infrastructure, cultural arts resources, career capital accumulation, technological support, personnel training, government purchases, the market environment and other Public culture factors, can be entered into the opertating culture cycle by resource competition, investment-driven, technology innovation, copyright protection, supply and demand-pull mechanism mechanisms, thus to promote the development of opertating culture. Then, continue from the perspective of industrial elements, analyzes the development of opertating culture patterns and evolutionary path, and then from the actual situation of China's opertating culture, puts forward China's path selection of developing public culture to promote opertating culture, namely uses their own resources, plays a role in promoting characteristics, identifies key cultural construction, to promote opertating culture development and upgrading, to realize resource endowment-based, capital-driven, technological innovation, cultural and creative type "spider evolution."
     In the qualitative analysis, based on the research literature through a comprehensive analysis to quantify the research topics on developing public culture to promote opertating culture, the results showed that:financial, human resources and physical inputs on the opertating culture has a huge role in promoting. Next, in the perspective of public culture into direct and indirect investment, empirically analyzed the research with the establishment of econometric model about China's developing Public culture to promote opertating culture, and the results showed that investment in Public culture and industry was a significant linear correlation between increase investment can significantly improve the industrial level, the results also showed that there were obvious structural transition period on the development process, so it is need to further accelerate the reform of cultural system, to guide the market mechanism to play a greater role. Finally the introduction of Porter-Diamond-Model to evaluate the role of developing public culture to promote opertating culture, the results show that it can have an enormous scale, structural effects and period effects. Therefore, the emphasis on both Public culture and opertating culture, developing Public culture to promote opertating culture, can become an important breakthrough of promoting culture industries to a pillar industry of the national economy.
     Next, the development of China's public culture and opertating culture are analyzed. Because the basis of culture undertakings in China is still weak, the industrial level is still not high enough, there is an urgent need to vigorously strengthen and enhance culture undertakings to support and drive opertating culture. In this process, the government can achieve a win-win situation, by overall consideration to cultural resource utilization and capital investment, a major leading role of nonprofit cultural projects through the development of targeted planning and implementation of development of Public culture, to improve the efficiency of resource use and cultural development effectiveness.
     From the research perspective, to follow the development of Public culture and opertating culture to promote the mechanism of action and evolutionary path, combined with China's opertating culture development of the actual situation, and the two interactive development of the situation, put forwards policy framework policy ideas and policy recommendations of China's developing Public culture to promote opertating culture. That is, on the basis of the scientific definition of government functions, primarily areas and working principles, determines the countermeasures, proposes the polices of strengthening cultural infrastructure construction, improving the coverage and quality of public culture, innovation and operational mechanism of public cultural protection, the establishment of cultural personnel training security mechanism, increase cultural and technological innovation and so on.
     Public fiscal policy is the most important means of controlling of developing Public culture to promote opertating culture, European and American countries fiscal and tax policy of non-profit cultural experiences showed that nonprofit culture is the focus and priority areas. China's cultural profile and fiscal policy problems that our country has not really be inherently "weak" culture into the "weak" position for strategic support, Especially in the current fiscal support absolute lack of cultural circumstances, fiscal policy too much emphasis on the need for opertating culture. Follow the established culture in the fiscal support of the priority focus on improving the efficiency of resource allocation culture, support the cause of industrial classification, and highlight support key ideas, Proposes the fiscal and tax policy recommendation, that is to intensify cultural investment, and actively explore new mode of cultural investment, formulate tax policies to guide the development system, strengthen fiscal policy coordination, determine taxation policies to support key recommendations.
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