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Since the reform and opening up,the income of residents in China grow rapidly,andthe urban-rural income gap also increases greatly. The large urban-rural income gap hasbecome an important factor restricting our economic development. Thus, it has greatpractical significance to understand the reason of the widening income gap between urbanand rural areas.
     The urban-rural income gap is a comprehensive problem,the purpose of this study isto explain the expansion of China's urban-rural income gapthe from perspective of initialdistribution and institutional transformation. The reason why we choose this perspective isthat the existing research can not explain the problems of urban-rural income gap in Chinaaccurately. The research method of existing research is to see the urban and rural areas astwo relatively independent regions, so they can explain from the economic development ofthe two areas,which determin the income of resident income,and which is determined bythe difference of production factors (mainly the number of capital) of the two regions. Themain problem of research method is from this perspective can not explain why the urban-rural income gap before the reform and opening up staied at a relatively low level oflong-term stability, while the production factors had the same difference in this perioed.Another problem is that, even the urban and rural can be seen as two relatively independentareas in the short-term, buet in the long-term, they should be seen as a whole.
     Seeing from the theoretical basis of the existing research, the key problems of thisresearch perspective is its theoretical basis is deficient in explaining the economic growth.Most of the existing research based on the mainstream macroeconomic growth theory anddevelopment economics; however, many economic phenomena can not be accuratelyinterpreted from these theories. The profound reason is they regard the capital accumulationas the main reason of economic growth, so the economic growth is a continuous process offactor accumulation and configuration. However, economic growth is not only a process ofquantitative change about factor accumulation and configuration, but also is a processqualitative change about division of agriculture and industry. So the key factor to understand how the economic development is affected by the evolution of division of laborand changes of the economic structure. Unlike the existing research,,based on thetheoretical framework of the new classical economics, this paper The division study fromthe perspective of evolution of division of labor, which determine the economic growth,and then determine the income level. The more important point is that this framework cansincorporat institutional factorsed into the analysis of economic growth. The economicinstitutions determine the economic growth and income levels by affecting the efficiency ofthe transaction which determines the level of division of labor. This theoreticalbreakthrough provides a theoretical feasibility to study China's urban-rural income gapfrom institutional transformation for this paper.
     Referring to previous studies, the third chapter sees the urban and rural areas as towregions. Combined with the study of change of our market-oriented reforming andurban-rural income gap, the dissertation presents the idea that, the main reason resulted inChina's urban-rural income gap is the different economic institution between the urban andrural areas, which was resulting from China's gradual reforms, that led to a differentdivision of labor, and then the level of economic growth and income levels. Simultaneously,China's policy of opening up also expanded the urban-rural income gap by improving thelevel of division of the industrial sector. Relevant empirical researches support theseconclusions.
     Based on of the third chapter, Chapter four saw the urban and rural economy as a wholethrough the perspective of the urban and rural labor mobility. This chapter focuses on howthe polices of migration limition of urban and rural labor and the changes of those policesaffect the urban-rural income gap in China. Both the theoretical and empirical analysisshow that, labor mobility restrictions is one of the important institutional factors that resultin China's urban-rural income disparities; both in the context of free movement of laborandlabor mobility restrictions, labor mobility can narrow the urban-rural income gap; but in theconditions of labor mobility restrictions, the role of labor mobility to narrow the incomegap between urban and rural areas may can not reflect due to the effects of other factors.This conclusion can be used to explain the phenomenon of the simultaneously expanding ofChina's labor mobility scale and urban-rural income gap.
     Overall, the reason for China's urban-rural income gap disparities is that, in the context of urban and rural labor mobility restrictions, it is the differences of urban and ruraleconomic development which determined by institutional transformation that determinesled to the urban economy developed faster than rural economy, then the income gapbetween urban and rural residents expanded. Therefore, the feasible way narrowing theurban-rural income gap in China is to reform of the relevant economic system. Specifically,relaxing restrictions on labor mobility in urban and rural areas, and accelerating themarket-oriented transformation of the rural economic system. These practices are not onlyconducive to narrowing the income gap between urban and rural, but also conducive topromoting China's economic growth. In addition, as the problem of income gap betweenurban and rural areas is a comprehensive issue, some other policy recommendations tonarrow the income gap between urban and rural areas has also been included in thisanalysis, such as income redistribution reform and agricultural industrialization support andso on.
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