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With the birth and rapid development of internet, internet language as a kind of language variant, attracts more and more attention and gradually changes thoughts, opinions and life styles of human beings. To communicate effectively, human beings must make it clear that Chinese internet language represents the exact meaning in different contexts. In the past, the researches into the metaphorical interpretation in Chinese internet language are carried out from the static perspective, such as word-formation and characteristics of Chinese internet language. Relevance theory will be applied to interpret metaphor in Chinese internet language from the dynamic perspective in this thesis.
     Metaphor is an important manner for cognitive development. Cognitive development means that the old and familiar knowledge reaches an extension into the new and unfamiliar one. The source domain in metaphors often refers to the old, familiar and known object. The target domain means the new, strange, unfamiliar, and unknown object. On the basis of the source domain, human beings usually interpret the target domain, produce a conceptual metaphor system, and get the new meaning. This is a mapping process in which similarity is required. The mapping process plays the same role in Chinese internet language. Based on the previous study of metaphor in Chinese internet language, metaphors in Chinese internet language are classified into two categories in accordance with similarities. One category of metaphor is based on the physical similarities. The other category of metaphor is based on the physical and psychological similarities. Some examples are given to explain the metaphorical mapping.
     A questionnaire is adopted to investigate metaphor interpretation in Chinese internet language and the collected data are analyzed and compared carefully. This method proves three presumptive questions on metaphor interpretation in Chinese internet language, that is, whether communicator can correctly interpret metaphors in Chinese internet language, whether communicators of different age groups differently interpret metaphors in Chinese internet language, and whether there are differences between metaphor interpretation of the first category and that of the second category. According to the result of the careful analysis, some solutions are proposed. Communicators can select the proper context, apply ostensive– inferential model and find the optimal relevance to interpret metaphors in Chinese internet language.
     The present study has certain significance in theory and practice. Theoretically, it attempts to strengthen the interpretation power of relevance theory and related metaphor theory. And it contributes to probe the communicative theory of internet language. Practically, it facilitates to remove the communicative barriers to promote internet communication, helps correctly treat Chinese internet language, propel the communication among different age groups, and know the cultural meaning internet language represents.
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