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Chinese economy is in rapid growth at the same time, along with the shortage of domestic demand, extensive model develop way, led to China's economic dependence on foreign high. Especially in the economic development in higher logistics cost restricted economic growth efficiency. For these problems, the existing literature is mainly from the production point of view to study how to expand domestic demand, change the mode of economic development, how to promote economic growth. Include to improve human capital, technical progress. But these suggestions and ignore an implicit assumption that the production and consumption of docking without cost, if the current cost is higher, the expansion of the scale of production will only lead to product inventory increases ceaselessly, but very difficult to translate into useful products to satisfy the needs of the consumers. This is since China s economic development mode is difficult to fundamentally change the main reason.
     The circulation as the intermediate link of production and consumption, because the past is only confined to the circulation and production relationship, not the circulation industry as placed on the national economy industry to study, and thus cannot be comprehensive analysis of circulation affects economic growth mechanism. This shows the development of the circulation industry level, directly affect the overall economic efficiency. This paper on China's circulation industry growth capacity comprehensive evaluation, found that growth in scale and the level of potential and environment, the largest proportion, basically maintained an upward trend, is to improve the circulation industry growth capacity of main power. The degree of modernization, growth quality proportion of times, but larger fluctuations, the overall upward trend, that China's circulation industry growth ability is weaker, is mainly depend on the quantity expansion, instead of relying on quality to reflect its growth ability. Influence of the target of current job growth capacity contribution is negative, fluctuant range is most obvious, overall declining trend, blocked the growth ability.
     On this basis, this article from the perspective of division of labor of regional differences in the development of circulation industry. We think, area of the eastpart part of circulation industry development mainly depends on the area within the division, western area of area division of labor among the dependence is more obvious, the western regions in the domestic interregional division of labor in a comparative disadvantage. The eastern region circulation industry on the international division of labor depends on the extent of the largest.
     Through the convective circulation growth ability evaluation and regional difference analysis, then from the perspective of circulation circulation efficiency influence on economic growth. According to our current intermediary between production and consumption the cohesive function, put forward the development of circulation industry to promote economic growth in three ways:first, the circulation industry as part of the national economy, not only can promote the output increase, but also can promote economic growth; second, circulation efficiency function, namely the circulation circulation intermediaries play the effect of scale economy and scope economy, through saving the producers and consurhers of the transaction cost, on one hand makes the consumers'income increase, on the other hand, through the lower commodity prices brought about by the income effect to jointly promote the growth of the residents'consumption, so as to expand inside needed important target; third, the circulation industry in the promotion of economic growth in the process, and producer common commitment commodity contradiction of produce and sale, which are helpful for enterprises to play the advantage of specialized division of labor, use new technology to expand the scale of production, and the production efficiency is improved, so as to promote the transformation of economic development mode.
     This article from the circulation effect of economic growth in three aspects, through theoretical and empirical analysis of circulation industry in economic growth provides circulation efficiency, reduce transaction costs, improve the effectiveness of commodity. We found the circulation industry on economic growth effect of embodied in its own economic growth function, and through the efficiency function of expanding domestic demand, provide the enterprise productivity, promote the transformation of economic development mode.
     From the regional perspective, the circulation industry promotion role on economic growth has obvious regional difference. Whether in business or the development of the logistics industry, the economic growth positive effect on performance for the largest in eastern and western, illustrated, this fully illustrated center-west region circulation industry development deficiencies.
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