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    本文首先介绍了智能家居和BACnet 的发展及其特点,引出了智能家居控制中心的设计与实现这一课题。接着分析了系统的功能需求和系统的特点,然后提出了系统的概要设计方案,并不断完善细化给出了详细的设计。对于本人在课题中的主要任务:三表子系统与数据库子系统的开发,本文做了最为详细的阐述。在本文中作者还介绍了BACnet 标准协议中的面向对象要素:对象、属性和服务,说明面向对象技术在BACnet标准中的具体应用。在此基础上采用面向对象的思想设计了各个部分的接口,并且采用C 语言进行了代码的实现。最后对系统进行了总结并就今后研究工作的方向和内容提出了作者的想法和建议。
With the develop of technology,people think much more of resident environment than ever.In the past a wonderful house just can help people shelter from storm ,but now we consider that a house must bring a safety, comfortable and convenient living surroundings to the people who live in.I believe in the future with the world’s resource become more and more exiguity, energy-saving will become a imporment factor when people appraise a house .When we try to implement the characteristic we said above about a modern house ,we found we must connect all the device in the home ,and make them can do some decision together by some rule.
    As we know, Smart-House is the core of automatic system in facility, which function is focused on system setting, device managing and real-time monitoring. And the performance of building automation control system is directly depended on the reliability of software system and the integrality of function. The prime purpose of BACnet is to provide an interoperation method for building automation control system..
    In this report, the development as well as characteristics of Smart-House and Bacnet is introduced firstly. Based on the introduction, the objective of this project is presented, namely to implement Smart-House-Control-Center. The following part is the analysis of the functional request together with the property of the system. Smart-House-Control-Center is the kernel part of the home Devices Automation System,and it is in charge of system setup, device management, real-time monitoring, etc. Then, the designing plan is presented as greater details. For Three-Meter gateway, object-oriented approach is adopted,and for database, connect pool method are employed. Furthermore, We introduced three elements for communication in BACnet standard protocol, which are object, property and service. And the implenetation of object-oriented approach in Bacnet standard is presented also. Based on all of the concepts above, we use the object-oriented theory to design, implement and develop all of the interface based on C. Finally, we summarize the entire system as conclusion and future work are also presented.
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