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Income distribution system is a fundamental, basic institutional arrangements, ineconomic development. However, with the deepening of the market economic systemreform.since the gap between rich and poor in the last century ninety's begening, and itwidened after the new century,once on the wealth growth and wealth accumulation pattern ofdistribution of interests play a major role has gradually imbalance. The distribution of incomecaused by injustice has affected the balance of interests of different social strata and groups,and then evolved into a serious social problem, is directly restricts the development of China'seconomy and the construction of harmonious society, it is time for the distribution patternadjusted.
     The balance of interests is the basic problem of the national income distribution system.At all times and in all countries thinkers to balance the interests of the distribution of incomeas a safeguard social fairness and justice, promote the comprehensive development of theimportant social problems. The relation between the natural distribution of income andbalance of interests:The balance of interests is the value pursuit of income distribution,function and reform power.Income distribution is the implementation basis and approach thebalance of interests. They together constitute an indivisible whole, become the two basispoints of this thesis.
     The income distribution system in Sweden in the regulation of domestic interests playeda key role. It is based on the mixed economy on the basis of the fair distribution of income, inprinciple, with particular emphasis on regulatory effect of redistribution, with obvious welfarecolor. Distribution system formation and development to the development of the welfaresystem as the main characteristic, with the Social Democratic Party as the watershed, isdivided into sprouting, rapid development and the reform and adjustment of three stages. Thebasic content includes the initial distribution of the payroll vote, the redistribution of transferpayment and tax system, and the third distribution of charity and civic donations. It is thepractice path of developed economy, the growth of the workers movement and the SPD's long-term governance, active employment policy and complete legal system.
     Redistribution of social security and tax is the most characteristic system of incomedistribution system in sweden. Method of promoting fair distribution system of redistributionis:the redistribution of funds from the income of all members of society, and benefit forlow-income and vulnerable groups. It is the general collection combined with emphasis onexpenditure. High tax not only regulate high income but also to provide financial support forsocial security. Through the universal enjoyment type social security expenditure to providesecurity for the social members, Particularly attention to protection and assistance forlow-income and vulnerable groups. Through the social security to narrow the income gap,promote fair distribution. High taxes and high welfare closely together bear the burden ofincome redistribution, narrowing the gap between rich and poor, to promote social fairness.
     Expression of interest is the important guarantee mechanism of income distributionsystem in sweden. Expression of interest to promote the balance of interests in two ways: Themain way of expression of interest is the mixed economy of collective agreement system.Through the wage agreement, labor management labor market, workers' participation indecision-making and the collective holding four ways to adjust and relax the laborcontradiction. In the expression of capitalist democratic politics interest set by maintaining thebasic citizen power distribution, promote fair distribution. A process of interest expression isin essence a process of various interest groups to compromise, compromise of interests intime, Swedish society gradually tends to balance.
     Government intervention is the dominant income distribution system in Swedenadjustment factors. The market mechanism is very limited for the realization of social justice,and the government only the "invisible hand" is an important and positive role of prominent.The government will clean factor into all aspects of distribution adjustment. In the initialdistribution to reduce government rent-seeking, regulate market order, the labor remunerationto provide fair and reasonable allocation environment relatively perfect labor coordinationmechanism.In the second distribution through the improvement of the social security taxsystem, tax collection and management and improve the legal system to strengthen the justiceof distribution.
     On the Swedish model, most of the research from the perspective of the relationshipbetween fairness and efficiency of academic argument, should be giving priority to efficiencyor fairness priority.This paper believes that, justice and efficiency is a basis of the socialsystem of choice, but the equity and efficiency are basic reason of priorities is not restricted tothe development of the society, the balance of interests is the restriction of social developmentand the impetus factors.Fairness and efficiency priority, is fundamentally to solve the balanceproblem of interest.The greatest contribution to the Swedish model is not to solve the fairnessand efficiency of who preferred, but in the interests of the numerous and complicated in arelatively balanced state, the core experience is in the national income distribution system toachieve balance of interests, is the concentrated expression between the economicdevelopment and social fairness and balance the two interest groups, the balance of interestsbetween and market regulation and government regulation of the balance.
     From the nature of the income distribution system, income distribution system inSweden adjustment and reform is essentially a capitalist ego adjustment. From the socialpractice, the contradiction between social production and capitalist private ownership havenot been fundamentally resolved, however, they eased to a certain extent. These prove thelegitimacy of capitalism in the real rule in has not been a fundamental threat. After adjust andperfect capitalism still has further promote productivity development space. This decision ofthe reform of the income distribution system in Sweden in the future can only be carried outin the capitalist system range. Although the income distribution system in Sweden did notbreak through the framework of capitalism, but the policy goals, system design of thedemocratic equality, as well as the critique to the capitalism sincere, has the significance ofimproving actively to the capitalism.
     In this paper, under the guidance of Marx historical materialism, based on fairness andefficiency two fulcrum, from the perspective of interest balance, the income distributionpattern in Sweden as an example, through the analysis of forming process, systemarrangement, the practice path of the income distribution system in Sweden, extracted fromthe Swedish experience income distribution pattern.Aiming at the difficulty of the reform ofthe distribution system of income of our country and the existing problems, and puts forward some suggestions for establishing a scientific and efficient fair and reasonable incomedistribution system in China.Mainly.
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